Marcelo Montecinos Martinez (Santiago, 1967), founder of independent label "The Pumpkin Devil or" is one of the most respected publishers of the national average. Do not believe in the book industry as lucrative project (market studies and surveys) or multinational, preferring literature and assumes that problematizes the contentious issues that for which the issues are rather artificial and jet set news. He runs the family printing "Calligraphy Blue and has unfinished studies of Philosophy (1987-1992) in Valparaiso and Literature (1994-1998) in Santiago. He has managed to publish, from 97 to date, about 40 degrees, and make for a memorable time literature and art magazine. Names in the middle, like poets and José Ángel Andrés Cuevas Andwanter or narrators and Marcelo Mellado Gonzalo León, as well as many other emerging artists (Pablo Paredes, Gladys Gonzalez, etc) have chosen to place their work, mark and conceptual soundness of this editorial. After his morning jog and a few days before the patriotic frenzy, talked in his pumpkin Rua Santa Helena, where he lives and works Montecinos.
How did your love of literature?
I was raised in an environment where the library was the wealth essential family my parents were forming in the 60's. The book was the work material and understanding the world of my parents, and me and my two brothers were not alien to this reality. A lot of reading. In adolescence, the hobby itself is literary, with courses in middle and humanistic studies in Philosophy and Literature (in both races I got to fourth grade), which led to the final decision to take over the family printing.
Tell me about your readings initiation and recurrent
Between 13 and 17 beat me books and authors such as Isaac Deutscher, author of the biography of Trotsky "A unarmed prophet ". A little later," The Tunnel "Sabato, a few books on Flaubert, Manuel Rojas and Baldomero Lillo." Eloy ", by Carlos Droguett, at the time seemed very modern writing. In poetry, what I write from the age of 15, I am very interested César Vallejo, García Lorca. In general I feel much respect for men like Paul of Rokha, Neruda, Enrique Lihn. Among the foreigners, I am interested in names like William Faulkner, James Joyce. Well, appoint more would be overkill.
When and under what circumstances the project started publishing Pumpkin ...? was a spontaneous issue or an idea long matured?
In the 80's my parents put all their efforts on the theme of the workshop and press, as the only means of survival. Hence the connection or idea of \u200b\u200bforming a publishing was the obvious thing in me that it was postponed for my college years, in which for many reasons, because the study gave me easy, because the teachers annoyed me because I was more or pending fight dictatorship took me no more out, sometimes I think I lost valuable time that could have engaged in travel. In 1997 I was in the last years of literature, and understood that it could not avoid the press because he was unwilling to be a teacher. But it was enough to print books and magazines, tickets and flyers to strangers. So I decided to become a publisher. Imagined it would be like having a rock band, their own, a label that I would eventually converge to different personalities. The first thing that I edited were three poets of Valparaiso.
understand that your political party, did you ever militant?, Comes from the traditional left. What those guidelines influenced your social worldview of literature or literary society?
Indeed, I am the son of militants. My father, a very active person in journalism and policy, was fiercely expelled from the Communist Party at 68, because being on duty in "El Siglo" titled "Russian Tanks in Prague when the Russians crushed the revolt Czechoslovakian socialism posed a more human face, episode caused the almost ecumenical condemnation of European intellectuals. Then, as an independent, he worked for the UP and only 77 left active politics. For my part, despite being an active militant anti-dictatorship, never belonged to a classic match. Whenever I joined groups so to speak-more disfucionales, which did not imply lack of commitment. The thought and practice from left, make me understand literature as an instrument reflective about amalditada society that exists in Chile today: a violent, individualistic, where people are enslaved by credit card and the religion of money, or careerism desperation. I think the essential teaching of leftism, which I still allows us to understand that the only way for a leftist political thought, progressive and modern art remains. Since art can be influenced more decisively than pretending to be installed in the power of the ignorant right.
What topics interest you for the editorial and what you project for her?
I publish poetry and fiction, but I reject the texts that from my perspective has not been completed. I may be interested in the book or the author published in series, where the conflict is only apparent, because the society we live in is mired in a severe crisis and that fact alone does not lose time. Literature prefer to ask for the error and has no problems in showing his own doubts and weaknesses. On projections, would have more clarity of the titles that come out during the year and a better distribution, not so much in bookstores or at the mall, and longed before, because I know what gives the Chilean market for me, but I realized that many people come to buy books to press, and I want to develop a virtual library that can be sold everywhere. The books published on the shelves out and die, there are few good bookstores where the owner knows what sells, the rest are business books, good perhaps, but not beyond, the writer sells little more on your network.
Do you think the book as a hard copy is destined to disappear?
I think the book will not ever disappear, nor will flourish again, even for an ecological reason: the book is intended to get more expensive, to become the object of worship. Those who read books (especially the newly edited) will be different to the common people (although it has always been more or less well, first as a matter of mass literacy is not and then the influence of television, which provoked a paradigm shift audioescrito one audiovisual), and no longer need the book to find out more, or even to acquire it that technocrats might call "operational expertise, but rather to return to the holy sites, a purring cat that intimacy only for you . People or more readers will read a lot on the Internet and through computer technology toys, but they will buy books and will have in your home as your sacred bone. Finally, the removal of the book writers would have to disappear, and the writer does not go away.
There are at least three authors Pumpkin marriages are setting patterns in the national literary scene. I mean who will surely be the next prize to Pablo Neruda (for poets under 40), one of the better informed environmental journalists and a poet (or "ex-poet") which has its active social disenchantment has now sounded twice as National Literature Prize.
I think the overlap between these authors and seal shows Pumpkin so we will never be alone. Shows that these practices may be more difficult, without apparent success, but quite real. To the extent that today there is this coincidence more authors of which are outlined in the question.
What are the upcoming titles for the publisher?
The story book "Lost in Space", by Carlos Tromben and the novel "Thursday" by Luis Valenzuela. I will also accommodate an Argentine poets anthology entitled "Post Menem", which is very interesting.
How did your love of literature?
I was raised in an environment where the library was the wealth essential family my parents were forming in the 60's. The book was the work material and understanding the world of my parents, and me and my two brothers were not alien to this reality. A lot of reading. In adolescence, the hobby itself is literary, with courses in middle and humanistic studies in Philosophy and Literature (in both races I got to fourth grade), which led to the final decision to take over the family printing.
Tell me about your readings initiation and recurrent
Between 13 and 17 beat me books and authors such as Isaac Deutscher, author of the biography of Trotsky "A unarmed prophet ". A little later," The Tunnel "Sabato, a few books on Flaubert, Manuel Rojas and Baldomero Lillo." Eloy ", by Carlos Droguett, at the time seemed very modern writing. In poetry, what I write from the age of 15, I am very interested César Vallejo, García Lorca. In general I feel much respect for men like Paul of Rokha, Neruda, Enrique Lihn. Among the foreigners, I am interested in names like William Faulkner, James Joyce. Well, appoint more would be overkill.
When and under what circumstances the project started publishing Pumpkin ...? was a spontaneous issue or an idea long matured?
In the 80's my parents put all their efforts on the theme of the workshop and press, as the only means of survival. Hence the connection or idea of \u200b\u200bforming a publishing was the obvious thing in me that it was postponed for my college years, in which for many reasons, because the study gave me easy, because the teachers annoyed me because I was more or pending fight dictatorship took me no more out, sometimes I think I lost valuable time that could have engaged in travel. In 1997 I was in the last years of literature, and understood that it could not avoid the press because he was unwilling to be a teacher. But it was enough to print books and magazines, tickets and flyers to strangers. So I decided to become a publisher. Imagined it would be like having a rock band, their own, a label that I would eventually converge to different personalities. The first thing that I edited were three poets of Valparaiso.
understand that your political party, did you ever militant?, Comes from the traditional left. What those guidelines influenced your social worldview of literature or literary society?
Indeed, I am the son of militants. My father, a very active person in journalism and policy, was fiercely expelled from the Communist Party at 68, because being on duty in "El Siglo" titled "Russian Tanks in Prague when the Russians crushed the revolt Czechoslovakian socialism posed a more human face, episode caused the almost ecumenical condemnation of European intellectuals. Then, as an independent, he worked for the UP and only 77 left active politics. For my part, despite being an active militant anti-dictatorship, never belonged to a classic match. Whenever I joined groups so to speak-more disfucionales, which did not imply lack of commitment. The thought and practice from left, make me understand literature as an instrument reflective about amalditada society that exists in Chile today: a violent, individualistic, where people are enslaved by credit card and the religion of money, or careerism desperation. I think the essential teaching of leftism, which I still allows us to understand that the only way for a leftist political thought, progressive and modern art remains. Since art can be influenced more decisively than pretending to be installed in the power of the ignorant right.
What topics interest you for the editorial and what you project for her?
I publish poetry and fiction, but I reject the texts that from my perspective has not been completed. I may be interested in the book or the author published in series, where the conflict is only apparent, because the society we live in is mired in a severe crisis and that fact alone does not lose time. Literature prefer to ask for the error and has no problems in showing his own doubts and weaknesses. On projections, would have more clarity of the titles that come out during the year and a better distribution, not so much in bookstores or at the mall, and longed before, because I know what gives the Chilean market for me, but I realized that many people come to buy books to press, and I want to develop a virtual library that can be sold everywhere. The books published on the shelves out and die, there are few good bookstores where the owner knows what sells, the rest are business books, good perhaps, but not beyond, the writer sells little more on your network.
Do you think the book as a hard copy is destined to disappear?
I think the book will not ever disappear, nor will flourish again, even for an ecological reason: the book is intended to get more expensive, to become the object of worship. Those who read books (especially the newly edited) will be different to the common people (although it has always been more or less well, first as a matter of mass literacy is not and then the influence of television, which provoked a paradigm shift audioescrito one audiovisual), and no longer need the book to find out more, or even to acquire it that technocrats might call "operational expertise, but rather to return to the holy sites, a purring cat that intimacy only for you . People or more readers will read a lot on the Internet and through computer technology toys, but they will buy books and will have in your home as your sacred bone. Finally, the removal of the book writers would have to disappear, and the writer does not go away.
There are at least three authors Pumpkin marriages are setting patterns in the national literary scene. I mean who will surely be the next prize to Pablo Neruda (for poets under 40), one of the better informed environmental journalists and a poet (or "ex-poet") which has its active social disenchantment has now sounded twice as National Literature Prize.
I think the overlap between these authors and seal shows Pumpkin so we will never be alone. Shows that these practices may be more difficult, without apparent success, but quite real. To the extent that today there is this coincidence more authors of which are outlined in the question.
What are the upcoming titles for the publisher?
The story book "Lost in Space", by Carlos Tromben and the novel "Thursday" by Luis Valenzuela. I will also accommodate an Argentine poets anthology entitled "Post Menem", which is very interesting.
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