Understanding The phrase "end of the world" this way: the extinction of humanity.
The reasons why human beings are diverse and may disappear in principle not exclude religious mystical reasons.
Our Western civilization has been obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bdoomsday for some time, and with good reason. The Apocalypse crushed the minds of the poor peasants medieval trumpets, New Yorkers mounted fucking dragons, lambs with opposable thumbs, crowds protest tattooed with names and other minor hallucinations. That fear then it has survived as any other religious sympathy ... To make matters worse, the other Western religion (science) has also placed human tranquility in check for generations. The Ptolemaic universe was very quiet, perfect spheres contained in the soil was protected from all but the devil that corroded souls and genitals. Copernicus and his band of bandits then opened the universe, and with it came asteroids murderers, invading Martians, megacolisiones planetary ... Current science added to the old list of antichrists supernovae, black holes and even to mock big bang on a small scale. The daughters of our science (technology and arrogance) have collaborated on with it, atomic bombs, pollution, artificial mutations virus, global warming ... There is no end of the world that has not been considered, and at one point provided by our tree-dwelling apes paranoid nature.
But I would like now to consider the end of the world (the disappearance of our species) as a favor that we do, or that we do. I would consider the end of the world not as an evil, but as an ethical necessity that should be seriously considered as desirable.
however, willing to see the end of the world as something horrible, what are the reasons for this? (Besides the obvious loss of life), that is why we must reject the extinction of the human race, existentially What's good for our species to be considered as a positive thing to be preserved?
an endless number of answers can be supportive of positive things that men have done in the present or the past. But on a scale considering the relative weight of these good deeds, with the troubled gravity of the vile and disgusting things that human beings have done to us, our animal brothers and the whole world The idea of \u200b\u200bconsidering the conservation of the human race as desirable is ridiculous, and even features a distinct and evil demons.
Thus, if a sympathetic response to the human race can be given, that answer must revolve around, not our past or present as a species, but about our future. That is, the only possible arguments are mere hypotheses of things happen.
Still, I consider it necessary to face these extravagances to show their character laughable.
Very broadly two responses were considered positive moral when asked about our future:
- The future of humanity is that it has increased awareness, which will allow the universe to know itself .
- The future of humanity is the moral perfection of man.
answers are as ignorant and poor.
Let's face the first time and show the obvious. What the hell thinks a person who says something like 1?
1a) The future of humanity is in space, colonizing and spreading the life and consciousness throughout the universe.
Wait I understand it, which says the above obviously thinks movies and science fiction series Star Trek, for example. Human beings are going through the cosmos at warp pulse. Black holes traveling asteroid-sized ships. Taking life to galaxies unknown, unknown planets planting beans ...
Please, those are stupid sci-fi of the 70s and 80s, when I still did not consider local damage we do to our own planet. Refute this nonsense is simple. When we get the level of technology necessary to achieve those childhood dreams while ago do not exist, because the damage we do to this planet will end up affecting us. And while the damage is unfortunately not sufficient to extinguish, the big countries and the major economies succumb. Ensure the flow of non-renewable materials on earth (or potentially renewable but at risk, such as water) will be our priority technology. Ensure our food is another. Consider palliative for the damage we have done to Earth's ecosystem will be another. Too bad geeks friends of science fiction, but, can we get to Mars once (and even that I doubt it) out of curiosity perhaps we will, to say we could. But colonize Mars will not be a real human goal ever, we are very busy fixing our trash at home. How are we waiting for to bring awareness to all areas of the universe? That is an ignorant patosidad.
is still possible for someone to say that what is meant by 1 is not what has been discussed, but this one:
1b) The future of humanity lies in the total knowledge in discover the essence of the universe, its origin and future mysteries.
Any person with some training in scientific methodology is well known that the human desire to grasp the truth of the universe is a grim medieval illusion. That science can not. Our scientific theories are more like instruments than truths. It is well known. But here I want to focus more or in another type of rebuttal, an idea that I call, the local effect, which means that it is possible in principle know the truth:
Our galaxy is located at a point in the universe such that our measurements and perceptions are altered by some kind of cosmological proportions Yottaevento (a shock wave of cosmic Teraexplosión a power output of grotesque proportions produced by an unknown entity that affects the entire section of the universe of which we are aware, bla bla bla .) The consequences of this event alter our perceptions and measurements so that all our physical theories cosmological are not only wrong, but we do not have the means to make them correct. The big bang , for example, would a local illusion. If some fool is the intelligent gives an event stating that it would be impossible since the size of the universe would not allow the amount of mass / energy / space to provoke, then reply that what we consider the possible size of our universe is just an illusion Local Effect product. In fact, for all we know the universe could be infinite, and our galaxy could be just a speck of stars floating around the core of a massive galaxy hipergalaxia. For all we know our universe could be a piece of snot that God left stuck in your pillow before you go to have coffee with the devil ... What can we do, no science that reflects more our provincialism and ignorance of physics.
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| picture captured by the Hubble to 9000 light years from earth (to the universe fun of us) |
We still consider the other possible positive feedback on our future: the moral perfection. Response that is obviously the result of religion on the one hand and the humanistic character of our philosophy on the other. What specific ways we can give this idea?
2a) The future of humanity is to be an evolutionary intermediate to the emergence of a new species more adaptive, intelligent and peaceful.
Indeed I believe that our moral capacity is subject to our natural history. Our inclination selfishness and violence is the result of our evolution as are our brains. Thus, this idea what he proposes is that the future evolution of man can overcome all these macules spiritual and free us reason and love. Could be a final link in the natural generation of a new species, something like terrestrial angels to transform the land into the paradise of goodness ... Shameful particular reason.
The key development is the selection. The question is what kind of selection we made in our species over the centuries and what kind of selection we are able to provide us.
I think if there are features of our species that we are responsible for selecting the features violent, selfish and interested. Intelligence is an important feature that we should cultivate genetically, but are precisely the least smartest breed and bequeath to posterity their genes. Could perhaps be said that the healthiest and most beautiful are those most likely to get intimate, but in a society that has life and health as the ultimate values \u200b\u200bof humankind, those born with defects and diseases increasingly more increases through the medicine your chance of living long enough to procreate, and many times more than the healthier ones. If the future of the human species is in evolution, we should consider implementing a mass breeding, vicious, authoritarian. Who would dare to do so in a society dominated by reason and humanism as ours, a society where the problem is more important to kill the cancer and the flu that the problem of overpopulation?
No, my dear readers, evolution does not lead us anywhere, at least not any that we find it enjoyable.
2b) The future of humanity is in the heavenly paradise, where you'll only those with appropriate moral qualities, the other will be lost in nothingness.
I must admit that I have nothing in principle against this idea. Moreover, the possibility of a religious paradise is completely compatible with the physical disappearance of the human race (which is the issue here and that's all I care now.) I do not understand is how the idea of \u200b\u200bmoral perfection may be something like the most important thing in our lives. I do not believe that moral perfection gives us the meaning of existence.
on life after of death only let me quote one of my teachers, " The temporal immortality of the human soul, that is, even his eternal survival after death, not only is not guaranteed in any way, but such an assumption we provides in principle thanks to what she has always wanted to achieve. Is it perhaps an enigma resolved by the fact I ever survive? And this eternal life is not as enigmatic as this? . "
on life after of death only let me quote one of my teachers, " The temporal immortality of the human soul, that is, even his eternal survival after death, not only is not guaranteed in any way, but such an assumption we provides in principle thanks to what she has always wanted to achieve. Is it perhaps an enigma resolved by the fact I ever survive? And this eternal life is not as enigmatic as this? . "
The ethical importance of doomsday
El problema es que no hay nada que esperar de nuestra historia: Esa miseria autocomplaciente que sirve de marco a la banalidad humana.
Lo único que podemos esperar de nuestro futuro es una humanidad confinada a su situación local en el universo, moralmente deprimente, evolutivamente degenerada, racionalmente impulsiva, tecnológicamente mediocre y padeciendo una ignorancia atávica radical.
Desde este punto de vista, la desaparición de nuestra especie sólo viene a salvarnos de una auto-humillación inevitable. Que mejor argumento a favor del fin del mundo. Carpe diem, brothers.
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