encourage reading? WRITING FROM SOUTH CITY
Friday, April 30, 2010
1979 Holiday Rambler Identification

April 23 marked the International Day of Book and Copyright instance from tyranny reigning advertising aims to spread the love of reading and a flowing respect for writers. Unproductive beyond the event, which in this city filled a room with liceanos those who inflicted the conference-dowdy to the scandalous-a nobleman of the academy, I would give some suggestions that they can serve to encourage reading primarily literary texts.
1) Let us fantasies: the reading in itself does not allow a person to have better opportunities in life. There are ministers of state who visited his last text (literary) at 20, because the mutation of the cognitive paradigm from print to audiovisual what has been done, at least for purposes of utilitarian knowledge so expensive these days, books are almost the height of the stone ax.
2) The books are essentially expensive. It's up to investigate into the used book stores, cheap in the Markets, appealing to exchange electronic devices (those who claim it is inhuman to have read this form of unreality) or vilified hacking (is it coincidence that a country like France, this practice does not exist?). The neo-illiteracy is more related to the saturation Information that in the absence of books, require best trainers and-such-an aggressive mark (I suggest the tactic of the Trojan horse) against bastardy television, bundles of papers not dead.
3) must spread the enthusiasm for literature by appealing to the intervention and surprise. Poets archimanidas reiterating formulas or believe that showmanship is for clowns, writers unable to get out of their heights ignorant caged officials often self-imposed negligence, or cultural agents who confuse irreverence (an essential condition for any innovation) with lack of respect, do so much for reading as barriers burocráticas por la iniciativa empresarial en Chile.
4) Como decía Montaigne, la lectura se relaciona demasiado con la felicidad. Poco sacamos con imponerla, y más allá de cualquier necesaria apelación a la disciplina o a la tolerancia a la hora de entrar en un texto, el concepto de lectura obligatoria es una contradicción.
5) Me permito contradecir el primer punto de esta columna. Las personas debieran leer más, sobre todo los líderes. Leer nos hace más tolerantes, diversos, ilustrados, menos consumistas y menos atados a placeres sensualistas. La lectura nos sume en una dulce intimidad, pone un freno entre en pensamiento y la acción, refresca nuestras mentes y nos libra del abismo de impossibilities, if it were an extension of our imagination. And about the gun, "is to laugh and not to anger as best kills."
Monday, April 26, 2010
How To Reprogram A Minitor
Cazes with Conde Rodriguez!

Good, People!
The next class of Thursday 29 / 4 is scheduled for delivery of practical work on analysis of cases and this time they have to analyze is a plenary session held in 1951 where the central question is implicitly linked to the scope of the sales contract.
Plenary Francine Cazes, Amalia c / Conde Rodríguez, Manuel can be downloaded from web site of Dr. Lidia Garrido, in pdf format.
As you know, all the case law have made that may represent a conflict of interest between two or more parties or represent a request for mutual will, but if there are no clear facts in view, then we can be to a pure question of law or the facts are but implicitly, ie not expressly ... If, in this case, no facts, can be determined and are implicitly!
The relevance of the decision is given by its predecessor, as it establishes a particular way to resolve and act linked to the purchase agreement, the obligation of writing, the powers of the court and more!
In this regard, and in accordance with Dr. Sebastian Barocelli, tell them that the purpose of understanding the subject, they can be very useful to read:
* Alterini, Atilio A., "civilian contractors - commercial - consumption", Buenos Aires, Abeledo Perrot, 2005, pp. 325-355.
"Pre-contractual liability: Contributions to the study," Buenos Aires, La Ley 1998-D-1229 .
I hope we, Making Contracts!
Plenary Francine Cazes, Amalia c / Conde Rodríguez, Manuel can be downloaded from web site of Dr. Lidia Garrido, in pdf format.
As you know, all the case law have made that may represent a conflict of interest between two or more parties or represent a request for mutual will, but if there are no clear facts in view, then we can be to a pure question of law or the facts are but implicitly, ie not expressly ... If, in this case, no facts, can be determined and are implicitly!
The relevance of the decision is given by its predecessor, as it establishes a particular way to resolve and act linked to the purchase agreement, the obligation of writing, the powers of the court and more!
In this regard, and in accordance with Dr. Sebastian Barocelli, tell them that the purpose of understanding the subject, they can be very useful to read:
* Alterini, Atilio A., "civilian contractors - commercial - consumption", Buenos Aires, Abeledo Perrot, 2005, pp. 325-355.
"Pre-contractual liability: Contributions to the study," Buenos Aires, La Ley 1998-D-1229 .
I hope we, Making Contracts!
Cartoon Cat In Wrestling Singlet
Private Law Congress! Visiting
This Congress, carried forward from the Specialization in Tort Law Department Graduate School of Law, is remarkably chaired by former Dean of this University, Professor Emeritus Dr. Atilio A . Alterini with the President of the Supreme Court of Argentina, Professor Dr. Ricardo Lorenzetti.
More information: cedd@derecho.uba.ar
More information: cedd@derecho.uba.ar
I hope we, Making Contracts!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
12 X 39 Jig Saw Puzzel Frame
Right! Days
Both the Night as Day, the Museum is present in , remarkably supervised by Prof. Dr. Tulio Ortiz, The Faculty of Law was forming leaders and at the same time a place of questioning the leadership. No wonder therefore, that the history of Faculty of Law, as well as the University of Buenos Aires that is a party, can be gone in parallel with the country's history and the great national events bring this tour.
In this tune, the Historical Museum and Archives invites all members of the university community and general public to celebrate International Museum Day, with a guided tour of the School!
More Information: museo@derecho.uba.ar
I hope we, Making Contracts!
Allergic After Pedicure
Conference Intercatedras
grateful for the information to the Coordinator of the mentioned activity, they do extend to all members of the university community and public in general, this information as an invitation to attend the Conference.
Stressing the importance of this activity, we express the Coordinator and all who do possible the realization of it, our sincere and deepest congratulations for this contribution in a discussion led thought the future of our Nation!
I hope we, Making Contracts!
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"Current Issues in Family Law and Succession Law"
This remarkable seminar is jointly organized by the recognized Professors Drs. Nestor Solari, Pedro Di Lella, Jorge Azpiri, and Drs. Lidia Hernández, Graciela Medina and Wagmaister Adriana, whom we express our good wishes for the Day!
More Information: http://www.jornadasintercatedras2010.blogspot.com/
I hope we, Making Contracts!
I hope we, Making Contracts!
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Bicentennial Bibliographic Displays!
Show Bib 
part of its program in honor of the May Revolution started in 2007, the Bicentennial Commission presents a selection of works by philosophers, theologians, politicians, lawyers and economists who influenced the era of revolution and Latin American editions in the period 1800 to 1820.
Books Exhibits include prints of the seventeenth, eighteenth and early decades of the century. Query up the assets of the Library of the Faculty and its Treasury. The library was established in 1882 with specimens from the original library of the University in its infancy and gifts and bequests made by professors and deans of the House.
high value for its intellectual and material, these books are a precious legacy from the past that the Law School wants to share with the whole society.
In this sense, thanking them for the information and carry out these far-reaching initiatives we express our profound and sincere congratulations for making this project to make every day a Best School! We thank them and wish them much success to the team that enables this activity, especially the former dean of the FD-UBA, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Tulio Ortiz!
Organizers: Central Library Bicentennial Commission and the Faculty of Law at the University of Buenos Aires.
More information: bicen@derecho.uba.ar
I hope we, Making Contracts!
Books Exhibits include prints of the seventeenth, eighteenth and early decades of the century. Query up the assets of the Library of the Faculty and its Treasury. The library was established in 1882 with specimens from the original library of the University in its infancy and gifts and bequests made by professors and deans of the House.
high value for its intellectual and material, these books are a precious legacy from the past that the Law School wants to share with the whole society.
In this sense, thanking them for the information and carry out these far-reaching initiatives we express our profound and sincere congratulations for making this project to make every day a Best School! We thank them and wish them much success to the team that enables this activity, especially the former dean of the FD-UBA, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Tulio Ortiz!
Organizers: Central Library Bicentennial Commission and the Faculty of Law at the University of Buenos Aires.
More information: bicen@derecho.uba.ar
I hope we, Making Contracts!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Gay Cruisy Places In Columbia S.c.
has been published on April 3, 2010 at:
http://mensajes-canalizados. blogspot.com
've done anything at all, so you to torment. Our beloved Father, who is so loved because he loves children and gives infinitely, as you know, get, created this world for us to come to experience, ie, let it evolve through many times, to we call errors, such errors are not themselves.
I will dare to define yourself why on Earth are called errors. Are just situations that tell us that our conscience is bound to expand further from the current state where you are.
is in these cases perceive that we can act with more love and otherwise, with more integrity and alignment with All That Is Not the beloved is a learning process that is running on this planet Earth.
Wonderful to see that we can detect that we can expand our perception and vision of things! Do not you think? Well, that is thanks to this type of situation, which we call mistakes because we live with guilt and fear instead of love. Are simply turning the beautiful spots of our conscience that tells us that we can evolve and we evolve. There.
When given these situations, dear brother, is so lacking that let express themselves freely, like any feelings of guilt, anger, anxiety, or fear that resistance may arise, for that we feel as being in full and that we look with love and affection as children of the Father Creator. Nothing more.
See? It is always the same. Let and let everything completely and just looking to express love without being involved in anything and for nothing.
So to let it express your sadness, guilt, pain, fear, resentment, external situations, etc., etc., etc., let them speak out, if they have to. Feels everything you perceive outside and inside of your body, and look with love. Delight in these uncomfortable situations with love and without haste, with great care and affection. Nobody will call on anything because your beautiful and beloved is evolving and learning. Only yours.
In that moment you are the incarnation of God by loving all your issues, transmuting pain into higher forms of Light and thus healing them. Because they are all parts of yourself and therefore you another and also are God, as part of Creation and Unity're calling through your love. The integrated as a whole, healing the wounds they had, because they are not wanted in your life and start letting them express themselves and receive your love.
When we realize this acquired power as divine beings we are and external situations, which were blocked, begin to flow and to align themselves and begin to consciously create our reality.
with love and gratitude always get my hug of Light.
has been published on April 3, 2010 at:
http://mensajes-canalizados. blogspot.com
Just wanted to say you can say that I I was diagnosed with chronic. Had he followed medical indications, I do not know where it would be today. Today I take no medication and, although I'm not one hundred percent, I am well and truly give thanks.
What did I do? Devote as Teachers continually insisted on their messages. How amounted to Ascend? Cleaning Up How do you clean inside? Atento. Only two things are necessary, really.
First, let all your internal aspects or emotions (fear, guilt, grief, anger, stress, anxiety, resistance, locks, etc.) And your external situations (physical, relationships, possessions, etc..) express open, free and unconditional. All are part of you and, therefore, is that you are God also, as part of creation, and can not be suppressed as much as we do not like, but rebel even more. Hurt precisely because we have not overcome and harmonized at all and are our own emotions and wounds discordant situations that attract overseas blocked by the Law of Attraction, which is what attracts like vibration. This is the way they claimed to heal and the look of compassion and tenderness.
Second, once not suppress any part of you and, therefore, accept them, just look at them with love. Nothing more. Look at them with affection. Look fondly. Just look to love your emotions and your pain and everything that you identify within yourself in your meditation, and love looks like everything is unfolding outside. Nothing involved or entangled with any of this. Just look to love like that provides a landscape or watching a movie in the cinema, but do not mess with actor because then you give life to the "film."
The energy generated by the thoughts, emotions, words and actions are always located in our mental and emotional bodies, and reaches a time when demand transmutation and liberation in higher forms of Light. So just what can we do as I have indicated above. Let all be expressed, let it go, love it and it is diluted whenever you want, without conditions or expectations. The purification of these emotions means that these have to come to the surface to be released, ie leave the "bottom out" and be felt by the physical body to give you freedom of expression and love them. This is liberation. Harmonized.
is possible that symptoms initially a revival, but as they are easing energy, symptoms External begin to recall until they disappear. Your physical condition is not a punishment. Is your tool through which you can identify all you have to balance and he'll point the way to your own spiritual master. So watch it with love and affection, and let it be expressed.
you define what they call chronic disease. Is a physical state of imbalance, in the process of balance, which is amplified by the time that we resist and oppose the give and not love. We try to remove or deny something that is also God. So you know the medicines. It is a matter of will and love in your heart.
On the other I do not appreciate, but the energies that each generates, are there and, if not harmonized now, will be made elsewhere and at another time, because the earth will rise and what not vibrate with it will be set aside. This you go outside you checking soon. So what's the urge to go inside.
If you want, you can print the image of the Eternal Father, I have put in my blog, I've always called the Lord, but He also comes with other names to messages as Christ Michael, Christ Michael, Aton, Adonai, etc. Through this picture, which has only and shared my good friend and great teacher Carlos Jesus Micael, have done great miracles for people with big problems and serious illnesses, these people went to Carlos Jesus and I know them. I always in my prayers with me, under my pillow in the car, in my portfolio. Always ask quietly, with thought and with love. Ask and put it where you have physical pain.
can contact me whenever you can be of help.
receive my hug in the Light and Love of the Eternal Father.
Posted March 12, 2010 at:
Sympathy Messages For A Coworker
Beacons of Light: "Falling in Love"
Beacons of Light - Falling in Love - 15/12/2008
have come so far through of the universe over many different lives. This has provided a breadth of different experiences and opportunities to see their reflection in others. However, many lives have been confused because of these reflections. We say that as continue to evolve, every human will go through an evolutionary process that will thin the veil. Then, begin to see things that have never before seen in these areas. Begin to have more ideas, concepts and open heart and see his own reflection in others. We are not here to show future ways of doing things and new possibilities for humans evolved. Rather, we are here to offer some suggestions tools and ideas to play with them.
Reflected light
You are an integral part of each other, spirits pretending to be separated from each other. While playing, they are communicating on many levels. Talk to their words and their laughter or tears. Communicate with their eyes and body language, and through their smiles and expressions on their faces. And they communicate by touch more than they think. Many times these forms of nonverbal communication, in fact, speak much louder than words in which both rely. As humans continue to evolve, you will see differences in all forms of communication.
is important to first understand that all forms of communication are reflections of light. Secondly, if they are too committed to the person or people you are working, communication is instantly contaminated. This happens when you know them so well that says what he thinks they want to hear. I really do not care what they think of you, and in a way none of your business. You always feel and be sensitive to them because their energy naturally returns of those with you communicate, but if this sensitivity influences their communication, the reflection will be inaccurate. This is one of the areas in which we focus while working with this energy.
Contact Deep
As you evolve, will attract a whole new energy to their lives. In doing so, some of the relationships they have now will vanish and others will be strengthened to new heights. Even when two people raise their vibrations at different levels, while having effective communication between these levels and a belief system that allows them expand your consciousness, allow space for that to happen. Begin to see something new in their relationships, and we want to talk about it. A few months ago we talked about it. Contact is something called Deep.
deep contact is a form of communication that eventually will with everyone. It's a soul level communication they have with another human, but to this point has been reached only with very few. This deep level of communication has evolved over several lives. For the first time you may experience with strangers, as they are beginning to thin the veil. Deep contact is talking to another person to a level soul from the beginning of the relationship. "This involves the words? Yes, it will probably at first because it is the way they are more used to communicate. Later evolve into telepathic communication, but more interesting is that we still have the separation. As the veil begins to thin, you will clearly see the strings of connective energy between yourself and others, and even how their emotions affect other people. Recognize how their energies working with other people and their effect on the world. Something that will also begin to see is your own reflection, because that is what they experience when they reach the level of the soul. When get a soul level of communication with another person, you see your own reflection, not theirs.
going to be useful for you to understand this concept, because it will cause much confusion as humanity moves to the next level. When you start seeing these openings, they may make a connection with someone on a soul level. Like any communication, whether developed, work on it, working to increase and make it grow, will occur. Will become even stronger, which leads to the form of communication and reach the level of Timeless Love. When they reach that connection with another person, when finally see your own reflection clearly through another person, have a relationship with them that will never die, no matter how many lives back. Always see very clearly reflected through the soul of that individual. Have learned to reflect the energy of them clearly, and they have learned to reflect clearly his. That is a very deep level of communication, contact Deep.
At first deep contact occur especially in his relationships. Eventually, however, happen to people they know, or at work, or even strangers in the mall or supermarket. Even can happen with a simple greeting throughout a room, or a sideways glance to catch someone's attention. When connecting with another, that person really can jump to your energy field and can have a moment of deep contact. Evolve into normal form of daily communication.
SC Separation of Higher and Lower
We also talk about another part that can be confusing to humans. Many have belief systems that often contaminate their communication. We call these constraints another name: "SC." Not bad to believe in something, but many change their communication to correspond with what they think is "right" way of being. This is a sad event and will cause the greatest challenge in humans as they rise to the next level. SC are those who hold the higher and lower to be separated. The veil itself gives the illusion of separation, but the veil is thinning rapidly. The challenge is that with this new level of communication to contact Deep, it is possible to have a deep connection with another soul just to hear one thing from your higher self and experience the SC communication be lower. This effect will decrease rapidly, but can be very confusing to begin using this new tool.
What typically happens is you find someone to perform this deep connection, but we will see and will be scared. This scares people. Sometimes, even when they look across the room to someone and their eyes meet, they can be frightening because their perception is that they can see everything inside of you and can not hide anything. But this connection is what really empowers them. Yes, all humans hiding something! When they are transparent, it gives them strength. That is what we working with you and as these things start to open there will be many times when you or the people around you experience fear as a result. It is the reason why we talk about fear last month, to say that it is only a void, a lack of information. Can only fear the unknown. So, fill the unknown with knowledge and lose their fear. When you can release the fear, your reality will change and change their belief system.
See a Soul - Fall in love with Ella
there anything I need know before you begin to see the souls of others. When this happens, in reality what they are seeing is his own reflection. When we truly look at the soul of another person fall in love. It's that simple. Many of their belief systems do not allow them to feel that because they have always believed that true love can only focus on one area. Until they feel comfortable with the Deep Contact there will be times that will work in the morning, may have taken a bus or train to get there and interact with others on the road. May call his wife when they arrive at work to say, "Honey, I only just get to work and I fell in love three times this morning! "This is how you feel. Literally begin to fall in love with the people they see. It will be very confusing, because it is a reflection of true love and they are actually seeing.
This is probably the most important part of that feeling ... be in love with yourself when this happens.
Typically a person will experience these new energies and will step back to their old belief systems. This is normal, so do not judge if that happens to you or your friends. Many advance times, experience a deep contact with another person and feel enlightened by it. A common belief is the perception here that they can only love a person, as in a monogamous relationship. However, any mother with children will tell you that this is not true. They also say that they share that love with the world, the planet Earth will become a magical place. That is where the veil will disappear altogether and enter more fully in his well-being or being with God, while still in the physical body. That's where they are going, and exactly the creation of Heaven on Earth that have done possible with their expectations.
While walking through his life will find other souls, some familiar, some times it will be your partner, other times it will be a stranger, sometimes it will be a friend and you'll see in a differently and see themselves falling in love. Know that you are falling in love with his own image when viewed in different mirrors. It's the same beauty that is in their souls when they are home. Without the expectation or belief systems, simply can receive love. In a sense the more people, because that anchor their souls in their physical bodies. The more highly vibrated. The feel better about a spirit pretending to be separate, and about the game itself. You have more to offer to others. As they see themselves becoming more and more transparent and people fall in love with you, know that is just the next step and that does not mean they should do something about it. No
mean that they should have long term relationships or physical with each of them. That does not mean that expectations should arise as a result of those interactions. It simply means being a mirror. Are reflecting the energies of people in a beautiful way, to the point where they can see their own divinity in you. That is the nature of what is directly in front of you.
There are many ways in which humans can take this next step. One of them we have already mentioned and it is through fear, but do not think that will really happen. We tell them they are reaching a critical mass of love on this planet, and partly occurs due to the coercion that exists today in the world, the difficulty of the times in which you have placed ourselves as humans and societies . This is starting to change in a very beautiful. Have seen in their world as difficulties and challenges, but it is not. It is an opportunity for light and to make them look themselves in the eyes of others in the way they are. When they do, we hope you fall in love.
We love you!
is with the greatest honor that we speak these days. Understand that as angels in heaven, our greatest hope is to be here and help them remember who they really are, and it's working. Our greatest passion is to reflect your magnificence in a beautiful and empowering day. We love you very deeply. It's a great honor for we see it, and is happening on a global basis. The vibration of humanity is changing daily. All these new energies coming, all these new things that are happening, if not fit into the highest vibration of the New Planet Earth, as initially presented difficulties. Welcome them. Look for opportunities in these difficult light and let people see them. Let them see your struggles. Let them see your pain. Let them see their challenges and if they dare, let them see their belief systems because that will show who you are.
Please understand that as your life pass by falling in love everyday, it is your own reflection of who they fall in love. This is what brings beauty. If you like the way it is being reflected in their hearts like to look at their eyes, they are your friends. If you fall in love with them, they too can experience the same if they are open to it. Can often feel a connection so deep, fast, short and momentarily, but that will change your life overnight. This can be very confusing to some people because love has many definitions. The love of a couple has a definition, while the love of children has a different definition, as does the love of friends, passion, work and things I like to do. However, everything is the same energy of the heart. Bring that energy to the inside and allow the reflection to work through their words and energy is what most of you came to do here.
be the mirror
We're talking about the mirrors on the planet. Many of you have chosen to be just a mirror suitable for people to reflect their energy into it. You are the healers and teachers of Planet Earth and are now taking their positions. They're doing it just in time. Feel and know that being in love over their daily lives. Eventually they fall in love just walking down the street. What fun and happy planet is this, since it does not have room in their hearts for war if filled with love! Do not have room in their hearts for disagreement if filled with love. That's the idea. Know that the reflection you see in another person is his own reflection. There is an opposite side, and currently living in a field of polarity. See things as ups and downs, right or wrong, good or bad, even though no such definitions.
If you look even see people who reflect their negativity. These are true gifts because they show their own reflection in a negative aspect. It's almost like seeing a photo negative. We realize that this is an old technology, but we'll use this analogy anyway. If you have a photo negative and look at the picture revealed, will be fascinated and relate it to the picture. But the negative does not understand why the light and dark are reversed. It is very simple, yet that is what happens sometimes when I look in your eyes or someone's soul. Not really like what they see or feel a rejection of what they see. That is also an opportunity for them to see themselves, because most of the time simply are reflecting a part of yourself that do not tolerate.
Ascension is Easy!
Many of you know that to master something, as passing through the upper levels of mastery of the attributes they have, they become intolerant of people who do not walk into that expertise. It is a normal human process. Please do not judge by that, but be vigilant about it because there is no superior or inferior. Everything is an illusion of polarity of the game board. No trial, no right or wrong. These are things that are beginning to understand and as they do, they become your point of perception. Now be able to be perceived by others simply found on the street, as well as those who love, with whom they engage in long-term relationships, or with whom they work daily. Can you imagine what it would live in love with the people who work, to the point of being eager to get to work in the morning simply because they
love being by her side? That means being as comfortable as possible with their own energies. That means having the confidence and have the confidence of the soul of his own reflection seen through many hearts. This is the next step for humanity.
There are many ways that can be experienced. Knowledge contains the light, have knowledge leaves no room for fear. That is our highest vision about you. We hope to be able to see your reflection through our eyes, because we love more than you can imagine. Household energy surrounds each and every one of you. They have brought something special to give. Now is the time to come forward. Now is the time to take off the blinders. Now is the time to take that first step and push against the wall. When they see that person reflects their energy and fall in love, do not follow that love. Let it flow through you and just say, "Thanks." Do not think they have to go out and do something with that person for the rest of their lives, because if they fall for each person, will be very busy. The truth of the matter is that they are falling in love with yourself. Make no mistake when this starts to happen. Know that you are the healers who are opening the doors for others. Many of you carry seeds of light that will open the next level for many people. Let them see them. Dare to allow it in every way possible, and you will see important changes in their fields. Begin to see energy gathers around yours. Networks will support. See opportunities. That things will magically happen.
We are not here to help them evolve. We are not here to help them ascend to heaven. That's easy. Ascension is easy, all you have to do is die. The hard part is staying here and let your hearts be seen by other souls. We're with you every moment of every day. Know that you are bringing home energy every time you smile, as they plant seeds that are important to you and hope you fall in love a lot. Enjoy every moment of it.
is with the greatest honor that we ask them to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity they can. Know that it is a beautiful game that are involved and play well together.
Beacons of Light ~ Reminders from Home ~
15 December 2008
~ ~ Falling in love
Using Deep Contact
The Beacons Home Reminders are LIVE on the Internet, transcribed and placed here by 15 every month. The next live broadcast of Lightworker will be Saturday January 31, 2009 11: am Pacific Time in the United States
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Message Jeshua: "Dealing with emotions" on the Message
This channel was presented to a live audience on February 6, 2005 in Haaren, The Netherlands. The spoken word has been slightly edited for readability.
Dear friends,
I am delighted to be back among you and to communicate with you in this way. I must say that this means a lot to me too. I appreciate these meetings, because this way I can get closer to you when I'm in my own plane of reality.
Yet I always live within your hearts and I hope those moments in time when they are open and sensitive to my energy. My energy, the Christ energy that is being reborn in these times, is not only my energy. It is simply the energy of a man who lived on earth at a time: a collective energy field of which you are part of a deeper way than you realize.
You all made a promise once you all expressed their intention to carry this energy further into the reality of earth, to anchor into the ground. During many lives, many centuries, you have worked on this mission. You are all in the process of giving birth to the Christ seed within you, and I'm helping. I was a precursor, but the seed of the Christ energy was a collective effort. Even my arrival on earth was possible only by the energy field that was present here, woven by you. We work together, we're a unit.
Therefore, I am accessible to you all. I am not exclusively available to any person. I am serving you all.
Today I want to talk about an issue that touches deeply and frequently in everyday life. It is about dealing with emotions.
The last time I talked about male and female energies that run through your energy field and their farms. He stressed the importance of healing the three lower chakras, as part of becoming whole and complete within yourself. I thought it was important to note that, since many of you who yearn for spiritual things tend to withdraw, both in thought and feeling, to the higher chakras.
The heart, the third eye and crown chakra are attractive to you, because these energy centers bring them into contact with the higher realms that are so natural for you. But the real internal split should happen now in the lower level in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower chakras, close to the ground.
The area of \u200b\u200bemotions is a vital area in the process of development towards freedom and wholeness. You are spiritual beings. You came from one plane of reality where the density and lack of direction of the ground reality was unknown to you. Coping with this has been difficult.
Over many lifetimes, you have tried to express their cosmic energy on earth. In this expression, channeling their energy to the earth, have developed many deep traumas. The emotional body, you all possess, is full of wounds and traumas. Of this I speak today.
Anyone who travels on the path of inner growth known about the importance of emotions, that you should not repress, that somehow you have to agree with them that you finally should release them, but how it works this is not always very clear.
First I want to make a distinction between emotions and feelings.
I am not interested here in specific terms or classifications, and you may call it different names, but I want to make a distinction between emotions, in the sense of energies that are essentially expressions of misunderstanding and feelings or energies that are a form of higher understanding. Feelings are their teachers, while emotions are your children.
Emotions are energies that have a clear manifestation in the physical body. Emotions are reactions to things you really do not understand. Consider what happens when you are overcome by a fit of rage. For example, someone hurts your feelings unexpectedly, and you feel that you get angry. You can feel it in your body very clearly: in some places you feel that energy becomes tense. This physical tension or stiffness, which follows the shock energy, shows that there is something you do not understand. There is an energy coming through you who feel it is unjustified. The feeling of being treated unfairly, in brief misunderstanding, is discharged through the emotion. Emotion is the expression of incomprehension, is an explosion and release energy.
When this happens, you face the following choice: what will I do with this emotion? Would I base my current behavior in this? Will I use this as fuel for my reactions to other people or I'll let the emotion is, and I base my actions on something else?
Before answering these questions, let me explain the nature of feelings.
Emotions are essentially explosions of misunderstanding that you can clearly perceive the body. Feelings, on the other hand, are of a different nature, and are also perceived differently. Feelings are emotions calmer. They are the whispers of the soul, that you reach through gentle nudges, an inner wisdom or a sudden intuitive action that later appears to have been very successful.
emotions are always very intense and dramatic in them. Consider the anxiety attacks, panic, anger or deep sadness. Gripping emotions and you completely away from its spiritual center. At the moment they are very excited, are filled with a kind of energy that separates them from your center, your inner clarity. In this sense, emotions are like clouds suspended before the sun.
With this, I do not mean nothing against emotions. Emotions should not be repressed, they are very valuable as a means to get to know more intimately. But I want to express what is the nature of emotional energy: a burst of misunderstanding. Emotions are essentially out of place.
Feelings, on the other hand, take you deep into yourself, into its center. The feelings are closely associated with what you call intuition. The sentiments expressed a higher understanding, a kind of understanding that transcends both the emotions and mind.
feelings stem from a non-physical realm, outside the body. That is why they are not so clearly located in a physical body. Consider what happens when you feel something, an atmosphere or mood, or when you have premonitions about a situation. Then there is a kind of wisdom in you, that seems to come from outside, and not a reaction to something outside of you. You take it from the outside, and comes 'from nothing' ('like rain' as you so beautifully say). At such times you may feel that something is opened in the heart chakra.
There are many moments in which such inner wisdom comes to you. For example, they "know" something about someone without having spoken a lot with him or her. Can feel something about you two, who later played an important role in their relationship, but which is not easy to express in words - 'just a feeling "- and certainly not easily understood by the mind. (These are the moments when your mind becomes skeptical, saying that you are making things up or are going crazy).
Let me mention another energy that is more a nature of 'feeling' that emotional. Is joy. Joy may be a phenomenon that transcends the emotional. Sometimes you can feel a kind of inner joy that lifts you up, no particular reason. You feel the divinity within you, and their intimate connection with everything that exists. Such feelings can come to you when you least expect it. Superior is as if something might touch or if you touch a higher reality. Evoked feelings are not so easily and seem to come to you 'as rained. "
Emotions often have a clear immediate cause: a trigger in the outside world "to press their buttons."
feelings stem from the size of your higher self. You need to be calm on the inside to catch those whispers in your heart. Emotions can disrupt this inner silence and peace. Therefore, it is vital to get to be calm and heal emotionally and release repressed emotions. Only from their feelings, which connect to your soul, you can make balanced decisions.
Being quiet and calm, you can feel with your whole being what is right for you at any given time. Make decisions based on emotion is to make decisions from a position not focused. You first need to release emotions and get in touch with your inner core, where there is clarity.
Now I want to go to question how can you deal with their emotions better.
I said "feelings are their teachers and the emotions are your children." The parallels between "being emotional" and "being like a child 'are amazing. Your "inner child" is the seat of your emotions. There is also a striking similarity between the way they treat their own emotions and how they treat children (real).
A child is honest and spontaneous emotions, and he not hidden or suppressed until the adults encourage it. The fact that children naturally express their emotions does not mean, however, that the children experience their emotions in a balanced way. Everyone knows that a child can be taken away by their emotions (anger, fear or sadness) and is often unable to stop it. In this situation, the child can almost drown in their emotions and that it unbalances, leaves out of its center.
One reason for this emotion unlimited, is that the child has recently left a world in which there is hardly any limit. In the ethereal or astral dimensions, there were no such restrictions and limitations as there are in the physical realm within the physical body. The child's emotions are often 'reactions misunderstanding "to this physical reality. Therefore, the child when mature need help and support in dealing with their emotions. This is part of the 'embodiment balanced' in the ground.
therefore how do you deal with emotions, either in yourself or your children?
Emotions should not be judged or repressed. Emotions are a vital part of you as human beings, and as such need to be respected and accepted. You can consider their emotions and their children who need your attention and respect, and guidance.
An emotion can be better seen as an energy that comes to you to be healed. Therefore, it is important not to get carried away completely by emotion, but remain able to observe it from a neutral stance. It is important to be aware. One could say this: you should not repress an emotion, but should not sink into it either. For when you drown in it, when you identify with it completely, the child in you becomes a tyrant who will lead astray.
The most important thing you can do with an emotion is to recognize it, feel all the aspects of it, until he lost consciousness. Take for example the anger. You can invite the wrath to be fully present, experiencing your body in several places, while at the same time you are neutral observers. Such an awareness is healing. What happens in this circumstance is that you embrace the emotion, which is essentially a form of misunderstanding, with understanding. This is spiritual alchemy.
Please let me explained with the help of an example. His daughter has beaten his knee on the table and is really hurt. She is upset, crying with pain, and she kicks the table because he is angry with her. She believes that the table is the source of pain.
The emotional guidance at this time means that parents help the child first to name their experience. "You're mad, is not it? - You have pain, right? ". Name is essential. You transfer the root of the problem from the table to the child herself. There is a table, you who are sore, you who are angry. And yes, I understand your excitement!
parents embrace the excitement of the child with understanding, with love. At the time the child feels understood and recognized, their anger will fade gradually. The physical pain can still be present, but their resistance to pain, anger about this, can dissolve. The girl read sympathy and understanding in their eyes, and it relaxes and calms your emotions. The table, the cause of emotions is no longer appropriate.
By embracing an emotion with understanding and compassion, you change the focus of attention the girl from outside to inside, and you teach the child to take responsibility for the emotion. You are showing her that her reaction to an external trigger is not specified, but a matter of choice. You can choose to understanding or comprehension. You can choose to fight or accept. You can choose.
This also applies to relations with their own emotions, your own inner child. Make room for their emotions, naming them and make an effort to understand, means that you truly respect and appreciate their inner child. Making the shift from 'external' into the 'internal', take responsibility for the emotion, helps create an inner child that does not hurt anyone else, do not feel victimized. Strong emotions - whether anger, grief or fear - always have the component of impotence, for example feel that you are the victim of something that is outside of you. What you do when you focus, not external circumstances to you, but rather in their reaction and their pain is that you 'dismiss' the outside world as the cause of their emotions. You do not care much for what caused the emotion. You are turning all the way inside and say to yourself, well, this was my reaction, and I understand why. I understand why I feel the way I feel, and I will assist me in this.
Turning toward their loving emotions in this way is liberating. This requires a kind of self-discipline. Rid the external reality of being the 'origin of evil' and take full responsibility for yourself means recognizing that 'you choose to react in a certain way. "
you stop arguing about who is right and who is wrong, who is to blame for that, and you simply release the whole chain of events that happened outside their control. 'I now experience this emotion with full awareness that I choose to do so. " This is taking responsibility. This is courage!
Self-discipline in this is that you refuse to be straight and be the helpless victim. You give up to feel angry, misunderstood, and all other expressions of victimization that may feel completely well at times. (In fact, you often consider the emotions that most lock). Taking responsibility is an act of humility. This means being honest with yourself, even in their moments of greatest weakness.
This is the self-discipline are required. At the same time, this kind of shift to the interior requires the greatest compassion. The emotion that you are really prepared to face as your own creation, is also considered with gentle understanding. 'You choose the anger this time, did not you? " may be what they discover about yourself. Compassion says, 'Okay, I can see why, and I forgive you. " "Maybe when you feel most clearly my love and support, you will not feel inclined to take this response the next time."
This is the true role of consciousness in self-discipline. This is what spiritual alchemy.
Consciousness does not fight or reject anything, the darkness surrounding it with understanding. It surrounds the energies of misunderstanding with understanding and thus transforms metal into gold. Consciousness and love are essentially the same. Being conscious means to let something be and surround him with love and compassion.
You often think that 'consciousness only' is not enough to overcome emotional problems. You say: I know I have repressed emotions, I know the cause of them, I am aware, but this does not happen.
In this case, within you there is a subtle resistance to that emotion. You keep the emotion at a distance, for fear or feeling overwhelmed by it. But you are never overwhelmed by an emotion, when you consciously choose to accept it.
long as you keep the emotion at a distance, you will be at war with it. Will be struggling with emotion and she will turn against you in several ways. Ultimately you can not keep it out. She is manifest in your body as pain or stress, or as a feeling of depression. Feeling exhausted or fatigued is a clear sign that you are repressing certain emotions.
The point is that you need to let your emotions come to full consciousness. If you do not know exactly what emotions are there, you very well may begin to feel tension in your body. This is a gateway to the emotions. In his whole body is accumulating. For example, if you feel pain or tightness in your stomach area, you can go there with your conscience and ask what there is. Let your body cells to talk to them. Or imagine that, right there, the child is present. Ask the child to show them what emotion is predominant in him or her.
There are several ways to get in touch with the emotions within you. It is essential to recognize that the energy that got stuck in the emotion you want to move. This energy wants to be released and therefore hit its doors as a physical complaint or a feeling of stress or depression. For you, it's just really open and be prepared to feel the emotion.
Emotions are part of your earthly reality - but they should not dominate. Emotions are like clouds to the sun. It is therefore important to be aware of their emotions and deal with consciously. With a clear and balanced emotional body, is much easier to get in touch with your soul or inner core, through intuition.
In their society there is much confusion about emotions. This is evident, among other things, the amount of debate and confusion that exists regarding how to educate their children. Children are clearly much spontaneous more emotionally than you are as adults. This creates difficulties. What happens if you exceed certain limits on its moral? What if the situation gets out of hand and chaos ensues? Do you have to punish children or allowing them to speak freely? Do your emotions must be controlled or not?
What is important in the education of a child is that he learns to understand their emotions. Understand where they come from and be accountable for them. With your help, the child can learn to see their emotions as "explosions of misunderstanding. This understanding prevents he is 'drowned' in their emotions and lose control. Understanding free and takes them back to the center, without stifling emotion. Parents teach your child to deal with emotions in this way being a living example of that.
All the questions you made about how to deal with their children also apply to yourself. How do they manage their own emotions? Is it hard on themselves? When they feel angry or sad for a long time, punish yourself by saying: "Come on, keep walking, to avoid being left hanging? "Suppress the emotion? Do you feel that punishing himself is good and necessary? Who taught you this? Were your parents?
Or go to the other extreme? It 'wallow' in their emotions, not wanting to let go. Often this is the case. You may have long felt that they were a victim of an external situation to you, such as your education, your partner or your work environment. At one point, it can be very liberating to get in touch with the anger inside of you connected to the negative things that influence them. Anger may allow escape from these influences, and go their own way. However, you can fall in love with both of his anger that no longer want to give up. Instead of a door, this becomes a 'way of life. " Then comes the role of victim, who is anything but healing. This prevents you stay in your own power. It is very important to be responsible for their own emotions and not make them 'absolute truth'. When you give them the status of facts, instead of considering them as "explosions of misunderstanding, you will base their actions on them, and this decision will not be centered.
The same applies to the children who are allowed too emotional freedom. They 'run wild' and become uncontrollable, they become petty tyrants, and that's not right. The emotional chaos is so unpleasant for the child exactly as it is for parents.
In short, you can be both strict and too lenient in dealing with their emotions (and, by analogy, with their children). I look a little more so 'lenient' because it seems to be the topic of discussion today. From the 'sixty' has been a collective understanding that is not deleted their emotions, because then it would stifle spontaneity and creativity, in fact its true soul. The company produce obedient and disciplined children who focus more on rules than the promptings of the heart, and this would be a tragedy - both for society and the individual.
But what about the other end: what's about to justify the emotions so that they assume the leadership and govern their lives?
You can see very well inside of you if there are emotions that the estimate so that are actually considering these truths (rather than what they really are: explosions of misunderstanding). You have identified with these emotions. The paradox is that very often, these are emotions that cause much suffering. For example, victimization ("I can not do this ',' I can not help that, 'leadership (" I'll take care of this', 'I'll handle'), sadness, fear, anxiety and so on. These are all emotions that are painful but yet, on another level, they give you something special to hold on to.
the 'sense of victimization. " There may be advantages to this pattern of feeling. Can give you a sense of security. The release of certain obligations and responsibilities. 'I can not help, does it? " It is a dark corner in which they are sitting, but it seems a safe place.
The danger of identifying or 'merged' with such a pattern of feeling for a long time is that you lose touch with their own true freedom, your innermost divine core.
in the way of life may have entered things have justifiably provoked feelings of anger and resentment within you. This may have happened during his youth, later, or even in past lives. It is very important that you contact these emotions consciously, and become aware of anger, sadness or any other heavily loaded power within you. But at some point, you need to take responsibility for their emotions, because they are their reactions to an external event.
Be focused, be clear and powerful and be in balance spiritually, it means taking full responsibility for all the emotions that are in you. Then you can recognize the emotion of (say) anger inside of you while saying this was my reaction to a particular event. I herd this reaction with understanding, but at the same time I intend to release it.
life is not ultimately be correct, it's about being free and whole. It's very liberating to release old emotional responses that have become a 'lifestyle'.
One could say that everything revolves around the subtle middle path between suppressing emotions and sink into them. At both ends, you have been educated with opinions and ideals that are inconsistent with the nature of spiritual alchemy. The essence of spiritual development is that you do not delete anything, but at the same time take full responsibility for eso.yo choose this reaction, so I can heal me. Claiming your expertise, this really is my message.
Maybe it's not really a middle road, but a different path.
All this has to do with spiritual alchemy. By accepting all that is within you, rise above it and become its master. Mastery is both strong and gentle. It is very tolerant and still requires great discipline: discipline, courage and sincerity.
Claim your master, going the masters of the parts and pieces that are tortured, often behind your back. Get in touch with them, take responsibility. Do not get carried away by unconscious emotional wounds that divert and block your path to inner freedom. It is your consciousness that heals. No one else can recover for you the power over their own emotions. There are no external instruments or means to eliminate those emotions. It is being aware of them, hard, with determination and compassion, that they are released to Light.
Reach be unharmed and free at the emotional level is one of the most important aspects of spiritual development. I conclude by saying this: do not make this harder than it is. The spiritual journey is a simple way. It is love for yourself and inner clarity. It requires no specific knowledge or specific rituals, regulations or practices. Everything you need for your spiritual development is within you.
In a quiet moment, going to the sensitive part of you. Let this sensitive side to tell them what you need to be clarified and purified within. Trust your intuition. Work on that. Believe in yourself. You are the master of your life, the teacher of his only path to love and freedom.
Pamela KRIBB © 2005
Translation: Sandra Gusella
For questions or inquiries, please contact
sgusella @ gmail.com
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Force of Words, "self-fulfilling prophecy"
self-fulfilling prophecy
by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Words, like seeds, have great creative power. When we speak we are giving life to what we say, planting a seed. We will get exactly what you're saying. We are who we are today through the words we said in the past. All our words will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Listen to what they say about yourself. Negative thoughts do not have to become negative words. The moment they say something openly, takes on a whole new meaning and a whole new energy. If you do not like what they're experiencing, start by changing your words.
prophesy the future by the words we say in the now. Our words are always a self-fulfilling prophecy. No negative seeds planted, only prophesy and good intention of good. Can cancel the best-laid plans of the universe in their own words and negative ruminations. Death and life are in the power of his words. They will have what they say. His words will bring to life exactly what they are saying.
say nothing is better to say something negative. Negative words cancel the plan of God, they are cursing your future, you're cursing your life with every thought and word. They can use their words to curse your life or you can use your words to bless your life. Express words of faith, declaring God's favor in his light and his heart. With his words to change the atmosphere of all the places they go, invoking the well, call upon the light, love and invoke invoke divine aid.
not talk about the problems, discuss solutions. We are not reporters in our lives but forecasters of our lives. Should we call the invisible as if it were already visible. Call what you want, call it with words full of faith, call it with light. Change the world by changing his words. Death and life are in the power of his language. Are you creating or being destroyed?
Circumstances line with every word they say, your words are a self-fulfilling prophecy. They are the creators of their own circumstances. What they have created with their words can change. When we act negatively to the sudden changes and chaos in our lives we are delaying the purpose of their creation. If we accept the chaos as an opportunity for spiritual elevation, then the pain will disappear. Only we determine the rate at which passes the turbulence. There are countless futures that exist at the same time. Our own behavior determines which universe we. Prophecy is to see the future in our present actions.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Translation: Margarita Lopez
Editing: Susana Peralta
Official Site in English The Quantum Awakening: www.manantialcaduceo.com. ar / libros.htm
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