Sunday, January 17, 2010

Low Hard Cervix Does This Mean Not Pregnant

was born in Lota, I arrived at eight years and lived in Temuco Santiago, 98, 99, 2000 and 2005 . This residence was advantageous and opened my perspective. For example, not having lived in Santiago would not have participated in a collective art recited poetry on the subway (something truly revolutionary, but that's another topic), and film have done almost nothing with my friend Robert Flowers. At the crossroads of centuries I lived opposite the Arcis and was a painful experience, but also extraordinary. I met the cream of Santiago of artsy left: individualistic to leprosy, hyperventilated until saturation fraught with cliches and informed-trainers do not know if cultural offer, with or without bulls through, plenty to overwhelm .

a gesture that can condense that burden is impenetrable and silent face of a young handsome and elegant style, which he decorated my nightmares for years, "I saw once in the Goethe Institut as both, though separate, are enjoyed (the name is misleading) of a work of Brecht, was the quintessential lonely and vicious selfishness and self-destructive, which is a gloss of our times.

Among the gesture of that illustrious unknown and good-natured attitude and somewhat provincial artist Mongoloid (I mean small towns), appeal to a kind of balance. It is true that if you are in the literature with some claim to seriousness (or rather contrived joke), must be fed by many stimuli (especially reading) and have a broad cultural background as possible, but then the suffering snobbery that girl certainly offset Excess mediated art, I prefer to leave to bathe and defecate in the street to return to original purity. also comfort and laziness of the provincial artist, in Villarrica, Collipulli or Birth, say, who yearns to travel to Saturn in citroneta, I think one of the forms of mental handicap, or at least disguise the neglect of contemplation (Proverbs 13 : 4).

remember that a while ago, amid a controversy that will outline, a reputed homosexual poet, rebel spirit rather fatuously courtier, I decried as "huaso." With this qualification misused (the huaso lives between five and eight regions), the illustrious sodomite appealed to my condition temuquense, perhaps knowing that my experience Santiago was considerable, and that my battery multi-dimensional readings and trips have allowed me to scroll through centuries and latitudes that my feet have not trodden. And it is not denying the importance of travel or movement: it is weighted in these times of internet and information (music, pictures and written) up in the soup.

What about the contacts and the brothel scene and everywhere in Santiago? Well, we live there then (and in New York and Brussels and Barcelona as well), but not forever, let alone thinking that the mere gesture rozaremos excellence. Propose rather a return, perhaps perpetuated and even at the expense of our happiness, and also propose to live in Chol-Chol, Oak Huacho and Yerba Buena, to feel the fear of determinism, or to build a warehouse and a woman marry legs of glorious and generous laughter.

Finally, I must clarify that Temuco, right or wrong, is asantiaguinando by leaps and bounds. Their disproportionate growth, and growing desire to centralize cultural and education (there are six universities) are somewhat unnecessary by Santiago hair swinging, their plight and perhaps self-mutilating literary overcrowding. And they want a final figure? Someone told me that here in Town South is plotting the best book on Chilean narrative, written in the national territory in recent decades. Want to bet? Or prefer to bored with the same numbers of a circus that is falling apart?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Blisters And Itching On Lower Back Near Tailbone


On Friday December 18 was the last session A WINDOW TO FREEDOM, the storytelling workshop for ten inmates in the jail in Temuco . An unprecedented experience in Chile, with few exceptions, and certainly replicable, but nothing simple. Because the reality show seems to move in another string. It happens that the intellectual, whether political, academic, artist (desperate or satisfied) or bureaucrat thought, seems out of the superstructure that shelters him, whether private, public, religious and factual, and are not going to risk a lot. And if we add that in Chile culture reigns of office to go to the bathroom, the paper tedious, the letter unanswered and, worse, some asinine (or suspect?) Adherence to the " competent authority ", the result is discouragement, a decline in creativity and a retreat of the spirit, not normally move between mediocrity.

I've said it many times. Creativity not about to pay homage to good manners, and obedience to the persons or institutions who barely know what they do (while the figures will fit!), that's a defense of bureaucracy, almost always short-sighted. Creativity goes beyond the repetition of formulas, the profusion of noises or papers, the desire to be part of something or to join those who see culture as a duty. Creativity or creative faculty is painful as childbirth, extraordinary as interplanetary travel or just is a dropper. Already said Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950): "The wise man seeks to adapt to the world, while the foolish man wants the world to adapt to him, all progress depends on the latter ".

Culture is much more than a distribution or data. It is that which, among many other merits, it makes us feel rich without money, put a stop between thought and action, and jump on the tyranny of desire (so expensive these days). It is a way to feel part of the community still in exile, and feel we can be alive even despising life.

days after the birth of Christ (not Milton Friedman), I take to greet my former workshop participants, urging them to step to resist, not only his personal misfortunes, but the number of arbitrary committed against them. In the opinion of this writer, any notion of progress (and not mere development) indicates that in a hopefully not too distant future, traditional jails will be seen as we now see slavery, torture or murder legalized.