Saturday, March 20, 2010

Quote From Behind Rebel Lines

Message from Mother Mary


Maria Cecilia Teixeira

be tested, call us and share with me and my beloved son, his sorrows. Surely they can ease the burden, lend a hand and bring safely across the River.

Oh my dear ... You're still a pioneer in many things ... I, Mother Mary, bless you for that. Long ago you started your walk along the trail glorious Ascension. And now you're almost reaching so both are looking for, I give you my blessing and I encourage you to keep going, even when I know, you're so tired. I want you to know, and that goes for all Lightworkers, those are really the end times. You have inherited the Earth, since they are the meek of heart. But not this planet, as it is today. He has to be clean and purified again before they can return to it again.

Meanwhile, I urge you to make one last effort, in that cleanse and purify yourself, before resuming their lives in the face of the Earth. My kids loved. Be tough times ahead and challenging for many of you. That does not mean that you leave alone, abandoned to their fate, no ... We are next to each other and write together the last pages of life on Gaia, as we know it. Keep in mind that changes are always for the better. And that only happens the better for everyone. Have total confidence in what I say, and you'll see that soon we pass page to enter the new Golden Age.

Faith and courage, my children, for it is very close. I know that Rafael is the new channeler, responsible for conveying our messages. But that does not stop us coming to you, Cecilia, when you can meet us and make us a hole in your daily work. Be careful, because you are very important to us, for all the help we provide. With all my love to mother, I leave for now. But I want as long as tested, call us and share with me and my beloved son, his punishment .. I am the Mother Mary.


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