Saturday, April 9, 2011

Heart Gold Freezing Fix

Preparatory Act. XXIII National Civil Law in Tucuman 2011.

This year, there will be XXIII National Civil Right to be held on 29 and 30 September and 1 October in the city of Tucumán.
From teaching and research, has been escorted to the National Conference from its inception, actively participating in them, both in Buenos Aires and the interior of the country, with a clear commitment to academic acontentecimiento important, since its inception.
In this regard, the Director of the Institute of Damage from the Bar Association of the Federal Capital and the author of this blog, Professor Dr. MR Garrido Lidia Cordobera next to the Director of the Center for Civil Law Studies, Faculty UBA Law, Professor Emeritus Dr. Atilio A. Alterini reaffirm their ongoing and active commitment to this important event for all legal professionals nationwide, preparing for this day prior to meet, chat, post and approach this event.
In agreement, the Institute of Damage from the Bar Association of the Federal Capital (CPACF) and the Center for Civil Law Studies of the Faculty of Law (Law Current Society, Institute of Social and Legal Research "Ambrosio L. Gioia."
From this week open enrollment to participate as a student and the general public, do not stand out!

I hope they continue, Making Contracts!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where To Buy Wholesale Milk In Toronto

What are you thinking? III

  • political Ideal imaginary intelligence : Ideally, ultimately, would be to always agree with what we do, but never with what we think.

  • epistemic Bet intelligence imagine: We are only interested if profane sacred, we are only interested if the sacred profane.

  • methodological Axiom Intelligence Imaginary: Do not let the similarities make us forget the rich differences or differences I blind us to the fascinating similarities.

  • We are now 7,000 million human beings on this tiny planet, and the number keeps growing. Are there still Cojonudos who dare to call an "intelligent race?

  • "Bitter" as SAR : put a person that holds a grudge for frustrations, disappointments, etc. (Those SAR are some idiots, who lives bitterness well lived.)

  • a carnecita Grilling on the surface of a white dwarf. The invitation for friends warns, hurry before it gets cold (it's a joke but no one understood).

  • Every man makes fun of others, and everyone is right (Schopenhauer Style).

  • In contrast to the day, night and intermittent mechanical, rather a state of eternal dusk, followed a few random and horrific eclipses.

  • This statement is more stupid than its meaning ...

  • People are divided into two political and intellectual attitude: those who believe that an idea is worth a good orgasm and the idiots who think so.

  • The difference between robots and humans is that the robots are exploited his head when faced with a logical paradox.

  • Facebook plays an important role in the processes of self-awareness and complex reflection of modern man. In fact, before reading the slogan "What are you thinking?" Most people are not thinking at all (and a considerable part of them reflects this sad reality as expressed below).

  • Thank God my stupidity is another.

  • Adolescence is not a disease but a wonderfully mimics.

  • The description of carnal love perfect: with anxiety but without haste.

  • The stupidity takes over the world at a rate so fast that conventional warfare is not enough to stop it. Toca atomic bomb test conceptual spread indiscriminately.

  • The morally opposed to one that believes in God is not an atheist (who does not believe in God), but a person who does not understand at all what it could mean the word God.

  • Oh, Hippias, what is beauty? ... "The beauty is what makes The Gatico." Endpoint.

  • In order to be biologically correct Spiderman spider web you should get out but the rear.

  • First Law of catty behavior: If a kitten finds she can do something then necessarily will (including violation of the first law of catty behavior.)

  • If knowledge is transmitted sexually. Are Brothels colleges or universities would Brothels?

  • A mini erotic poetry: "That between you and me can only be a river"

  • I protest against global warming by turning on all lights whores planet at a time. To see if something broke no more.

Titles of articles published

The concept of Moira and the loss of Kairos in the roadrunner and the coyote.

• A hypothesis Woodpecker treatment through cognitive psychology.

• Language games. Case study talks about Porky Pig.

• Psychoanalysis and resentment on the Duck.

• Fundamentals of the theory of relativity with Speedy Gonzales.

• The fundamental quarrel between cyber and chance in the Inspector Gadget.

• Tragedy and character as the anthropological foundations José Miel 80s.

• Education and SpongeBob dyslexia.

Inventions that will make me a millionaire

  • Baby Inflatable : Brother of inflatable sex dolls inflatable baby's favorite gadget is the "citizen of world" contemporary. Tired of the endless lines at airports, banks and the like? Inflatable baby you will spend in first no matter the length or anxious in the row. Comes with simulator human cry for greater efficiency.

  • reality goggles to look three-dimensional : indeed I can predict that with advances in technology in the future be able to see three-dimensional reality without glasses: I hope myself discover the technology to increase my financial empire.

  • The Dyson sphere to the light bulb home ... .. One in each house and then will be the end of all the planet's energy problems!

  • The exclamation point for exclamation points! We often use the classic exclamation points to highlight or emphasize something written. But what if you need to highlight or emphasize their own exclamation marks? Obviously need other signs to help us. And no one had thought to create them until now!!

  • A Web browser on the Web : Many times we find that despite a computer have an Internet connection, has no browser installed. Well, I invented this tool does it all. We just need to go online and use our web browser from the web in order to enter the site.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where Are The Hair Cutters In Pokemon Silver

Notes on Hunger, Knut Hamsun

Hunger, the novel devoted to the Nobel Prize Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) in his native Norway, inhospitable place in the Oslo (then Christiania) in that crossroads of centuries: a Protestant society (and not) and preindustrial, without being as brutal as other European societies of that time, we are shown feverishly pragmatist. Its protagonist, Jens Ola, is a young writer and professional journalist, suffering from a major problem of the human condition: The difficulty of man to make a living preventing him from dying of hunger, not working on anything and without - Herein lies the tragedy-go begging, crime, prostitution (which can also be spiritual) or inheritance. Earning

pan / Beat the Art

Nothing says Jens social origin. But while the drama elapses, we know that educated and cultured (some of his gestures deduce its bourgeois origin), individualistic, somewhat proud, mad and possessed by religious outpourings, from the glorification of suffering, through the resigned obedience, to the ultimate rebellion against God less than against a system that prevents arise in a fair fight. Indeed, Jens does not rebel against any work (we are told he has held various offices), but against failure to exercise power that is innate: writing in its many forms, for which he has a proven talent, they made money by writing articles for newspapers. And it is here where Hunger brings us to another of the key themes of literature: The uprooting (or distress) of the artist not reified or not bound by family or epoch, an uprooting himself shared by Knut Hamsun, a Once a Nazi sympathizer and always abjured of bourgeois democracy and its system of appearances ("There are men who believe that virtue is to say, 'virtue is needed!". But in fact need only believe that the police " summarize Nietzsche).

also Jens race to immortality is drawn from contradictions: As a monk awaiting in his ascetic divine illumination institutional faculty, Jens waiting for inspiration laborious under worldly noise, where downtime is frowned without trappings, especially the police. Not to mention the dissonant versions of good and evil (his enforced asceticism prevents him from accepting human selfishness), correctness and incorrectness (the joy of some faces you find intolerable, his handling of money and charity are too foolish) and even the very being of writing (muse overestimates the detriment of work inertial) ... qualities that deepen hunger while it begins to gnaw.

Eros on hunger

Halfway through hunger, while the awful winter approaches, Jens unwelcome to a woman days later he continues, even in spite of its appearance. He idealizes and Ylajali flame. When they were walking perceive to be a prostitute that believes a libertine depleted, but that erratic receive virtuous behavior ("I made it clear that the poor is an intelligent observer much finer than the rich smart. The poor man looks alread ¬ sellers every step and every word spy hears suspiciously, and with every step he takes, he imposes on its thoughts and feelings a standard and a duty. It has the finest ear, are impressionable, and his soul has experienced burns ") changes in attitude and shows impenetrable, although it is still wanting. From this episode we ask fundamental questions: Can the women tolerate men only when poverty is born of misery or vice, but never a conscious attitude and even as part of a premeditated plan? ... Is the feminine zeal towards life and matter (except for religious women) a quality opposed to the flame and the artist's mouth, so you always crave escape the flame and put him down to earth?

"To die of starvation?

The fourth and last part of Hunger know Jens staying in a small room and having to three weeks. However, the pattern we fed twice a day with sliced \u200b\u200bbread, but he is still looking for inspiration and pouring words into their pages, this time an unprecedented medieval drama! His delusion is increased by malnutrition and can not concentrate. The cold gets worse and it starts to go crazy crowded, because it is involved in family matters (not tolerate human perfidy.) When we report that will occupy the fourth and must sleep in the room where the family resides, accept resignation and continues to write from a chair, but refuses to go, until the woman expels him by force. Sleeping outdoors one day and the next, fainting, returns home. But when the boss finds out the threat with the police. The outcome is exquisitely delirious and-beyond the unreality of the universe known literary predictable: Jens-first-person narrator of this novel is not surprising, starving and adjust your attitude ... but far from Christiania

As Jens is not a man of action, the strength of Hunger is not in the story, not in the description of the museum of horrors of being (the characters Hunger junior big lack pathos and almost seem painted). Jens is not a lunatic, or a torn hero, not a social victim, not a saint or a maverick vain: It is, above all, a subject deeply spiritual writing your surf pages that is one of the main tragedies of being human, as we remember the seventeenth verse, the third chapter of Genesis.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Female Cast ........



(Rolando Mancilla's audiovisual communicator based in the region of Magallanes)

As a citizen more than honest, perhaps in no wise, and from this Republic and two hundred year old, I turn on the paths in which our teens go today, these human groups as identified in its breadth and particularism. Very specifically, I wind up this tongue of mine from a few annotations that a group of young leaders, taken them very gracefully, so in a regional press gazette regarding an issue purely of contingency. I do not want, shall we say, go deal on the form and content of the issues raised by them, I do not care. Less than dwell on what you mean, sketch or just gasp, by way of who knows what perspective. Rather, and deep affection with which you can put things, and to our fledgling society to dialogue (because of intolerance, fear and ninguneo are daily bread), I address a question of his confusing, though perhaps not so much: how adolescents are taking things for living .
Dante in his Convivio Il said that adolescence is a time of life characterized by smoothness. It will also be benevolent, friendly. It comes out well given behavior to obedience, ie there are any signs of ob-ediencia, ob audire, hearing, listening. But there is a "passion" leadership across this age: the shame. She opens a prelude to redeem us from falling to first in the men's living complex and women. In this space before that prompted creation or not, are donated reverence, withdrawal, reflection (essential elements of any noble spirit), of course, their opponents too. What shame can pose to the development of both reason and also the corporate (which is beauty and slenderness in the youthful days), in order to produce meaning from what the outline offers today happens to be the opposite. Right, has been busy this "effective" threshold, a praxis of arrogance, dull and rusty logical ideal, mocking expressions, true gunshots into the air, semantically so violent towards otherness deployed. Perhaps we ask, a request biased, a carefully on what are the things in life, history, the mutual event dispensing the sky, the terroir, the divine and human. Which will walk haste shameless promiscuous mannose which everything flows. Fail to be collected on them and drain already shamelessly, are inexcusably out advertising.

In part, some teens ours, and deprive me not to comment, if not as soft and shy, less will be eighteenth-century dramas, pained romantic woes, symbolic essayists. They came in, I think, if today a pathetic snobbery chic and automated surface. Do nothing to take the world over again, with a hint of arrogance nuisance. Their only restraint is shown in nothing intentional. Go from being as terrible acts of aesthetics, which heralds dull pastiche. What to say about these schemes "humanists" who take birth, rhetorically characterized as ridiculous and out of what would be their real-political sphere, as in resemblance to Asterion Borges, not interested in the common bond of the closest. Assault, with "generous impatience," all that are frivolous or sensible. A literary tradition or break the crosses. No that puts poetry, either as kidnappers, stop o malditos. Aunque parecen libertas aves en vuelo, son prisioneros de sí mismos. Tal vez porque todo para ellos es un dejar pasar el tiempo, andarse sin medidas, sin disposición por entre las cosas. En cierto punto, por esa congénita extrañeza con lo temporalmente im-propio, haciéndolos sepultureros natos de sus mayores; sobre todo de la historia íntima. Qué sabrá aquel de lo que es vivirse-la-vida, si el tiempo no le pesa, no le es cuestión, no lo siente como un “arpón en mitad de la espalda”.
A lo que voy no es a cuestionar la sutileza y frescuras que pueden acarrear el quiebre o la mezcolanza presentes hoy entre los y las adolescentes. Es la cerrazón al acatamiento y la total desvergüenza own, which puts us on guard. How are you going to unravel if you have not obeyed, heard, indeed, flushed with what you brought before the eyes.

When could you be and their effects, are city dwellers or extraordinary, is imbued with a will discover bathed in the most devious lust for power, and that part and ends in oneself, the usual thing to say.

If one segment of our teens are not "" I raised up, call me blind leading the blind. We set aside in some way by the legendary line with which paint the world, therefore these remarkable voluntarism present (perhaps, yes, for social approval), also those neo-consciousness, post-or anti-de who knows what. Moreover, we have not even referred to them, observed in this paper, but to us his contemporaries. Which do not look as adverse events or environments for discernment or hearing of the times shekels, of what is and not-there, the tangible and mysteries. Well maybe because we have been swept by solipsisms liberal or progressive to the extent of our native interests, community, universal. Carefree and the nomos, the way we take, we turn the world on its authenticity.
Here we are, the audience volunteers, with some young niceties do not know what is taking life in shame, attend tracks, or, at signs as a "fatal tangle of blood and tears."

Are these shameless generations, which Nietzsche hoped comings as dissimilar to the historical hypocrisy of the West? Certainly not, since nothing hold in audacity, strength, and irony. And by not recognizing the error is self-or collective way of a condition of the living, not installed, thank God, no more no more here than the good or evil, or in anything, anyone, nobody (die Nichts-), and even if they want to imagine themselves are rose, however, are anything pink (die Niemandsrose).