occur is not known how. Sometime in the future will set the draw to select the emperor of the land. Blessed are the powers of absolute govern both the heavens and the seas. From Acumbayá to Tierra del Fuego nobody can twist your word on pain of death.
I think that drawing, where all the inhabitants of the earth, I'm elected. Latrodectus Sapiens, supreme Imperator of the earth. These are the first 10 points of my plan dictatorial and pray to their gods for this shit so charming is only on paper and head of its server.
- From now on all prisons will be closed. Prisoners will be given symbolic punishment and in worst cases they put a GPS bracelet to keep them well maintained. If relapse or extreme cases or ultraterroristas fans, will be delivered to an uninhabited island in the Pacific where he and others of the same condition, may carry out its leviathanic social utopia.
- be reduced jobs in order to leave only those necessary for the development, comfort, and conservation of the species. People take turns these posts every three months, so that every citizen to work only three months of the year and the other nine do what a whore he wins. This implies that part of the economic system of capitalism will disappear in a sense. I reserve details. I'll just say that in those months of entertainment every citizen must meet at least three months of comprehensive community work consist in helping to reforest the land, or animal care or anything like that.
- Every person is enrolled in a specialized software where you can select your acquaintances with whom or who want to have fun sexually and in what conditions the data will be secret. Only if there is a match the software immediately advise the couple to finalize the matter. Prostitution is prohibited and punished severely. Develop technology sex dolls and dolls for unattractive.
- Instauraré the ASGRE (Secret Agency for Reducing Global Species). I reserve the strategies to be carried out to fulfill its role, in order not to talk nonsense liberal-humanistic great Imperator. The aim is to reduce the population to 30% of their current number and keep that number steady for centuries.
- law Instauraré dignity of plants and animals. If someone wants a pet, either animal or plant, you will a preliminary study to test their suitability for the job. Nobody will be allowed to kill a living being unless for reasons of survival. The penalties are strict and cruel. We are not vegetarian as you know my dear readers, but every animal, every plant that is chosen as the food will be justified.
- Religion is the quintessential Indian. Any other kind of religion will be removed from the planet. In fact, my first order as Imperator will send you a hydrogen to the Vatican. I would have liked to keep some other religions, but I fatigue gets them thinking how the hell coexist preventing grow I disagree. That justice is a very screwed.
- retire countries and nations in terms of boundaries and political boundaries and will establish "Limits of Cultural Domain." People can choose freely to which belong and changed at will.
- As I've said, civilization is a flower of the tropics. Every major city would move beyond Cancer and Capricorn. Not to say that cities as they are known will disappear. Interconnected large towns exist only virtually.
- sport activity will be witnessed only by those who actually perform the activity. The football, baseball, tennis etc will be closed in all age groups, except the players themselves and apprentices. The stadium will disappear. For me the fans and would fill with burning napalm rain on them.
- Finally, I will send to hell all the TVs on the planet (imagine how many jobs I save there.) Radio will of course. I will leave the theaters, but actors will be actors in their months off, as directors, poets, writers and artists. All of them will not see a weight on your fuckin 'job. " If the clowns want to do so with conviction.
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