just returned to Los Angeles (province of Bío-Bío) from Santiago, where I attended, among others, the release of "Art Horsefly" The third collection of poems by Ernesto González Barnert (1978). Happy circumstances related to the opportunity, will you live in Santiago until the end of this year to bring to an end "Entrepreneur", my second novel of 18 interwoven stories that exceed 400 pages.
Gonzalez on the book I wrote the following column in the weekly "Time 21" of the Araucania ... (News Last minute: Still not up the first mining, but I am certain that everyone will be rescued, and, as I will not see a single second of television broad-would explain why and it's deductible, will celebrate with fervor and pleasure in tomorrow ... assuming that the circus is back to clearly intolerable, and perhaps disrupt more than any of the protagonists).
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On Tuesday October 5 attended the launch of "Art Horsefly," the third book of poems of temuquense Ernesto González Barnert (1978) , who lives for 12yrs in Santiago, like Cesar Cabello, Angel and Jaime Valdebenito Huenún, among other eminent regional poets who decided to emigrate to the center: the power of eminent for his verses, but not for its prominent citizens. It is well known that literature is at present, for reasons such as mutation of the cognitive paradigm from print to audiovisual services, advertising illegitimate tyranny everything that is not saturated or the prevalence of certain spiritual bastardy a task almost marginal, linked the academy and the crowded world of writers, "condemned to read us under the whip and an eternity of one another", as prophesied by Enrique Lihn almost five decades, and that is why it seems to be extinction.
And yet it moves. The force of poetry is perhaps underground, but not insignificant, and prevails against noise and debris from the dream of consumerism and its obsolescence. Reborn from the ashes, is rediscovered and reinvented and on track again, as a deposed king has not therefore ceased to be. And while all the poets contribute to the maintenance of unquenchable fire, not everyone gets an alchemy transcendent, without detracting from the invisible.
Gonzalez, who has also done a dozen interviews with writers on the website www.letras.s5.com , a real office of the national literature, has made its metapoetry or art a reflection on the poetry itself ("My only allegiance is to the poetry / Its impact / Do not expect me another address / My rudder is deep in their shadows.") But on the political ("Chile entire sewer, the stench of the sewer, the wrath of the sewer / tricolor ribbon in each of the authorities scissors cut. / In every bottle of champagne that our merchants crash / laughing against the ship Prats), cultural ("We hit too hard the table / and now we are paying the consequences / trying to swallow the day our daily bread, / after the chanting, cuddles, / half a dozen types waving flags on stilts / and discourse forever / by tony turn ") and even religion (" Failed if the nails across his knees are also not the nails / spanning all kneeling unheard / tonight . / They can not wait any longer. ")
Art gadfly, "whose title refers to that annoying insect buzzing out of the mess we (" the lethargy?) Is one of those books that make apology for the defeat (in this case writing) make it incarnate itself ... and which, paradoxically, to the smell of gunpowder.