Saturday, July 3, 2010

12 Weeks Pregnant Dry Mouth

2010! Symposium

These days, some students, friends, colleagues and more, we have asked whether Dr Lidia Garrido was going to be making some progress in the second term or whether it should wait until early 2011 to pursue contracts with us!
In this sense, our response, we're here, is positive and so we are pleased to announce that for the purposes of this first inscription those who want to make contracts with the team of researchers, professors, teachers, interns, assistants and more therefore may be happy with us on Tuesdays and Fridays in the committees in charge of Dr. Lidia Garrido Cordobera who will be starting in the second quarter of the bicentennial year!
The numbers are a saber:

7201 (Ma Vi, 8.30 a 10.00 hs)
7203 (Ma Vi, 10.00 a 11.30 hs)

Ahora ya saben, quienes quieran estar junto a nosotros haciendo contratos!!!

Esperamos que sigamos, Haciendo Contratos!