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In the movie "The Matrix " can be traced to intellectual arrogant nonsense a philosophical idea as old as philosophy itself: the difference between appearance and reality.
For example, in a masterful scene Morpheus talks to Neo this:
MORPHEUS : I imagine, right now, you must be feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole?
NEO : You could say that.
MORPHEUS : I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up.
MORPHEUS : ... The Matrix is everywhere, it's all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out your window, or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
NEO : What truth?
MORPHEUS : That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyone else, was born into bondage... kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind.
MORPHEUS : Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
NEO : How?
MORPHEUS : Hold out your hands. This is your last chance. After this, there is no going back.
MORPHEUS : You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe.
MORPHEUS : You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
MORPHEUS : Remember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more.
La decisión de Neo entre la Red Pill y la Blue Pill es el fundamento mismo de la película and the whole Matrix Saga . It is the metaphysical event that allows Neo, to swallow the Red Pill exist as El Salvador of humanity and civilization of machines, is what lets you know that " T here is no Spoon "boringly with Trinity wallow in Zion, throughout history placed face" is not like that shit happens but I'm here "and unfairly kick ass twice Agent Smith (in my opinion, the real protagonist worthy of story.)
The distinction between appearance and reality reappears in everyday social life. Media inform us, but we also handle biased to select certain aspects of reality. These aspects then allow us to build a picture of what happens truncated ends overlapping the true reality. Even the film with some lack of imagination and a lot of unemployment suggests that he interpreted that way Neo- of Frankfurt.
All this seems to me stupid. Not that the media are saints, sages and objectives. My position, however, is somewhat more complex and simpler at the same time. I mean,
I sit down to watch the noon news. It is grotesque. Let's allow the forgiveness of the reader a description unnecessary: \u200b\u200bthe news headlines are typical of a tabloid desperate. The national news is pure accident, incarceration, floods, plane goes up and the president because you know what I talk crap. The international section full of intercultural and religious conflicts, wars, pedophiles, murderers and business scandals. A new planet was discovered and got three goals. The model's ass this week is equal to the model's ass last week but it does not matter because it is assumed, so that one sees and how they show it one, which serve the same (not exactly true). Today taught to make Chicken leg mushroom sauce.
It is supposed that the essence is hidden from us, not show anything significant, nothing that makes us wake up. The information is manipulated to keep us uninformed and calm like sheep. Everything seems to indicate that. But the idea seems ridiculous (I have not said that is false, but something much worse: ridiculous.)
If there is something I've discovered is that the best way is to look shocked with joy the news. I think journalists are better paid professional entertainers: clowns crier of fact, if I allow them expression. I love the artificial seriousness and serenity to say or write things. I feel that any time their faces are going to face the crisis of an unpredictable and violent laugh will laugh themselves all showing as important. I'm sure you should take painkillers and muscle relaxants to work with the professionalism with which they do, like a clown should silence his own misery in order to entertain the little ones behind (ie, all the little children who love clowns) .
The same happens with people and situations that show or TV news in general. Everything has some ludicrous and artificial, presidents always raise babies and kiss the ladies and are very human and very civilized (abject rubbish, my teacher would say). The characters are sad, very sad and without dignity, the murderers are very happy or tormented to a fault. The stars of the music seem all idiots as uniform a manner causing a sad jovial. The scenes of violence seem to correspond to a precise and well articulated script so we can appreciate all the details ... But the real surprise is that everything is happening, everything is real, because (and this is important) all pass before our eyes.
Reality Show This is delicious by the humor of his characters, the absurdity of the situations. Because if you look good all the reality (the universe) is ultimately a Reality Sho w . A great series comes to us in 24-hour episodes and seasons of 365 episodes. The dramas will follow each other at different scales. Our family, our neighbors, neighborhood, city, country, world, the Cosmos it. I think now that the interesting thing about every person I meet is measured by the extent of Reality Show the universe is conscious.
... .. "Free Ingrid or die full of shit in the jungle?, Will you be really abducted or simply one more of the FARC in cahoots to take over Colombia?. What will happen after the mandate of Chavez in Venezuela?. Will there be war with Colombia before that?. Will my mom be cured of your foot?, "Left to discuss at length the frustrated witch starting my aunts sex, will it be for someone to pity especially the frustration of my aunt Angelita?. A third term for Uribe?, I want to see it go!, It would be very entertaining all in these two terms has made me laugh a lot. Will Obama President?, "Obama the Antichrist?. What will the new book of Habakkuk, the artist's dog?. What will happen when Fidel dies ...?. Can I see the effects of global warming? ... Will there be HIV or everything is a conspiracy by drug companies, the Vatican and the conservative right?, "Will the world end?, Oh, please do not change that part of the script, I want to be there to see it all, the large mammal of the theater end of last to die ... laughing enough. Will lives the rest of the universe or we are alone, will it be the whole of the universe M is summarized in this blue dot only solar system?. Will there be aliens gray men?, What time will show me one?. The universe is infinite or expanding, or both?. Will it be possible to travel in time? ...
All problems or concerns ridiculous, stupid, exaggerated, vain and quarrelsome. The reality, no doubt, but stupid is an exciting novel that serves only to be seen and laugh at it all. Can take their moral and political value and clean the side with him ...
retrospect it's all a mess of reality, and the really interesting I'm here to see this crap. Maybe for others I am a simple actor, my role must be stupid. But, O God, grant me the wisdom not to become an actor weighed more than my existence. Give me the wisdom to shut up and listen, but do not be concerned with geese sleaze in others do. Give me the wisdom to stay in my austere role of mere observer.
I have been gratified by the stupidity of the world and have been blessed with my vision. For truly all about the eye and the eye remains in the center of it all ... The only thing important is the possibility to do with irony. So the only goal in life should be appropriate for this pointless Cheshire smile that allows one to view everything on your fair and funny place.
Having the full view of God does not help, because everything would cease to be funny. The events would be canceled each other, would still be events in the strictest sense. The vision of God would be the most boring view of this world view would not at all (thank goodness that God is blind, worse than Oedipus, and this makes an interesting subject (especially if one asks questions about who took him eyes)).
here does not matter whether we are facing a real or imaginary vision. Those things are meaningless when it comes to existential recreation. No matter if all that comes to me is a Reality Show of absurd set artificially. Before I prefer to plan everything in great detail. But if reality is my vision, then everything is in one plane, the plane of my vision, and when it can be configured by a script makes no sense to ask about the script (there is then by definition no script , manipulation of script). So it only makes sense to ask what that comes or may come to our eyes ears, and nose touch, and just maybe with our death.
So the reality is one. It's a while I see and the whole world revolves around my eye. I, the ultimate voyeur at the heart rejoices in the endless absurdities panopticon. The only thing is a non-place for me as eye as internal limit of all madness imaginable ... Yeah, yeah, yeah, there can be no greater happiness, the world has no external limits, thanks, thanks world, thanks for your infinite idiocy ...
The distinction between appearance and reality is important only for those who want to enter into play the world, who are concerned to act, to influence. All vital movement, however, should make sense only as a "better accommodate chair" because the fact is that there are many useless things and ordinary people who hinder the vision.
Is there any difference then between grab Blue Pill or Red Pill swallowed ? ... No. There is none at all. But I must say that the poor Mr Anderson, to decide (metaphysically) from one or other of the Pill could not stop meddling in world affairs, and thus could not avoid becoming a bad actor his own movie ... I For my part, I have a firm intention to quickly kick in the ribs to any "Morpheus" come to wrap for better or worse with their stupid sermon. To go with their dramas elsewhere and I did not tape my Giant Widescreen.