Dedicated to Elsa Lacalle and Carmen Gutierrez, Catholic, Jaime Salazar, a former seminarian, Margot Cardenas, Protestant and Rolando Mancilla, type very learned and attached to a church that we tend to prejudge.
Perhaps the reason for this note has not been any other than the desire to get rid of Job 3: 23 ("Why give life the man who does not know where he go? ... "), an assertion that has haunted me for years. It happens that, unlike some luminaries as Guido Arroyo and Diego Zúñiga, that in the Bible and have shown aloof attitude to literature, no doubt respectable naturalist writer who visits little issues and have nothing to do with its most well-tempered stock, I, for whatever reason, I have experienced situations that very few of them could bear. They, beloved children of the generation that one critic called "hyperventilating" (n. between 1979 and 1994), in addition to his chilling autofagocitante individualism ("I prefer to extract the juice from Carver to read to their national dailies "..." I liked the film Fuguet, but no longer read his work "), to palliate with navel-gazing literary meetings and conversations disembodied, and add to his great talent feral advertising intuition for worldly success, unaware that combat against NEOANALFABETISMO-that almost all matters little or nothing-more than one position is a ministry, an act of love for the illiterate outcast, who is unaware that the literature also theirs.
The story of Job, written by some before the Mosaic Law, is an epic Israelite or Edomite mentioned in other parts of the Bible (Ezekiel 14: 20; Santiago 5: 11). Twenty two of the 73 books of Scripture, is seen next to Ecclesiastes, the Proverbs of Solomon and Ecclesiasticus wise attributed to Yeshua son of Sirach, one of the Wisdom books. But unlike the others is made up of aphorisms, statements or mere praise, but has a structure, let us say so-dramatic. His argument, divided into 42 chapters sometimes repetitive, is simple:
Job, a sheikh East (not Hebrew) "who feared God and eschewed evil" (1:1), prosperous and fortunate life, suffering in a short time a series of misfortunes: loses all his possessions (11 thousand head of cattle), their seven children and three daughters in horrible accidents, and finally fell prey to a malignant ulcer "that struck him from the soles of the feet to the crown of the head" (2: 7). The cause of these disasters is none other than Satan, who then is not the evil and demonic spirit of our tradition (the enemy), but a divine agent designed to appraise human weakness and the degree of virtue of the righteous. Satan, who stands before God with the other angels, he is consulted about the integrity of Job. That's when Satan tells God that Job's faith response to God's blessings ("You do not have protected him and everything he has, and has blessed the work of his hands and his cattle spread across the country? "... Job 1: 10), but as these run out would become a curse.
Here begins the most tortuous of the book. God in classical theology knows the past, present and future, allows Satan to act. He first removes Job heritage that includes the lives of their children, then it hurts terribly but without killing him. After the first test, Job says: "Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked I shall return to it (to Earth) / what God gave, God has taken away / Blessed be the name of God" (1: 21). But after the second, including the extreme physical pain and disease, his wife ordered him to curse God and die, but Job replied that if accepted of God was also good of him to accept the bad: after shaves his head and sits naked in the dust waiting for death.
Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar
After learning of the misfortune that occurred to Job's three friends come to comfort him, and did not recognize him and "get to mourn loudly, at the same time torn clothes and throw dust on their heads "(2: 13). Then sit him down for seven days and seven nights without uttering a word. The distinguished theologian C. C Scofield says that the friends of Job are archetypal figures of religious dogma who bases his beliefs on external issues Eliphaz is the classic mystical religious experience, he draws from that fact a feeling of power is even more superficial Bildad and bases its dogmatism in proverbial wisdom and pious phrases well known, in both , Zophar, worse, thinks he knows everything about God, its reasons and findings, and it is a very simple blind irreverent any reasonable discussion. For the unwary, and even cruel nature of the friends of Job (which does not exclude glimpses of beautiful and illustrious eloquence), which makes three times in a strict order their positions, the dramatic tension of the book is in itself secure.
Job curses the day
was born in my view, Chapter 3, where Job curses the day with enviable verb, is one of the most intense: "Let the day perish wherein I was born / and the night he said:" man is conceived ! ' / Become the day in darkness, and not caring God from the top / No shine upon him a ray of light (3: 3-4), "says Job. And most of the wise men then appealed to wake the Leviathan, a sea beast that according to tradition was able to devour the sun, which in the curse of his day adds a new element ... the curse of the world.
continues: "Why do not die to leave the womb of my mother? / Why I found myself welcomed knees / And breasts that nursed me? "/ Well, now would rest quiet / and sleep during rest or as infants which never saw the light" ... (3: 11-13). This down a man as a believer, is because then you do not believe in eternal life. But at the end of this chapter where Job lands in two of the most terrible to any man: the confusion of his plans and the inability to earn a living. I quote: "Why give life to the man who does not know where you go, / And to whom God has closed the exit / For before my food comes my breath / And my waters flow and groans. / For the fear that has me scared me, / And that has happened to me I most feared / I had no peace, no let me be and I rested / Yet trouble came "(3: 23-26).
three replicates and three defenders
After Job curses the day, more concerned with the doctrine of mercy, his friends begin to replicate and even to accuse him of wrongdoing. This is because, as American pragmatists of modern (not forget the "In God we trust" inscribed on the bills gringos), they believed, and the winners were always blessed the Lord, you were always unhappy because of falls or of his evil. Thought there was a hidden reason, selfishness, greed, hidden, etc-for the misfortunes of their kind friend.
And if we add that Job will dare to contradict not only to them ("Your maxims are true ash, / And your replies are answers clay. ... 13: 12), but God (" Why hide your face, / And I have an enemy? "... 13: 24 ...." Do you think rather than oppress, / I despise the work of your hands, / And the counsel of the wicked ") at the end of this controversy in three acts between Job and his friends, is not resolved nothing. But it appears a fourth character.
Elihu The statement ENSOBERBIADO
Elihu, a young man of the family of Ram that is against the teaching of their elders ("are not the wise elders or older who understand what is right." 32: 9) and accounts for an exaggerated self-centeredness, however, Job gives reasons far more worthy of consideration for their torment that his three friends. Instead of condemning it, seems rather to argue against their desire to claim that justice can measure a mere man: "He is Almighty, which did not reach great is his opinion and power, / is a lot of his justice and oppress anyone . / I fear by both men, / He does not consider any who believes in his own heart be wise "(37: 23-24)
After the speech of Elihu, God appears to Job a whirlwind and gives a number of reasons why it is impossible that a man intends to catch up. The poetic beauty of the reflections of God, almost all related to the wonders of nature are innumerable and can not fit in an article so short. Sufficient to name the main, though rather pedestrian, weighs incontrovertible: "Where wast thou when I laid the earth? / Declare, if thou hast understanding.. "
Finally, after Job's total submission to the will of God, forgive it, and after his three friends as wrong not to know him well, through the sacrifice of some animals - it gives birth, with the same woman earlier, seven sons and three daughters new ("And there was the whole earth women so beautiful as Job's daughters / To which his father gave an inheritance among their brothers" 42: 15). And he does live full of days to 140 years and see their children and their children's children unto the fourth generation.
Many people of faith deeper than mine, say that the teaching of Job is the importance of patience, faith to the Almighty indestructible -or-less perceptively of resignation to the proofs of God, which multiplies our gifts if we accept their designs often bitter (will make sense to claim that Job's suffering was worth it because God doubled their flocks and years?) . But I, who ponder the importance of history and tradition, I can not help thinking that the merit of God to allow Job's misfortunes, was converted to a millionaire whose main virtue was unnecessary to make good barbecue, one of the great poets of the West.
One last thing to happen. Now I have more clear than ever that, unlike what was stated by a wealthy and generous teacher falsely at a dinner with my friend Claudio Maldonado and his partner- ASTROLOGY IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE RELIGION . God's words to Job when considering its superiority: "Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion? / Can you lead forth time the constellations of heaven? / Or you guide the Bear with her children ... "(38: 31-33). Comments abound.