Notes on "LES MISERABLES" by Victor Hugo
In six days are primaries Socialist Party of Chile, which selects candidates for national leadership, the Central Committee and regional management, as well as the respective community. Votes, a tangle of care, and possibly a ferocity (any type of organization seems excessive ferocity ... and this has posed it best in these times is Ralstom John Saul in his remarkable essay "Voltaire's Bastards" ). But also a necessary act, because I am a militant of the community, whose only writers I know are the nightclubs announcer Hernan Rivera Letelier and the awkward Marcela Serrano (its success is assured), whose works leave much to be want, because they are determined by the abuse of easy joke, the most irritating cliche and almost no poetry, metaphors and tropes that it used to enrich any levels memorable prose. It is therefore important that Claudio Maldonado, who is also a socialist activist put the batteries and write more than two hours per semester.
During this couple of weeks I have not written anything significant, but less weighty read two novels: The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky) and Les Miserables (Victor Hugo) 1500 pages total, built with identical strength and desire for redemption. To conclude this post, say a few words of Les Miserables, one of those novels you can read and reread without feeling that boot time away, and was written by a hugely successful and best-selling writer, but unlike before reviewed did not suffer from mental handicap.
is October 1815 and Carlos Miryel charitable priest, known as the bishop Welcome, lives in a humble home with her sister and a maid, it has given to live in the Episcopal Palace cediéndolo as a hospital. Suddenly appears in his house dirty and ragged man, that after being expelled from two inns is presented bluntly: Jean Valjean, a former inmate who faint from hunger and exhaustion after a walk of 12 miles (one mile equals 5572.7 m) and seeking a place to sleep and eat exchange for money. Valjean, a modest trimmer stopped when they reached their thirties, spent 19 years in jail after serving a five-agravársele because of his four attempts to escape. The reason for its closure? The theft of a loaf of bread and break the glass of a bakery, which was to feed his sister and his seven nephews.
After suffering the ferocity, Valjean decides to learn to read and educate vengeful hatred incited by-sentence and conviction of society ... to Providence for allowing the evils of it. Until we know the bishop Welcome. This, when viewed in the driveway so called gentleman, orders her to make a bed with clean sheets, invites you to your table, open a bottle of wine and have unusual that you covered his honor and candlesticks silver. After dinner go to sleep, but in the middle of the night the ex-convict (who even thinks of killing the priest) steals the silverware cabinet and flees out the window. But the police caught him and take him back to Bishop's house to see if anything is true it has given the covered. This is reaffirmed and the candlesticks also happens, "you forgot", but before releasing it says in my ear: "Jean Valjean, my brother, you do not belong to evil, but to good. I buy your soul, I black book of ideas and spirit of perdition, and consecrated to God. "
After those words and a little story, Valjean changed forever. M. comes to town, where after saving two children from a fire risking his life (his space), get rid of the processing of passport (ie, ID card), so calls himself Lord Magdalena. And through the ingenuity of mutating the shellac resin in the manufacture of beads, is enriched in less than three years, which means that, by virtue of his immense charity and philanthropy, the king has-twice-and almost forcing him to appoint him mayor.
The mysterious Mr. Magdalena, affable, sad, ascetic and without a woman or women, unusually strong man, generous to dementia and curiously unambitious of wealth , earned the respect of all the people (sometimes to deal with in the lawsuit). Of all the people, we have said, less than one: the inspector Javert, a man born in a prison and the son of a woman who read the future in the cards, whose husband was also imprisoned ... "It is said that any wolf pack is a dog, the wolf kills, because if you let live to grow devour the other puppies. Give a human face on this dog son of a wolf and you have a portrait of the man. " Javert felt innate marginal, and since he believed that the company excluded from its ranks two types of men who hold and those who yearn to destroy, it was police. And it was busy until fanaticism ("this man was composed of two feelings are simple and relatively very good, but he became ill almost to force exaggerate: respect for authority and hatred of rebellion ") . Also, as it seemed strange that the mayor Magdalena ("no one is so generous, no rich man defend a prostitute in a decent city, no power is capable of risking his life"), are fanatics with the idea of \u200b\u200bdesemmascararlo. This eternal chase-flight is the main theme of "Les Miserables", which takes into Jean Valjean, the protagonist, who is determined to save a girl and direction to life, one of the greatest heroes of history literature, at least in modernity.
In conclusion, suffice it to say that this novel by an author who came to believe a theologian, a visionary, an unveiling of the mysteries of the afterlife and the innermost intentions of the Supreme Being and His Work-touch makes us one of the atrinutos essential divinity.
Hugo (which according to Jean Genet "was just a madman who thought Victor Hugo," I used to sleep with Servient in exchange for paltry sums , and that its claimed séances to communicate among others with Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Luther, Joshua, Shakespeare, Moliere, Dante, Plato, Galileo, Isaiah and Napoleon) thought that reading relevant works, deepen social being understanding of nature and life, improve their civic duty and to his infinite arcana divination, the afterlife, the soul and God transcendent. Now nobody or almost nobody thinks that literature can improve the actions of men, but it is very clear that by visiting the pages of this vast building, feel-especially when reading the prodigious amount of majestic and wise statements Hugo (failure says, "I have always believed," but rather "men have always believed") - to rub the divine attribute of that before I spoke: Omniscience ... know that quality of However, an Argentine desperate and lucid, perhaps to paraphrase Nietzsche, we predicted the FUTURE. We'll see .