Some judge that what you write on blogs is or should be, the most important of our entire industry. Those beings, mostly poets and storytellers, are outraged when a pen claims the right to portray the noble people in ancient marble sculptures of literary glory. say nothing of CAP , the maker of poems well dateados I just sent a Christmas greeting (which I did not read), which certainly put things in place saying "for me what you do not literature if it makes me happy to talk about what you can do, but bla bla bla bla bla ". Vacas. It's that simple. Vacas. For now, do not answer (or read) any mail that is not my taste, not even the Pelafustanio and its system of misery. Let's go to another room, the interest in this post.
Today is the longest day of the year. I L. arrive in Chile, 60 km from calving bus (which here in the picture in picture shows http://www.nacimientodigital.cl/ CR) , under the protection of a sun de puta madre, where I went with Fred Gu, a blond, freckled peasant was once JDC, rather than expel him by pouring a bowl of noodles to the former Mayor Guerrero, because of a promise of the old incomplete. Fredy Gu, who has two brothers working in the same, collects phones and mountains of vertigo and clamor to live without losing the smile on the face and rest in those green meadows that the Lord promises (Psalm 23: 2) . We arrived at the obscene hour of 4 pm with the sun calcining and got off near the JR liquor store, to be the best of all in Chile there, and turned a block to reach a population of flat land, a corner full of similar subjects rather badly, but shoes and phones with display faces, and whose stock did not look too promising, but had that strength and that power without fanfare and quite free, so typical of the suburban house, indestructible in its territory and therefore around the world and at all times .
salute Priest, Chelsea, who invited us to pray in the street and then told us that in half an hour we would join in his parish. We walked half an hour (36 ° C in the shade) and arrived at a site with trees, whose bench was surrounded by shadows and women and children, and one of them looked very sour and claimed despite our presence perfectly agreed.
Today is the longest day of the year. I L. arrive in Chile, 60 km from calving bus (which here in the picture in picture shows http://www.nacimientodigital.cl/ CR) , under the protection of a sun de puta madre, where I went with Fred Gu, a blond, freckled peasant was once JDC, rather than expel him by pouring a bowl of noodles to the former Mayor Guerrero, because of a promise of the old incomplete. Fredy Gu, who has two brothers working in the same, collects phones and mountains of vertigo and clamor to live without losing the smile on the face and rest in those green meadows that the Lord promises (Psalm 23: 2) . We arrived at the obscene hour of 4 pm with the sun calcining and got off near the JR liquor store, to be the best of all in Chile there, and turned a block to reach a population of flat land, a corner full of similar subjects rather badly, but shoes and phones with display faces, and whose stock did not look too promising, but had that strength and that power without fanfare and quite free, so typical of the suburban house, indestructible in its territory and therefore around the world and at all times .
salute Priest, Chelsea, who invited us to pray in the street and then told us that in half an hour we would join in his parish. We walked half an hour (36 ° C in the shade) and arrived at a site with trees, whose bench was surrounded by shadows and women and children, and one of them looked very sour and claimed despite our presence perfectly agreed.
The priest was somewhat delayed and called us to his cabin staff, who had a beautiful church where the altar stood out with a sculpture of the logo Colo-Colo, classical sculpture with the image of Jesus Christ at the door that led to the kitchen and poster both ways in one of the walls. There were crafts and some phrases that blessed home. After giving the hosts a Fredy, the priest handed him a bottle of rum Pampero. We walked back to top of ice cream, until a local Orompello built in the neighborhood, where they sold a stunning full, then went to the Super and there will be no shortage for the Lord provides this holiday season.
Diana is called, the gazebo and has served 24 years. Say nothing, because nothing else is there to say.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 24. close to 21 ...
is short for Christmas. I hope not too many people kill themselves, it is very annoying for emergency services and police. just arrived from the center of calving. It was very cold and it was empty, then, as always, everyone had already bought their gifts in advance. Al take the bus, a very ugly evangelical said he never met with his relatives because he could not bear to bless a table where there was wine, which had brought her family problems, "but I do not care because only God is to fear and others who get screwed. " Then, after traveling about ten blocks and 5 libraries, I could ring a document, and this time another evangelical, very beautiful and has a shop in front of the library neurosis calving, I just dispensed smiles of joy. All there in the vineyard of Roberto Bolaño (repeated joke, but what the heck). I hope you enjoy your bowl of oatmeal with water and carrot salad oil.
is short for Christmas. I hope not too many people kill themselves, it is very annoying for emergency services and police. just arrived from the center of calving. It was very cold and it was empty, then, as always, everyone had already bought their gifts in advance. Al take the bus, a very ugly evangelical said he never met with his relatives because he could not bear to bless a table where there was wine, which had brought her family problems, "but I do not care because only God is to fear and others who get screwed. " Then, after traveling about ten blocks and 5 libraries, I could ring a document, and this time another evangelical, very beautiful and has a shop in front of the library neurosis calving, I just dispensed smiles of joy. All there in the vineyard of Roberto Bolaño (repeated joke, but what the heck). I hope you enjoy your bowl of oatmeal with water and carrot salad oil.