According almost divine wisdom of Wikipedia happiness is "an emotion result of fluid neural activity in which internal and external factors interact stimulating the limbic system." From my perspective this definition of happiness is crap. Not for being wrong, but because it is perhaps correct it.
According to the definition quoted above happiness, to put it simply, is attached to activities that achieve an effective exchange of fluids of a subject with its environment. From this perspective, a beer, and removed the snot cum fall within the activities that make us happy with good reason and to the same extent. There may be other ways to define happiness seem to be determined by these physiological ridiculous, but everything is a delicious deception.
contemplate, for example, the call Maslow pyramid . According to Maslow's physiological needs are met is just the base of the pyramid of happiness. Then there are the physical and social security at a higher level of friendship and other feelings related, then the social recognition, and the narrow tip of the pyramid, self-fulfillment (just a little assholes have access to that level (correct : being assholes allowed reach that level)).
Maslow's pyramid is a testament to the idiocy of the Western discourse on happiness. Beginning because, if we are honest, the pyramid should be reversed. Its top edge should be the satisfaction of physiological needs, not the base. The other needs only serve as a springboard to meet more effectively and conveniently these primitive needs. For example, it is that human beings want to achieve recognition after it has satisfied the other, is that recognition serves generally to achieve physiological purposes more efficiently and without much difficulty.
the extent that we are animals we are only really interested in eating, drinking away the pain, a good orgasm, hopefully it will not work, and we do not fuck sleep. We're like pigs in the style of Bentham, and no way to deny it without seeming naive or stupid (sorry, correct, naive and stupid). Maslow pyramid can take your, roll, and do with it what best to help your happiness.
The pursuit of happiness in spirituality and in such antics do not work for anyone, even if it is so fashionable now. Half maybe what you get is a reversal of the drive. But as we've had to give the world only we become more attached to it. When given the importance it has, we are now more than ever the desire chains.
Then it is well charred all I can say about happiness and its possible definitions, if I've missed something let me know no more. But that's not all bad as the behavior of those who believe in this world have reached the pinnacle of happiness. Zoo monkeys deliberately mounted on top of the tree in the world with eyes and tongue loose, while heaving a great time masturbating in front of people amazed that, rather than shocked, celebrates with joy the fluid their faces fall from the heights.
not understand That I am doing an apologetics of sadness, tragedy, drama and pain. I do not defend the sadness, tragedy, drama or pain, because these feelings and events are on the same level of happiness, how to define happiness, but having their pork as opposed to its right next to reference?.
I am amazed at the way humans define happiness. But that's not all, most shocking of all is the value they place ... Happiness: The End of purposes. Please rightly the human world is so fucked. The more I reflect about the speech on happiness more I am convinced that happiness is a nasty shit we want to sell, not to mention the currency with which we paid.
live our lives by streamlining our happiness to the extent that we lose all really interesting events around us. The world happens before our eyes but we are too desperate to see him rubbing against the well and really enjoy it.
world threatens us with truths and dangers as we continue to face smiling as retarded.
The wonder, the beauty of the world is constituted in nature because it is unjust, cruel and greedy. Happiness is fully excluded from this complex organism that is the world. Only humans have built a separate kingdom where you can define themselves as happy, indulgent and healthy. Also, place where those values \u200b\u200bas the end of life. That is why every man walled buildings have the taste of the anguish and despair of one who means nothing, nothing except what he wants to mean. The dignity of man, his being free, its ability to be happy, its power to shape their own world, so the best evidence of his lack of courage, its stupidity.
Excluding the obvious: that anthropological realm of idiocy is not just a gray sand spit accident of physics, biology and history, and even look good in this place a comprehensive description of this artificial mammalian kingdom do not think it necessary ... How is it possible to live happily in this world of shit?. Only belong to the shit, settling well in his warmth. Lords and ladies, you should get the smell while you can.
What, then, from my point of view the purpose of life?. In fact, that there is no specific purpose, but if I have to bet I've opted for years to the wonder and irony, and only the latter can be achieved with some bitterness (not necessarily is synonymous with sorrow, nor contrary to happiness). What I mean is that you have some poisoned the soul to have a fair view of the world. The irony of course is activity of thought, and thinking is essentially insolent. The malparidez own sincere thought is only possible embedded in the heart of darkness ... I am speaking on this point circularities useless, so I shut up. I raise rather a greeting to the Schopenhauer secret we should all carry inside, and those who do not have that penalty, continue sticking shots in the soul happy, as my teacher . Their happiness, their complacency and stupidity exist for I can mock something in the silence of my room, so that together we help.
III some time ago I learned of a bizarre short film called Rubber Johnny of Chris Cunningham ( advise him here, that only lasts 6 min ). This excellent piece of art (this without irony) gradually has become in my mind the purest representation of human beings and their pursuit of happiness ...
We as ridiculous acquiring Rubber Johnnies happiness through the most absurd fantasies. Damn greasy slide abortions that condoms used in the multiple penises of our own stupidity. Letting the softness in our vaginas pulsating gangrenosum and dirty world that we have forged. Accompanied by our shitty big-headed dogs as dirty and worthy as us. Snorting the white powder on the silly, the ridiculous bodoquería ad nauseam ... Do not make so much noise, Johnny, who is coming god father opened the door again, the universe and you will damage the party of happiness your world of darkness. Follow torciéndote elastic so you can more easily reach your own genitals. Please Do not give up your dream of DJ Mix Dancer to all deformed paraplegic thousand worlds stool you clean up right where the produce ... But here the voice is the same Johnny Human given encouragement to himself.
If happiness is that, you can leave me bitter, then fucking tell me. I shall be delighted, and a happy smile will be my answer.
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