Saturday, April 3, 2010

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Force of Words, "self-fulfilling prophecy"

self-fulfilling prophecy

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Words, like seeds, have great creative power. When we speak we are giving life to what we say, planting a seed. We will get exactly what you're saying. We are who we are today through the words we said in the past. All our words will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Listen to what they say about yourself. Negative thoughts do not have to become negative words. The moment they say something openly, takes on a whole new meaning and a whole new energy. If you do not like what they're experiencing, start by changing your words.

prophesy the future by the words we say in the now. Our words are always a self-fulfilling prophecy. No negative seeds planted, only prophesy and good intention of good. Can cancel the best-laid plans of the universe in their own words and negative ruminations. Death and life are in the power of his words. They will have what they say. His words will bring to life exactly what they are saying.

say nothing is better to say something negative. Negative words cancel the plan of God, they are cursing your future, you're cursing your life with every thought and word. They can use their words to curse your life or you can use your words to bless your life. Express words of faith, declaring God's favor in his light and his heart. With his words to change the atmosphere of all the places they go, invoking the well, call upon the light, love and invoke invoke divine aid.

not talk about the problems, discuss solutions. We are not reporters in our lives but forecasters of our lives. Should we call the invisible as if it were already visible. Call what you want, call it with words full of faith, call it with light. Change the world by changing his words. Death and life are in the power of his language. Are you creating or being destroyed?

Circumstances line with every word they say, your words are a self-fulfilling prophecy. They are the creators of their own circumstances. What they have created with their words can change. When we act negatively to the sudden changes and chaos in our lives we are delaying the purpose of their creation. If we accept the chaos as an opportunity for spiritual elevation, then the pain will disappear. Only we determine the rate at which passes the turbulence. There are countless futures that exist at the same time. Our own behavior determines which universe we. Prophecy is to see the future in our present actions.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Translation: Margarita Lopez

Editing: Susana Peralta

Official Site in English The Quantum Awakening: ar / libros.htm


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