David (S333): "A new world order "Message from the Ship
Through Vince.
"is not the end of time, but the beginning of time"
"will be an era of new civilization on Earth and other planets'
"Those who do not graduate to inhabit the Earth will go to other planets Ascended alternative"
"The earth will jewel in the crown where the construction of our New Order World »
" Do not confuse our New World Order with the creation pathetic and evil dark elite "
" His you plan to steal your material and spiritual resources to enslave more »
" Soon the people of Earth will see how he has been cheated, stolen and abused by the dark "
"Most voluntary donations of people just in the bank accounts of the organizers'
" Our New World Order is based on spiritual principles and the Divine Law, under a divine decree "
" The number of people with the necessary spiritual level is very small compared with world population "
March 12, 2010
Hello Dear, soon there will come a time out, somewhat like the "End Times" . But of course that's not what esrealmente, and a better description would be "the beginning of time."
will be an era of new civilizations on Earth and other planets. The planet Earth is a seed, your current civilization was planted some time ago, and what you see around is the end result of your hard work over many thousands of years. Disappointing, no?
Choose the highest quality TV programs where they live and decide whether they believe is the top of many thousands of years of work and evolution. Then Focus on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and all other military mass killings. "Is that what they sucked?
Have you healed the sick, fed the hungry and eliminate poverty? No, you have not, so what is there to be proud? Not much really, because the results are disappointing for the Spiritual Hierarchy. Even in the field of world religions, people worship false idols and its leaders are laughing their way to the bank.
What then is the charity work carried out on your planet? The situation is pretty dismal here as well, with most voluntary donations from people who end up in the bank accounts of the organizers. There are many small projects that are of high spiritual ideals, but all they look great degree fraudulent. I will not name here, since the list is so long that we have prepared this text for weeks. Say, "We know who you are."
Therefore, the cultivation of human beings has reached the spiritual level necessary to become residents of a high land, promoted remodeled and is very small compared to the current world population, which is a shame . There has been a waste of time, but we wanted that high would have been more in number. We just have to be thankful for the numbers we have, as this will allow us to move forward with the establishment of our New World Order.
Now, do not confuse our New World Order with the creation pathetic and evil dark elite, because they are not connected to the Source of All That Is His plan is to rob you all your resources, both material and spiritual, so they can keep more enslaved by them.
Our New World Order is based on spiritual principles and the Divine Law, and created under a divine decree. Anyone who does not qualify graduates or to inhabit the planet Earth will go to alternative Promoted to continue further development led to greater soul growth. Others have chosen other options according to their beliefs and / or their past.
This will leave the seed planet Earth as a very advanced, and will be the jewel in the crown where the construction of our New World Order. It will take time to build this spiritual society, and a lot of hard work over many centuries, but will be free of lies, greed, corruption and absolute evil on Earth today.
Soon, the people of Earth will see how he has been cheated, stolen and abused by the dark and not like them. Many of you will find that the truth is far from the construction dummy of your current reality, and wonder how it could have been well in front of your nose. Well, you looked the other way, dear.
Only hard work to build a spiritual society, and many of your people wanted an easy life. Therefore the dark gave an easy life, where left for them to think big, and eventually they took you away from your reality and gave a distorted reality, where they alone benefit. Over the millennia they refined the process because it took a long-term vision where mankind would only take the vision of its own life. Even now the darkness looking for hundreds of years ahead, and is only as a result of this divine decree, you will be free from this false reality.
The time is here and now, the wheels and gears are moving away behind the scenes, and then very early ones, nothing will ever be the same.
And so ...
Translated by William V (Journalist BA)