There is nothing more beautiful than the sun. Not only enlightens and warms, but, We should understand at once, part of us is sunshine. Living things grow and we are created in the erotic space in which the sun disturbs the land and transformed, energy inseminated. We are organized like ground meat solar.
In contrast to the light, and for her, we have the shadow that protects. The darkness of the shadows is a contradictory quality. Possible only through the brilliance of its opposite.
All existing entities have their shadow, unless the light itself. The shadow then slips in front of us without dimension and time, a reptile ontological lame surfaces of the physical: a chameleon in ways no meat or bones. sometimes coated with a skin of shadows, sometimes skinned to the bone hard.
light, although universal constant, it is not inviolable. Sunlight is gradually lost in the depths of the sea, for example.
When exceeds a certain threshold, the light seems to disappear and we are in the dark. However, the light has not gone, nothing can eliminate the sunlight. Is very weak but able to reach deep seabed tiny photons that fall to the ocean floor like a crystalline rain. This brings us to source some wonderful things, since that dark plain creep silent, subtle but existent, the shadows of the whales.
rough sometimes forget what is our perception, the number of entities that swarm around us, as unknown as terrible or undisturbed.
All existing objects have shadows. The birds, clouds, trees, machinery and the moon. But not only large objects, but also the tiny or slight: Brisna grass, dandelion seeds floating in the air bubbles. However, our perception does not allow us access to the reality of some of the subtle shades. For example, we can not see, though we may think, the shadow of the oxygen atoms in our atmosphere. Each atom in the atmosphere resulting in a fine thread of darkness falling on the floor. The floor filled with millions of millions of microscopic dark spots dancing in chaos, because the sun.
On the other hand, the starlight comes across light-years away, and in that way necessarily capture hundreds of shadows of objects. Thus, when we see a star, we see a regular light. To our eyes on a tiny change comes cernidero cosmic full of holes of darkness caused by dust-drenched space, planets and asteroids. In fact, the question to ask is how can we capture the starlight, rather than seeing merely shadows, pure darkness.
This leads me to a troubling issue: the very impossibility of vision. No one particular vision of something, but the impossibility of total vision. The very concept of what is seen, as captured by the eye.
recently stated that all existing objects have less light shade .... I was wrong. A simple experiment confirms it. Take a small beam, as one of those lasers used by boys in concert. Now take a flashlight and the laser beam passing through the light of the lantern. On the wall will be a smooth line, a thread opaque shadow in the beam.
With so many different sources of light in the universe, imagine them crossed in space, and generating a coven antinomian shadow that engulfed all the light possible.
In fact the hypothesis works with a single source of light. Nothing prevents think of a solitary beam of light (the eye of God) cancels itself. The photons are not particles or waves (like little Japanese girl in a quantum Tokyo subway), tripping each one after the other, thus preventing the existence of light, and therefore the vision.
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