brothers Oh ... I want to share an experience I had when I tried to understand the meaning of the term " Policy" and all its macaronic
derived stem ... I set a serious intellectual pursuit, brothers, about what "politics." I scanned in Greek Agora Mediterranean garlic smelling grueling that meaning. I walked the filthy streets of the French post Monsieur Guillotin rotten looking the embodiment of the insane ideas of Avantgarde Rousseau and Montesquieu . jumped as desperate as the bitter lyrics Arendt to Habermas metaphorical tomes looking for a definition, a concept, an idea, a bit of something compelling, a Unit for redemption. I entered without hope in the utilitarianism and the deflated and tautological Flojeras Foucauldian. I was amazed with Hobbes innocent and the conditional bullshit Marxism (say conditional because it is known among philosophers, to understand adequately Marx must be read with hunger. Obviously nobody says it, is a knowledge of esoteric for beginners, to put it in some way (to make it public I can get in trouble). It's easy, in fact, know when someone is preparing for a university seminar on Marx's thought, as a note to the person from one day to another disheveled, without makeup, skinny and dark circles (no chubby Marxists, the term is a contradiction in terms)).
After all these mental journeys (because it is to believe that I actually read all that vine) brothers discovered that everything was right and wrong at the same time brothers because all the concepts were different and apparently nothing could be done to reconcile . I felt in my mind all these ideas miserable as droplets splashing cold water in a horror of boiling oil.
So I had the intuition to make my own definition of "Politics", oh brothers. A definition that collects the most important part of every definition found and could be the most general and widest possible to integrate them all. But above all, that might explain the phenomenon we call with general anthropological disgrace "Politics."
I think today, rejoice reader of my brother, at last, I succeeded. The general universal definition of "Politics." There will (and do not expect a stupid joke or a pseudo-irony, dear reader, because this is serious): What is Politics? ... " Politics is all speeches and all human actions intended to prevent people from massively pulled out the guts with each other ... and when such thing happens to at least justify it and not fuck one Case. "
O brethren, the political wisdom of the West in this complex sentence summary.
From here you can also extract a definition of the term "moral" (which many mandrake, hemlock, tetrahydrocannabinol, Valium masturbating and philosophers have struggled to imagine immoral), but to do so would have to dwell, Oh brothers, and I do not want now. Should be left to ruminate mental burrito in all of us. (... And if I write long after I read that bullshit the readers). End
PS: Fuck them, they will continue to write long (and passive). Last straw, you'll see ... Right now I feel no better than the stomach.
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