Published in the weekly "Time 21"
I am far from ascribing to platitudes and idealize, from a comfortable distance from progressive drinking a gin and tonic, a group of people I barely know. It is not my case. Intervals unless I lived 30 years in La Araucanía and I related, sometimes cruelly, with several Mapuche know part of their mythology and have certified miracle stories Bengoa and Marimar.
At the time of writing, 33 of them in various jails hold a hunger strike over 70 days: a legitimate act of protest by citizens accused of acts terrorists and feel abused, especially given the abuses of a law which, among other injustices, the deprivation of liberty while they investigate, endorse faceless witnesses to incriminate them, and allows wild raids and torture under the table.
And it is through this that I made some comments on poetry: poetry written by authors of the source and topic of this culture ... perhaps the most important literary event of the last two decades in Chile.
As we know, the Mapuche language or language of the land "is essentially oral, and its intersection with the English language that Mapudungun acquired its quality writing. Therefore there is no consensus when proposing an alphabet, and now there are three that will compete for the right to make the mold the sounds of this ancient ethnicity: Alphabet Unified Mapuche, the linguist and the Alphabet Alfonso Raguileo Azümchefe (proposed in 1989 by National Corporation for Indigenous Development). But beyond resistance and mediocrity or prejudice, we can say that the impact and interest in this poetry has gradually consolidated in the literary field, through interviews, publications, research and meetings in which these authors are considered frequently.
Perhaps the first sign that marked this trend was the publication in 1966, the booklet Mapuche Poets Castilian normal school teacher Queupul Sebastian, characterized by nostalgia and a sense of rootlessness. But who actually raised this poetry to his throne higher were names like Leonel Lienlaf ("It has awakened the bird of my heart. / Spread his wings and took my dreams / to hug the earth"), Elicura Chihuailaf ("Clear Stone will be this, for me, you said / Oh! Genechén, send me your breath / wheezing air your powerful") and Jaime Luis Huenún ("Death is what he writes / water on water , I said, watching the mist from the earth, I cried, then cried, just for the delight of breathing your air. "), who published his first works in the last decade of last century and left a kind of route established, who have followed many others, with varying degrees of happiness. My mido
view, the positioning of Mapuche poetry, with its cult of ancestry, their thirst for historical justice and the fervent desire to clarify the reality of original inhabitants in modern-claim is quite symbolic to settle With this gesture meager but not insignificant, part of the huge debt misdeeds (such as legalized theft) that the State of Chile propelled against them in the name of progress, especially in the second half of the nineteenth century ( "This war will not cost much but must and lots of music" , reads a letter from a letter from Mayor Cornelio Saavedra President José Joaquín Pérez). But it is clear that the greatness of their being placed in many of these authors at the top of our best poetic tradition, no last names. And this "no names" should make us think that there is no possible unity, and happy celebration without the rescue and respect for diverse identities that set us ... and even more if these are as valuable as discernible and Mapuche. EVERY MAN SHOULD BE
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