Sunday, December 7, 2008

Americas Next Top Model Brazilian Wax

I imagine the devil, death wondering. ... And tell me boy, what is what causes you pleasure?

Understanding what happens then think about the nature of hell.

I'm not suggesting that hell exists, I just try to say that, if it exists, its nature should consist primarily in the embodiment of several very obvious ideas, and documented, of course. The nature of hell must be formed first, from everlasting. But more importantly than that, eternity must be accompanied by several other things. be mentioned later.

For now let's try the concept of our hell examining possible responses to the question of the devil. What causes you pleasure? You may typically respond:

  1. I like sex (Mea Culpa)
  2. I like food
  3. (Mea Culpa)
  4. I like to sleep (Mea Culpa)

In the first case we will automatically appear the victim in the act intercourse with a partner exceptionally beautiful. No talk of sex but it's creative, sometimes necessary, traditional in-out. The victim will feel an indescribable pleasure when you feel that your senses are developed in ways unimaginable hell. Every smell, every feeling resound in their sex and their consciousness almost burned. Everything will be infinite pleasure ... ..

In the second case a delicacy comes into your hands as you lie in bed, you head into your mouth and eat all of it. The incredible dimensions renewed flavors melt your soul with an extraordinary joy. Your stomach receives the food is filling, but not tired of getting ... ...

dream comes over in the third option, you sleep a deep sleep and your consciousness is lost it impossible to depths, but deep down you are aware of the pleasure of sleep, you think, you dream about as you please, you are king of your own dream, you're still a god. You are, after all, a new soul in hell and God the devil knows that the new should be treated with the respect they deserve ... ..

So it all begins in Hell, we might ensure that it is not at all hell. Of course, after a few years maybe sex, food and sleep in these conditions start to become pure drudgery.

The monotony soon becomes alienated.

The despair invades the victim, she tries to shed their own hell of pleasure, but can not. Is tied to his torment, and that's where the devil decides to wait several more decades. Then speed up time. The pace of in-out now lasts milliseconds, and the awareness of concerned is not capable of understanding. Despair is now just the prelude to the madness. Sex: only one thing that the body is required to make as fast a machine viscosities composed of muscles and trembling so uncontrollable. On the other hand, the dream continues. The victim tries to escape from its fog, but is forced to remain motionless. Pounding in the silence, centuries.

Obviously hell respects the unity of consciousness, but not the body. The body can unfold and multiply. Imagine that while meeting with their pleasure-torture of the victim is granted, hundreds of years after his first treatment, a new body. A life event is chosen. Did it ever any shame, public humiliation. That event is now replicated in his new body. In this humiliation, perhaps, the boys at school make fun of the victim, their defects. That event marked him as a teenager and is now offered as a simultaneous torture. But no, it does not take effect, we would say. Now you have this other problem that haunts pleasure (sex, food, sleep). So, what can affect you that little last humiliation, now that you are an adult, and he is dead, and having this other problem of infinite food passes through your throat and your mouth numb?. But years pass and the time is crystallized in eternity. It is no longer strong enough to endure the humiliation, the laughter of his colleagues are so and rhythmic sounds of his breathing during sleep, or the outputs of growths on their genitals. Wear their psychic defenses. The voices of the crowd jeering at his head to the beat of a metronome insane. Requests that all end badly.

may after another of their bodies, is tormented with another event, the head of his father over his mouth will be repeated again at their own pace: Pun Pun Pun Pun Pun Pun Pun Pun Pun, again and again. All the painful events of his life be repeated. All at once, all manifold. a dance in a circle that never ends.

Millennia later while, eating, sleeping and while having sex, will be consumed by fire. A serrated knife will be buried in his ass, again and again every segundo.Pero everything very slowly. Between each new torture centuries pass, the devil does not want to overwhelm your senses. Quite the contrary. Interested to feel everything as perfect as possible. You will provide all necessary body, while your conscience gets all these sensations highly differentiated and lilting.

Sooner or later the devil stick with consciousness itself. Begin to feel emotions very well chosen. Depression, psychosis, fear. There will be no place in your mind where you hide. Your multiple bodies in the meantime will be attacked by new sensations that are repeated and unrelieved. Remember passing centuries between one thing and another. I guess the devil with a checklist detailing the torture to come for the thousands of millions of residents of their home, and yet full of laziness eons pass in his chair .... Well, you have to leave enough time, and although not believe in hell time makes sense.

You realize, too late, that these multiple bodies are one, that all these penalties come together in a single thing of flesh composed of multiple dimensions. By then the food will no longer have taste and become the shit. Your throat is sore and your stomach filled with gas and indigestible junk.

'll sleep, but you will be aware of how your body is rotting and insects living take over all slit your face. But you'll be asleep.

Your sex will not support the punishment and begin to ooze and skinned, but will be tied to your jerky and infinite in-out. You endure cramps and pains and there will be. With your lustful indeterminate sex partner moaning with pleasure, and even her moans will be intolerable while penetrating or leave penetrate vomit on your body. But then will force you to swallow your own vomit while sleeping.

Of course, like sex, food and sleep. Let's see what you think about it all the time in grotesque proportions, for all eternity. Feel all at the same time: sex, humiliation, pain, fear, laceration, depression, fuck, blow, finger in the ass, throbbing headache, heard simultaneously by a single oil spill you, there will be violated by an elephant, you cry the most terrible humiliation, hear the voice of your enemy smiling and decibel sound impossible shatters your eardrums, and so on. ... ... Over the centuries forget you were once human. Everything will be as a two-tone music that repeats: t Ra Ra ta ta ta Ra Ra Ra ta ta ta Ra Ra Ra ta ta ta Ra Ra Ra ta ta ta Ra Ra Ra ta ta ta Ra Ra Ra ta ta Ra Ra Ra ta ta ta ta Ra Ra Ra ta ta ta Ra Ra Ra ta ta ta Ra Ra Ra Ra ta ta ta Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra ta ta ta Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra ta ta Ra ... ...

can not yet describe hell as we wish to present. The language fails to conceive the multiplicity, that boredom and that repetition.

But all I have now are stupid words. Metaphors of decadent human industry, so you'll have to suffice.

Ennui and Repetition. Fundamental concepts to understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba hell in eternity, for eternity only the formal framework, sand, possible. But of course, no metaphysical sentimentality with hell. The Greeks had already said everything and just need to upgrade your legacy. To hell with the story that hell is away from God, or is a state of mind. own stupid new age of Christian (which began with John Paul II (God rest his soul, for his hell begin, at his request, with a swarm of butterflies line stroking the perineum)), and within months I imagine scientists, priests and pastors deal, arguing that Hell is a quantum state of matter where the function wave collapses "the way is not" (translate to the reader ignorant: "It's all about perspective ... what a shame you ).

I do not believe in hell, I find the idea of \u200b\u200bburlesque, too mammalian servile. But if hell exists, I can not imagine it otherwise. Stunning, incomprehensible, ridiculously mundane. So respectful of the values own humanity: the repetition and boredom.

Note to the Dear Reader: Long time no write. I'm a little rusty with writing, so the rear métanse expectations ... In hell there are not.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gay Crusing Queens Ny

Marcelo Montecinos Editor: "THE BOOK IS OUR SACRED STONE"

Marcelo Montecinos Martinez (Santiago, 1967), founder of independent label "The Pumpkin Devil or" is one of the most respected publishers of the national average. Do not believe in the book industry as lucrative project (market studies and surveys) or multinational, preferring literature and assumes that problematizes the contentious issues that for which the issues are rather artificial and jet set news. He runs the family printing "Calligraphy Blue and has unfinished studies of Philosophy (1987-1992) in Valparaiso and Literature (1994-1998) in Santiago. He has managed to publish, from 97 to date, about 40 degrees, and make for a memorable time literature and art magazine. Names in the middle, like poets and José Ángel Andrés Cuevas Andwanter or narrators and Marcelo Mellado Gonzalo León, as well as many other emerging artists (Pablo Paredes, Gladys Gonzalez, etc) have chosen to place their work, mark and conceptual soundness of this editorial. After his morning jog and a few days before the patriotic frenzy, talked in his pumpkin Rua Santa Helena, where he lives and works Montecinos.

How did your love of literature?
I was raised in an environment where the library was the wealth essential family my parents were forming in the 60's. The book was the work material and understanding the world of my parents, and me and my two brothers were not alien to this reality. A lot of reading. In adolescence, the hobby itself is literary, with courses in middle and humanistic studies in Philosophy and Literature (in both races I got to fourth grade), which led to the final decision to take over the family printing.

Tell me about your readings initiation and recurrent
Between 13 and 17 beat me books and authors such as Isaac Deutscher, author of the biography of Trotsky "A unarmed prophet ". A little later," The Tunnel "Sabato, a few books on Flaubert, Manuel Rojas and Baldomero Lillo." Eloy ", by Carlos Droguett, at the time seemed very modern writing. In poetry, what I write from the age of 15, I am very interested César Vallejo, García Lorca. In general I feel much respect for men like Paul of Rokha, Neruda, Enrique Lihn. Among the foreigners, I am interested in names like William Faulkner, James Joyce. Well, appoint more would be overkill.

When and under what circumstances the project started publishing Pumpkin ...? was a spontaneous issue or an idea long matured?
In the 80's my parents put all their efforts on the theme of the workshop and press, as the only means of survival. Hence the connection or idea of \u200b\u200bforming a publishing was the obvious thing in me that it was postponed for my college years, in which for many reasons, because the study gave me easy, because the teachers annoyed me because I was more or pending fight dictatorship took me no more out, sometimes I think I lost valuable time that could have engaged in travel. In 1997 I was in the last years of literature, and understood that it could not avoid the press because he was unwilling to be a teacher. But it was enough to print books and magazines, tickets and flyers to strangers. So I decided to become a publisher. Imagined it would be like having a rock band, their own, a label that I would eventually converge to different personalities. The first thing that I edited were three poets of Valparaiso.

understand that your political party, did you ever militant?, Comes from the traditional left. What those guidelines influenced your social worldview of literature or literary society?
Indeed, I am the son of militants. My father, a very active person in journalism and policy, was fiercely expelled from the Communist Party at 68, because being on duty in "El Siglo" titled "Russian Tanks in Prague when the Russians crushed the revolt Czechoslovakian socialism posed a more human face, episode caused the almost ecumenical condemnation of European intellectuals. Then, as an independent, he worked for the UP and only 77 left active politics. For my part, despite being an active militant anti-dictatorship, never belonged to a classic match. Whenever I joined groups so to speak-more disfucionales, which did not imply lack of commitment. The thought and practice from left, make me understand literature as an instrument reflective about amalditada society that exists in Chile today: a violent, individualistic, where people are enslaved by credit card and the religion of money, or careerism desperation. I think the essential teaching of leftism, which I still allows us to understand that the only way for a leftist political thought, progressive and modern art remains. Since art can be influenced more decisively than pretending to be installed in the power of the ignorant right.

What topics interest you for the editorial and what you project for her?
I publish poetry and fiction, but I reject the texts that from my perspective has not been completed. I may be interested in the book or the author published in series, where the conflict is only apparent, because the society we live in is mired in a severe crisis and that fact alone does not lose time. Literature prefer to ask for the error and has no problems in showing his own doubts and weaknesses. On projections, would have more clarity of the titles that come out during the year and a better distribution, not so much in bookstores or at the mall, and longed before, because I know what gives the Chilean market for me, but I realized that many people come to buy books to press, and I want to develop a virtual library that can be sold everywhere. The books published on the shelves out and die, there are few good bookstores where the owner knows what sells, the rest are business books, good perhaps, but not beyond, the writer sells little more on your network.

Do you think the book as a hard copy is destined to disappear?
I think the book will not ever disappear, nor will flourish again, even for an ecological reason: the book is intended to get more expensive, to become the object of worship. Those who read books (especially the newly edited) will be different to the common people (although it has always been more or less well, first as a matter of mass literacy is not and then the influence of television, which provoked a paradigm shift audioescrito one audiovisual), and no longer need the book to find out more, or even to acquire it that technocrats might call "operational expertise, but rather to return to the holy sites, a purring cat that intimacy only for you . People or more readers will read a lot on the Internet and through computer technology toys, but they will buy books and will have in your home as your sacred bone. Finally, the removal of the book writers would have to disappear, and the writer does not go away.

There are at least three authors Pumpkin marriages are setting patterns in the national literary scene. I mean who will surely be the next prize to Pablo Neruda (for poets under 40), one of the better informed environmental journalists and a poet (or "ex-poet") which has its active social disenchantment has now sounded twice as National Literature Prize.
I think the overlap between these authors and seal shows Pumpkin so we will never be alone. Shows that these practices may be more difficult, without apparent success, but quite real. To the extent that today there is this coincidence more authors of which are outlined in the question.

What are the upcoming titles for the publisher?
The story book "Lost in Space", by Carlos Tromben and the novel "Thursday" by Luis Valenzuela. I will also accommodate an Argentine poets anthology entitled "Post Menem", which is very interesting.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Funny Speeches Lasting 3 Minutes

free version of Hell Remains of a Journey

purchased a book from my teacher did not know.
After reading this (he wrote in his years of "youth") can not stop thinking about myself, about my life and my own thoughts ...

"Man is born rebel. Its nature is repugnant.
The man craving a divine immanence. The whole world would be insufficient body of his relentless desire.
But man is not the only boundless lust for life. Everything in the universe, imperialized, and every individual existence ambitions extend to the whole being. The most miserable animal, delivered without bans his fever coparía devour space and the stars. In the pools of the roads are ephemeral bodies containing the virtual possession of heaven.

No limit is interior to be, no ambition itself is challenged. A waiver is born of an obstacle, any abstention of rejection. The universe is a system of mutual constraints, where the object is constructed as a tension of conflict. Violence, cruel minister of the limited nature of things, imposes the rules of existence to date.

But if the intervention of foreign presence and truncated infinite possible amputation, emaciated soul can only a fraction of the acts with which he dreams. All the world's border, end, end.
Our land dispossession is a thorough learning. Each evening we naked. Our ambition pursues petty decreasing. Living is not acquired, but abdicate.
Everything is challenging for our impotence is known, all barrier for our weakness and admits notice. Among our greed and the fruit that quenches, extends a short distance equal to infinite space. Our deepest desire is our inability safer.

Our life falls apart in each of his gestures, leaving the limbo countless abortions. Scaring live larvae crave our blood. Our destination is the pressure exerted by a stone dead abduración liberty every election obstructs the addresses selected, in each of us groan drowned ghosts that were not.
impassive pale option presides over instantly.
long to unite and simultaneous possession confuse opposing objects, but the relentless requirement consistent acts divided and rolled our monstrous greed of conjunctions. The incompatibility of anti cancels the delicious satisfaction of our appetites disorder.

But if we delude simultaneity, time will ban future compliance. Every act is fertile, and no one can abolish the consequences. The fog of the past permeates us. Unfit to return to our bygone crossroads, we can not pasearnos in time as a dark corridor. Life ignores repentance, and forgot to erect temples confessionals in vain. Years are
successive our cells. Life spirals from the infinity of our ambitions to the pit where its apex club. Our sacrifices stiffness anticipated season.
We are, however, prisoners sentenced to dictate our own sentence. The man can not be delivered to the trajectory of his life as a stone in a parabolic curve that returns to earth. Life is not an easy road by walls, but the path born out of our way, as our fingerprints.

The man is a lost animal, without being an abandoned animal. The man does not know where to go, yet having an obligation to reach. A voice impossible to hear it enjoins. The man only knows if it complies face after the failure.
We are free to apply the most diverse purposes, free of further actions run counter, free in the jungles darker, but our freedom is only freedom to err. If we own maul the promise inscribed in our flesh, his determination will exceed our servant.
Freedom is not stellar rise as a platform for the man to draw from it an arbitrary path between the stars. Freedom is not the power to set goals, but the power to spoil.
Freedom is our risk, the noble privilege to violate our duty. The animal moves forward, unabashed, into the fullness of its essence, and the matter is done with his life alone. The man shudders and teetering on the brink of self. Never is white where the arrow stuck vibrates, but sharp arrow in the wind. "

Nicolás Gómez Dávila

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Can You Put Quadraderm On Jock Itch

The Idea of \u200b\u200bthe Universe-Fungus

Physicists are those people who know math (good ones also know some poetry) and are primarily concerned the problem of the limits of the universe. The limits of the universe are, to our knowledge, four.

limit of Origin:
really a serious problem. Various proposals have imagined all crap in my opinion: the big bang , the event primal singularity, intellectual cold quantum vacuum, the architect god creator of geometric axioms of the universe ... Pure tales of desperate teenager (who after all that we as a species). The embryogenesis of the universe is perhaps the oldest problem, and I think the only that can not be resolved satisfactorily.

limit as large
The problem of the shape of the universe, its gross architecture. Really a minor problem in my opinion.

limit the smallest
The problem microscopic constitution of the cosmos. Sincerely problem should be in the shadow response. Even assuming that it is in human hands to find the truth (which I doubt). I can only imagine what would happen if my intuition is correct. What is the micrometer of the universe?. Nothing, absolutely. Pure emptiness without form or time. Someone might say that how this is possible since it is clear that matter is something, if events happen how can the universe be nothing infinitesimal. But the idea that matter and events, to be added and subtracted, the stalemate is not refuted anything really. The universe as a whole may well be just an illusion epistemic our eyes absent, and most good thing is that nobody has to know.

The final boundary
is the problem of where the universe is directed, what is their future. This is the issue that interests me at this time.

able to think the end of the universe does not seem a difficult thing at first. I think it's an issue that anyone who knows the second law of thermodynamics can be assumed. I quote the wisdom of the network because I am too lazy to write something I already own and also discussed the matter on a previous occasion :

" The second law of thermodynamics and second law of thermodynamics expressed in a concise, that" The amount of entropy of any isolated system thermodynamically tends to increase with time, reaching a maximum value. " More simply, when part of a closed system interact with the other hand, tends to divide power equally, until the system reaches thermal equilibrium. "

What this means is that energy is degraded slowly (dissipates) to the extent that no longer works to create matter or motion or anything like that. The power only works when there is asymmetry, when the power is "organized." A hydroelectric dam generates such energy that can be converted into electromagnetism because there is an imbalance between the high water in the dam and the river below. Gravity ensures that this imbalance will not last long and when all the water is at the same level the dam no longer serves. The walls of the dam will not serve to stop gravity (which is impossible) but to delay the process of increasing the entropy of the water system. It only delays the process, since the walls of the dam are organized systems gradually also become disorganized and enter a state of equilibrium with their environment. Asphalt is invaded by water, plant seeds soon corrode the surface and the dam derrumba.Eso without the energy produced by the dam will also pay the price, the rotor moves the water generates heat in addition to electromagnetism. That energy is converted into heat is dissipated and lost, so that the production of electromagnetism is never pure, never managed to make a direct, clean and energy expenditure. There is always something lost.

On the other hand, a system can only get out of balance (ie, organized) when external power the system has an effect on him. The refrigerators maintain such cold inside conducts heat inside to outside, and the thermal imbalance can only be done through the collaboration of additional energy (electricity). The fridge can do this because we, conscious and intelligent beings, we have built. Intelligence can do this because it is in some sense, a highly complex form of energy, and she comes from life forms that they themselves are far from equilibrium (highly organized).

Living beings are only highly effective superorder capsules. If we, therefore the fact that this state of organization can only be accomplished through additional energy and since energy is always degraded (so that the organization created by the energy is always less than herself, as there is a "cost" inevitable), then the obvious question is how complex living energy that was organized at first, as there is in the universe a system as highly organized as their own living. In short, what I mean is this: who the hell gave us the head start that allowed us to create Refrigerators ... This leads me to remember that when I meet an atheist, I smile and say nothing, I just laughed in my heart of its ingenuity and its stupidity. If someone tells me in an zeal of scientism that energy frugal living from the sun no more, and there is no need to think of something else (as a god, for example) I have two that say

1) But who the hell created the sun?, and if it passes ready for the use of the verb "create" ask, but what the hell allowed the creation of which helped create the sun, or tell me to see who was fucking who began to inoculate the energy needed to create what is needed for the organization of what was needed for the sun to be organized? ... Now it seems that one can not use a fucking verb, which is fuck all .... (In other words, if the issue of entropy moves toward the edge of the origin of the universe we are in a very serious problem).

2) The sun's energy can only be more and more disorganized. It is true that the sun's energy is stored in the earth, but what compelled her to organize very complex life forms?.

say that this is not sufficient evidence for the existence of a god or a stationary engine tolondrada such metaphorical. I only say that the mystery of this whole matter has not been resolved and close, and until it is resolved to be an atheist is no more rational who believe speaking in the language of Adam and dirty dance to tambourines, while listening to a well dressed moron chives Brazilian reciting one with an embarrassing histrionics that muerganez full of blood, sex and shit dry (donkey and camel) which call Bible, and that is just the log indulgent primitive nomadic tribe tontucios thirsty land and violence, together with subsequent biography of a guy who, though relatively quiet, most likely need (son of God or not) of a good antipsychotic.

But I got sidetracked.
The main issue is that according to the second principle, the universe does not have no choice but degrade, become completely inert. Itself disappear into a void filling material at absolute zero. This is what I call "glass death." There is no way to escape this fate, so everything else is 5 fleas.

(Obviously this is more complicated because the entropy does not play a single role, calculate the fate of the universe from various other variables. For example, the level of expansion. But if I get really thinking about all that ended up needing antipsychotic myself, and the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting is very spare me those annoying chores. So the very intellectuals who read these things because the paralytic and his Superfriends and reflection do not annoy me.)


death is impossible to avoid if the universe is itself a closed system inert. That destiny is frightening and the question I propose to answer is whether there is any way to avoid this miserable conclusion that obviously cares about a penny a man on foot because the problem about what to chew on is becoming increasingly important.

Only one way to that destination is different. What I will propose, as everything I write, is not new. It's an idea perhaps as old as mankind and mysterious primitive animisms. As each stone and the river had a reason and a soul ... The only way I have to believe that the universe can escape the death of glass is to accept that our home is not inert, that the universe is a living being like us, and how we can organize itself.

This premise has two obvious consequences:

  • living beings within the universe, then we are not more than parasites. This conclusion is not need of premises. Against logic there is no evidence worth and for the truly important things in this world, logic only serves to make the clown intellectual (soon to talk about that in the arenite ).
  • If the universe is a living then you can not think without an ecosystem, as the organization of living systems can only be sustained because they remain in balance with their environment, exchanging fluids and energy by eating highly organized (other living things) and entropic driving Organic Waste (an elegant euphemism for "shit" (I mention this not happen crude and ordinary, but because people are very dear to you do not like euphemisms, then sorry for the sensitive)).

The second I extracted result looks beautiful. The universe, as a living, you must have an ecosystem, a wide context that gives meaning. Because obviously the universe itself does not. The only meaning of life in isolation is to continue living, moving parasites living jiggle in an effort to satisfy their need to be, as a great sexual freak turns and wiggles around your body to self-destruct, that copula with air and himself to death. That we are living no more.

As at this point most readers will have pulled away by a maelstrom of boredom / lack of understanding then I can afford a bit of sentimentality:
wish I could understand this nonsense we call the universe. I want a credible lie disclosed to me offered. When I look at the sky, when my eyes like the stars give you all I can feel up there, despite all the beauty that part of me might imagine, could find only banalities. Then we too are just one manifestation of the great cosmic stupidity, the great existential insult.

How to think differently?. How can you think of the universe as something that causes serious, something worthy of honor and praise?. Only through a great imaginative power I can think of the universe as something that deserves even be thought. Achievement only imagining belonging to a greater whole (which is ironic because obviously assumes that the universe is that big yet).

But the important point here is that if the universe is a large living should also be a "parasite" something (all living beings are in a sense parasites , think about the reader because if not capable of understanding that does not deserve to read what follows), then the universe must be equal to those who inhabit it. What is living?. Of all beings on earth is a kind-kingdom seems to me the most wonderful of all. So I imagine the universe as a fungus . A fungus that eats the eternal plural and infinitely hard wall material smooth, snowy, outside of a macrocosm of space-time. I imagine those walls, no extension, no color, made with a flat perfect geometry. I imagine the world glued to the flat glass without figures, a sunken spot lame. I rejoice with this intuition. The universe as a mammoth fungus that eats and eats. Ultradimensional as a Buddha in lotus position undermines the ground with his butt.

The universe expands and infection perseveres and selfs. It is no longer possible to think of the final limit, the universe now is unlimited because it refuses to die casting their spores on itself same. Now we have it for eternity, the great universe, motionless heterotrophic colony is only intended to accommodate other heterotrophs still. The mushroom man is but a parasite of a parasite of a parasite of a parasite. Human banality is not just another of the many faces of the god of parasitism regressive. The universe basically good for nothing more.
strange that one can find beauty only in the banal.

Hopefully, some will say maybe, to not use a good anti-fungal in those crystal walls.

feel pleasure also believe that our universe is a simple fungus, but that in the vast non-place in the ecosystem of paradoxes, cockroaches and flies must also exist. These complex neural and violent universe-insect, who anxiously mercilessly devour other living worlds, must be of unquestionable beauty and horrifying.


Monday, June 9, 2008

Makeup Tips Hollow Eyes I Want 'dark Eyes'.?

Questions for Final Exam

Question. 1 : If you answer correctly the Question. 2 can meanwhile the partial loss?. (Construct a coherent text, complete and clear to justify your answer). Pr
eg. 2 : Can you respond to the Question mediocrity. 1 and the partial win? (Explain why).
Question. 3 : If your answers to questions are correct, do you think will be appropriate? (Meditate on Pregs. 1, 2 and 3 before answering.)
Question. 4 : Do you think you can ignore this question? (If you can ignore explain why.) Bonus Question
. 5 : Is the Question . 4 meaningless?
Yes _ No _

"Exitos ... "
Remember that only allowed on the desk:
the answer sheet,
the pen, water bottle
and Ativan tablet (or any psychiatric tranquilizer).

(... unfortunate end of the semester does not stop writing in the arenite )

way, I'm thinking that, in fact, general questions are absurd. For when you reply to a question what is actually does add something to its meaning, so any response changes somewhat meaningless. This has meant that previously provided the answer no longer useful, and you have to build one for this new direction, and so ...

The best logical answer to a question then a slap through. In the case of a written examination is recommended arabesques painted flowers and hearts on the answer sheet, and deliver. Those who create more macho can mess tree chop scribbling messages related to Che or local football (ie religious slogans.)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Testicle Wax Television


few days ago died in a helicopter crash the general director of Carabineros, Alejandro Bernales, who was traveling with his wife and other officials with their wives, all dead. At issue was given disproportionate coverage (THIS IS FOR JOURNALISM delicious!), Which made us forget the cold temperatures and the most tangible of Chile in recent months: the alarming fuel prices, and truckers strike and a significant sector of education. The issue put us in this pseudo political homogeneity that recalled the best times of consensus concertacionista ( missed the funeral only Communist Party, but would have been too), and initialed this trend to virtual tears to the emotionality of cardboard to which people are accustomed: Custom dismal, like the joke about the millionaire who sits at a table packed with food and drinks and feeling uncomfortable about seeing beggars with their faces glued to the counter, only manages to tell the waiter: "please take those kids out!, do not you see my heart?" . Impostada emotion and more fake currency of six dollars.

and Facebook, the new Internet stupidity (which threatens to displace the blog and e-mail, and I left the fotolog up to the stone ax) , is a glaring proof of this. I put an example to a friend anthropologist, very intelligent but grossly individualistic and unable to give him 20 pesos or 5 minutes to anyone who claims to have 327 FRIENDS! Is reconfigured and further virtualizes the concept of friendship, we contacted people, with votes, customers or data, in fact, we believed buried in memory, and people which we know little. (Who can say we really know enough?). Incomunicante communication, the delirium of having the world in the palm of the hand while being increasingly alone, is evident with this device even more alienating, in which few believe (well, some, when used, think of the word progress), but many subscribe to not feel displaced from the (i) rrealidad.

And speaking of shotgun today to prepare a talk on Bolaño at the Liceo Pablo Neruda, hoped to recover "The Savage Detectives," a friend (increasingly virtual) me has in his possession. But it came to the appointment. Intended to join him in the showroom Menchaca Lira campus of Catholic University of South City. The artists José Balmes and Gracia Barros talk about their latest works. But in reality, the event was a litany of platitudes , sobamientos loin, chocherías expressed canine and anecdotes without much passion. Beyond a few technical comments of teachers of Art, preceded by flattery stocked, there were only two probing questions aimed at Balmes (Gracia Barrios lacks the gift of speech): The first one made by a student presumably left, alluded to the importance of clarity in the work, and possible strategies to enable it to be grasped by the people, by the person on the street. Balmes, known communist activist (as which, despite his exile, has something of coarseness virtual), a pelafustanada replied: "I AM CONVINCED THAT MY WORK IS VERY EASY TO UNDERSTAND." That answer to a question in my view capital these days, realizes that this is a mummy that has already given the best of them and now is unable to devise new ideas: a kind of prestige oligofrénico (AS THEY I miss the clarity of a Communist like Volodia Teitelboim, DESPITE ITS COMMON PLACES!). The second question I made myself, and alluded to the kind of poetry that could touch them and that had influenced his own spiritual and artists. The vertical body (because Grace does not speak if he does not), grossly distracted or dull in their ego "glory of the national art," he said "ARE YOU SAYING THAT WE ARE SOME SPIRITUAL? After that gross distraction from old fatwa, I sat down later and asked again, with patience sicopedagogo that poetry which could motivate and influence in his work that I utmost account of Neruda and in particular the "Canto General", but without saying why, because he ate the anecdotes and the search for a cardboard empathy (what this event will remember the elegant ladies who attended today?).
And as in this posting was talking (in very vague terms) of virtuality, I can not but recall the words from the race director of the UC Art, Renzo Vaccaro, who saw 20 people gathered in the room, spoke "great crowd", which in this context is no less, but overall seems a bitter joke. So, gentlemen, barbarism will continue devouring our forests. Not the mummies! Not the clowns or plants out of ideas, sitting on the toilet of his reputation! No art for a few! No ideas, or judgments, or friends, or artists, or virtual positions! Or do Balmes, which also has excellent paintings, as "Reality 24", year 65, which illustrates this posting, believes that a piece of wood smeared with mud and covered with polyethylene being changed one iota the objective conditions of social reality? The unreality is eating them alive to these things, once blessed. The worst thing is that not only do not know ... but do not know they do not know.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Gay Cruising South Nj

The wound that we have always had ... What the hell I care

The four injured
The " narcissistic wounds" of modernity as Freud are those who, in one form or another man dismounted favorite place in which he himself had set in the universe.
Chronologically they are: the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, the theory of Darwinian evolution, and exposure of the unconscious by Freud himself.

Copernicus us out of our privileged place in the world, the center of the solar system. Also dilutes the finiteness of the Aristotelian universe closed to establish a cool and quiet area filled with more questions than answers for the soul of man. Darwin
by his side that lashes out at high pedestal where we kept apart from other living creatures and inert, as semi-divine beings created in our image and likeness. Now we have no religious power to subdue and enslave the animals before we are consigned to also be mere animals, fruit of chance and climate variations.
Freud finally destroys the hidden pipes of human reason teaches us to observe as being manipulated by our own instincts unknown. We have no doubt that all our evidence alleged to be based on rational and uncontrolled passions.
A wound on our place in the world, about our origin, one on our right. However, there is a fourth wound that few recognize but that has always been there, a hidden wound that defines us in a negative and persistent. A shadow which is not to reduce or humble, but displaying our shame and lack of reflection on ourselves and the rest of the universe. That wound has no name, no character, nor is any theory that can be refuted, and I can only explain laboriously and clumsily.

The question that allows us to recognize our wound is simple: in all those infinite stars that constitute our universe will there be intelligent beings, brothers beings like us, or is it just we alone in the universe?
reflect on the possible answers:
  • We are not alone, there is at least one planet where life has sprouted like here, as a steamy infection causing all the amazing world edema.
But if on another planet life was possible, then it is not a singular event, but a repeatable pattern, boring and comfortable.
  • Or are we the only ones, there is no planet where life has its way through rotting mechanisms.
But if life on another planet has never existed, then life is a unique event that does not respond to any plan or law, is simply lost, desperate and absurd.

What occurs then is a dilemma now comprises two islands decayed by the same turbulent water and ignorance. This open our flesh wound in two and discover the nakedness of the bone, white and porous vacuum that we're done ... is to be aware that our life is carried out in the light of this miserable darkness is really scary.

The horns of the dilemma

reflect on the two horns of the dilemma.
Horn 1: Suppose first that we are unique. If we are alone then the vast universe is due to mechanisms that do not belong to us and those who do not belong. We are so unhappy organisms they eat, mate, are killed and excreted without any sense ... I remember listening to a
Once one of the most famous arguments presented in favor of the opposite idea (are not alone): " If indeed we are alone in the universe, is not it a waste of space? " ... That stupid as surprising. The universe to news accounts or what the damn economy of space (as if it were self-evident that the cosmos was decorated by a fucking minimalist). The argument claims to be religiously neutral, aims to put man in a materialistic context where evolution plays a major role and where it makes sense to terrestrial creatures because it makes them belong to a biological popular, democratic. But the argument is nothing but a miserable " should be " rationalist, a useless object that lacks both pseudorazonamiento confirmation as of honor, a desperate expression of Agalychnis, the cowardly fear our own stupidity. What a waste of space or that nonsense.

Until recently felt admiration for physicists, astronomers and cosmologists humanistic style Paraplegic Carl Sagan or that, but no thanks to the Lord my God that I trust him, and I reserve the insults because I imagine the jodiéndome people because they do not respect either the most brilliant minds of this century (as if the word "brilliant mind" was consistent readers idiots corner).

Horn 2: Suppose now that we are not alone, we are simply a manifestation of an infinite cluster of events like ourselves, the universe so full of life and intelligence. But then there is no decent human being. Creations of God?, What a god prolific promiscuous and desperate?, "Ejaculating wildly about the millions of cardinal points of the sky? ... Or are we simply a consequence of a natural law just as fertile a deity herself hopeless? Anyway, do not really understand what we expect of our existence if the cosmos is crowded minds, arms, intestines that often choke on other intestines, eyes absorbing the sap of things from eons ago. Compared to this universe of wealth and mind our own world is more than a humiliation. Compared to the rest of the cosmos we ourselves are our most shameful moral refutation.

Those are the two horns of the dilemma. That is the great wound that I wanted to find out awkwardly. How is it possible that human beings can go on pretending to ignore the cosmic drama that is hidden by a curtain of darkness. A theater that defines us as absurd or as a shame.

I, I know why, know why the man can go so commonplace and foolish. It is ignorance. Do not really know the answer to the dilemma we can pretend it does not exist, rather we are faced with a dilemma useless, false predicament that is useless and that only takes a vacant and pseudo-intelligence. That is the reason why man is not able to penetrate his own sore with your finger.

Only imagine that the human being with absolute certainty to submit a response to the dilemma that their world is over. For us to invade the absolute and despotic terror of loneliness, or shame invade us of clumsy children recognize weak, culicagados full of older brothers (or even if we found only minor, if we are more mature than what has been encountered in the pursuit of stability of matter, for that if it was not to give budge with the idea that the entire universe is nothing but a colossal shit rectal arising from the uniqueness of Nothing (what you've eaten to shit that? The one question I'm afraid but I may make a tangential reflection [1 ])) .

possible solutions lead to the same
(true cut)

But that's not all. Because I am convinced it is possible to feel disturbed without specific response to the dilemma is revealed. The reason is that whatever the answer may imply the same result: If we are alone, then the whole universe is a large arid symmetry, a large repeating pattern that has us just as vile than not it be taken into account. If, however, we are not alone the universe, then he is again a large repeating pattern, and we are just a grain of sand, a byproduct of any equation boring.
If we are alone then the universe is a repeating pattern. If we are not alone then the universe is a repeating pattern.
How are you two options spread over all possible human worlds, then this universe, no matter what happens, is the same stupidity around a pattern. A perfect circle is not capable of movement or evolution, a sketch in black and white.
probably the entire universe is only growing sick of something much more tedious, big and encompassing, a great joke very well planned ... God created the universe, the universe creates the stars, the stars create the planets, the planets generate life, the life of necessity, the need to create the meat, creating a need, the flesh and the need to create the ape, ape sharpening flint the flint creates Man, Man created God, who created the universe. One universe that has enabled the existence of the flint, which has created man. In the macrocosm God, Man and Flint are kept very busy. Semicircles of a single geometry without cause rolling downhill, and then climb. And again. Vertigo is an existential feel like vomiting.
So I do not believe in multiple varieties or illusory or creative. Products are of the passions of those who do not believe in the true blessing of meat, the sensuality. You can not feel anxious or hopeless then, in principle, has always lived in darkness. The only joy Inside I feel is that we are also repetitive in our bodies flows a voracious microscopic realm, a paradise like this one that we recycle in our death. Perhaps there are gods there, but there is this inner world, and in this world is a jungle in this world do not know, but I love, and the forest itself there and persevere. A microscopic jungle but real, not illusory or metaphorical ... Man along their days feeding on seeds, spores and dust raised from parasites with no name. Without knowing a forest has grown in his belly sick. Tigers stay there, dwelling in caves lung worm.
my jungle in the night I dive. Crawling on the leaves, and between almost human cries of agitation, I follow the path of feces thrown to the accumulation of my primates. Here comes another intelligence or does not come any. Particularly nasty details.

[1] This thought obviously hides a paradox:
If the universe was shit, then the year should have been before him. But then, where was the year before?. Well, in a meta-universe could answer, and then the new question is how did this meta-universe, and if it was screwed up the meta-universe itself, then its source must be in a meta-meta-universe and so on ad nauseam . This obviously (?) Is unacceptable.
But apart from the above logical problem, another problem is this: that each universe used as food and fucked up the previous body, generating an unimaginable nutritional degradation of matter in the cosmos.
The only possible solution to this problem is to admit that the universe itself is shit. Please do not let the metaphor-digestive physiological blots possible reasonable solution to the serious problem of the origin.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Difference Cockatoo And Parrot

happiness ... Politicorum



almost divine wisdom of Wikipedia happiness is "an emotion result of fluid neural activity in which internal and external factors interact stimulating the limbic system." From my perspective this definition of happiness is crap. Not for being wrong, but because it is perhaps correct it.

According to the definition quoted above happiness, to put it simply, is attached to activities that achieve an effective exchange of fluids of a subject with its environment. From this perspective, a beer, and removed the snot cum fall within the activities that make us happy with good reason and to the same extent. There may be other ways to define happiness seem to be determined by these physiological ridiculous, but everything is a delicious deception.

contemplate, for example, the call Maslow pyramid . According to Maslow's physiological needs are met is just the base of the pyramid of happiness. Then there are the physical and social security at a higher level of friendship and other feelings related, then the social recognition, and the narrow tip of the pyramid, self-fulfillment (just a little assholes have access to that level (correct : being assholes allowed reach that level)).

Maslow's pyramid is a testament to the idiocy of the Western discourse on happiness. Beginning because, if we are honest, the pyramid should be reversed. Its top edge should be the satisfaction of physiological needs, not the base. The other needs only serve as a springboard to meet more effectively and conveniently these primitive needs. For example, it is that human beings want to achieve recognition after it has satisfied the other, is that recognition serves generally to achieve physiological purposes more efficiently and without much difficulty.

the extent that we are animals we are only really interested in eating, drinking away the pain, a good orgasm, hopefully it will not work, and we do not fuck sleep. We're like pigs in the style of Bentham, and no way to deny it without seeming naive or stupid (sorry, correct, naive and stupid). Maslow pyramid can take your, roll, and do with it what best to help your happiness.

The pursuit of happiness in spirituality and in such antics do not work for anyone, even if it is so fashionable now. Half maybe what you get is a reversal of the drive. But as we've had to give the world only we become more attached to it. When given the importance it has, we are now more than ever the desire chains.

Then it is well charred all I can say about happiness and its possible definitions, if I've missed something let me know no more. But that's not all bad as the behavior of those who believe in this world have reached the pinnacle of happiness. Zoo monkeys deliberately mounted on top of the tree in the world with eyes and tongue loose, while heaving a great time masturbating in front of people amazed that, rather than shocked, celebrates with joy the fluid their faces fall from the heights.

not understand That I am doing an apologetics of sadness, tragedy, drama and pain. I do not defend the sadness, tragedy, drama or pain, because these feelings and events are on the same level of happiness, how to define happiness, but having their pork as opposed to its right next to reference?.


I am amazed at the way humans define happiness. But that's not all, most shocking of all is the value they place ... Happiness: The End of purposes. Please rightly the human world is so fucked. The more I reflect about the speech on happiness more I am convinced that happiness is a nasty shit we want to sell, not to mention the currency with which we paid.

live our lives by streamlining our happiness to the extent that we lose all really interesting events around us. The world happens before our eyes but we are too desperate to see him rubbing against the well and really enjoy it.

world threatens us with truths and dangers as we continue to face smiling as retarded.

The wonder, the beauty of the world is constituted in nature because it is unjust, cruel and greedy. Happiness is fully excluded from this complex organism that is the world. Only humans have built a separate kingdom where you can define themselves as happy, indulgent and healthy. Also, place where those values \u200b\u200bas the end of life. That is why every man walled buildings have the taste of the anguish and despair of one who means nothing, nothing except what he wants to mean. The dignity of man, his being free, its ability to be happy, its power to shape their own world, so the best evidence of his lack of courage, its stupidity.

Excluding the obvious: that anthropological realm of idiocy is not just a gray sand spit accident of physics, biology and history, and even look good in this place a comprehensive description of this artificial mammalian kingdom do not think it necessary ... How is it possible to live happily in this world of shit?. Only belong to the shit, settling well in his warmth. Lords and ladies, you should get the smell while you can.

What, then, from my point of view the purpose of life?. In fact, that there is no specific purpose, but if I have to bet I've opted for years to the wonder and irony, and only the latter can be achieved with some bitterness (not necessarily is synonymous with sorrow, nor contrary to happiness). What I mean is that you have some poisoned the soul to have a fair view of the world. The irony of course is activity of thought, and thinking is essentially insolent. The malparidez own sincere thought is only possible embedded in the heart of darkness ... I am speaking on this point circularities useless, so I shut up. I raise rather a greeting to the Schopenhauer secret we should all carry inside, and those who do not have that penalty, continue sticking shots in the soul happy, as my teacher . Their happiness, their complacency and stupidity exist for I can mock something in the silence of my room, so that together we help.

III some time ago I learned of a bizarre short film called Rubber Johnny of Chris Cunningham ( advise him here, that only lasts 6 min ). This excellent piece of art (this without irony) gradually has become in my mind the purest representation of human beings and their pursuit of happiness ...

We as ridiculous acquiring Rubber Johnnies happiness through the most absurd fantasies. Damn greasy slide abortions that condoms used in the multiple penises of our own stupidity. Letting the softness in our vaginas pulsating gangrenosum and dirty world that we have forged. Accompanied by our shitty big-headed dogs as dirty and worthy as us. Snorting the white powder on the silly, the ridiculous bodoquería ad nauseam ... Do not make so much noise, Johnny, who is coming god father opened the door again, the universe and you will damage the party of happiness your world of darkness. Follow torciéndote elastic so you can more easily reach your own genitals. Please Do not give up your dream of DJ Mix Dancer to all deformed paraplegic thousand worlds stool you clean up right where the produce ... But here the voice is the same Johnny Human given encouragement to himself.

If happiness is that, you can leave me bitter, then fucking tell me. I shall be delighted, and a happy smile will be my answer.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pedal Boats For Sale Mississauga

De natura ... O On the Nature of Politics (and not the latin fuck that I have invented)

brothers Oh ... I want to share an experience I had when I tried to understand the meaning of the term " Policy" and all its macaronic

derived stem ... I set a serious intellectual pursuit, brothers, about what "politics." I scanned in Greek Agora Mediterranean garlic smelling grueling that meaning. I walked the filthy streets of the French post Monsieur Guillotin rotten looking the embodiment of the insane ideas of Avantgarde Rousseau and Montesquieu . jumped as desperate as the bitter lyrics Arendt to Habermas metaphorical tomes looking for a definition, a concept, an idea, a bit of something compelling, a Unit for redemption. I entered without hope in the utilitarianism and the deflated and tautological Flojeras Foucauldian. I was amazed with Hobbes innocent and the conditional bullshit Marxism (say conditional because it is known among philosophers, to understand adequately Marx must be read with hunger. Obviously nobody says it, is a knowledge of esoteric for beginners, to put it in some way (to make it public I can get in trouble). It's easy, in fact, know when someone is preparing for a university seminar on Marx's thought, as a note to the person from one day to another disheveled, without makeup, skinny and dark circles (no chubby Marxists, the term is a contradiction in terms)).

After all these mental journeys (because it is to believe that I actually read all that vine) brothers discovered that everything was right and wrong at the same time brothers because all the concepts were different and apparently nothing could be done to reconcile . I felt in my mind all these ideas miserable as droplets splashing cold water in a horror of boiling oil.

So I had the intuition to make my own definition of "Politics", oh brothers. A definition that collects the most important part of every definition found and could be the most general and widest possible to integrate them all. But above all, that might explain the phenomenon we call with general anthropological disgrace "Politics."

I think today, rejoice reader of my brother, at last, I succeeded. The general universal definition of "Politics." There will (and do not expect a stupid joke or a pseudo-irony, dear reader, because this is serious): What is Politics? ... " Politics is all speeches and all human actions intended to prevent people from massively pulled out the guts with each other ... and when such thing happens to at least justify it and not fuck one Case. "

O brethren, the political wisdom of the West in this complex sentence summary.

From here you can also extract a definition of the term "moral" (which many mandrake, hemlock, tetrahydrocannabinol, Valium masturbating and philosophers have struggled to imagine immoral), but to do so would have to dwell, Oh brothers, and I do not want now. Should be left to ruminate mental burrito in all of us. (... And if I write long after I read that bullshit the readers). End

PS: Fuck them, they will continue to write long (and passive). Last straw, you'll see ... Right now I feel no better than the stomach.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Do Chinese Women Masterbate Alot?

BALMES Notes on "A Thousand Pieces" by James Frey

After reading "A Thousand Pieces" the American James Frey (USA, 1969) , I can not but think Alberto Fuguet (Chile, 1964) , who says that this amazing book that thanks are personally suspiciously again the way how you write, how to survive and why it survives (and writes). Or in the opportunist pen Álvaro Bisam (Chile, 1975) -also says in the back of the English version of Aguilar, who got a 2 thousand dollars in a supermarket OFERTON elephant-named publicist who spews phrases film, which may well accompany the cover of "Hostel", Tarantino's film about torture. Or in Bret Easton Ellis, author of "American Psycho", who appeals the generosity and honesty of the book, able to let the most skeptical, with tears in his eyes. And indeed so.

autobiographical novel exceeds 400 pages, EMP talks, without moralizing or self-pity, but not in a clownish (and here the fun of Bukowski cynicism does not count) , the issue of addiction and its complex deformities. James Frey, a native of Cleveland who hates people (very Hollywood cliché) and son of wealthy parents and travelers (paradigm of many drug addicts), is 23 and arrives at a prestigious center for addictions, run by former addicts, where only 14% of inmates recovering forever (the highest in the world cup) and is determined by the 12 points of Alcoholics Anonymous, to which the personal spiritual and atheist protagonist (which includes the I-Ching and a superhuman will) rebels.

The Centre, which includes psychologists, psychiatrists, lectures, tests, nature, tasks and plenty of food, James poses for a host of challenges: to reconstruct the inaccessible abyss of anger ( of which do not escape overprotective parents and presumptuously perfect), meet a girl in secret (issue banned in the center), facing the blackmail of a pair of studs, restore its organ damage (including without anesthesia ordeals should be changed some teeth and learn to eat without vomiting) and, above all, get rid of the demon of poliadicción including alcohol, pills, crack, glue, gasoline and other searches.

The challenge is titanic, and James tries with the help of his friends (a hired murderer, a judge in rehab, a former boxing champion finish, a steel worker, a person sentenced to life imprisonment, among others), the fragile Lilly (who is love), the psychologist Joanne (who becomes his protector) and parents (who attend the Family Program and react scared). Each page biography is intertwined with fragments of both the protagonist and those involved in the challenge to restore dignity, honor and health, human losses in the act of looking artificial paradises, often treacherous.

Fast-paced and sometimes creepy self-help anti-novel, EMP is one of those single-issue works but never repetitious archimanidas but never exhausting, to be read without interruption and that seem genuine epochal summit because in addition to a unique style (excluding the score accelerated all the scripts in the dialogues and many of the comma), a perfect fit and a fierce honesty, unlike self-help novels, it can help.
It anecdotal this novel-like memoir that was published after the publishers reject it as a novel, was described as fake, by some journalists who tested the exaggeration and inaccuracy of some facts. And it is anecdotal, because as memoir, literary force has 20 novels, and as a work of fiction is the truth and honesty than 20 books of memoirs. Exaltation "hero forced James Frey? Perhaps, but that's part of the game of literature, which can perfectly correct life.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Bamboo Wedding Arch How To

My Reality Show My Favorite artist

In the movie "The Matrix " can be traced to intellectual arrogant nonsense a philosophical idea as old as philosophy itself: the difference between appearance and reality.

For example, in a masterful scene Morpheus talks to Neo this:

MORPHEUS : I imagine, right now, you must be feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole?
NEO : You could say that.
MORPHEUS : I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up.
MORPHEUS : ... The Matrix is everywhere, it's all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out your window, or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
NEO : What truth?
MORPHEUS : That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyone else, was born into bondage... kept inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind.
MORPHEUS : Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.
NEO : How?
MORPHEUS : Hold out your hands. This is your last chance. After this, there is no going back.
MORPHEUS : You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe.
MORPHEUS : You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
MORPHEUS : Remember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing more.


La decisión de Neo entre la Red Pill y la Blue Pill es el fundamento mismo de la película and the whole Matrix Saga . It is the metaphysical event that allows Neo, to swallow the Red Pill exist as El Salvador of humanity and civilization of machines, is what lets you know that " T here is no Spoon "boringly with Trinity wallow in Zion, throughout history placed face" is not like that shit happens but I'm here "and unfairly kick ass twice Agent Smith (in my opinion, the real protagonist worthy of story.)

The distinction between appearance and reality reappears in everyday social life. Media inform us, but we also handle biased to select certain aspects of reality. These aspects then allow us to build a picture of what happens truncated ends overlapping the true reality. Even the film with some lack of imagination and a lot of unemployment suggests that he interpreted that way Neo- of Frankfurt.

All this seems to me stupid. Not that the media are saints, sages and objectives. My position, however, is somewhat more complex and simpler at the same time. I mean,

I sit down to watch the noon news. It is grotesque. Let's allow the forgiveness of the reader a description unnecessary: \u200b\u200bthe news headlines are typical of a tabloid desperate. The national news is pure accident, incarceration, floods, plane goes up and the president because you know what I talk crap. The international section full of intercultural and religious conflicts, wars, pedophiles, murderers and business scandals. A new planet was discovered and got three goals. The model's ass this week is equal to the model's ass last week but it does not matter because it is assumed, so that one sees and how they show it one, which serve the same (not exactly true). Today taught to make Chicken leg mushroom sauce.

It is supposed that the essence is hidden from us, not show anything significant, nothing that makes us wake up. The information is manipulated to keep us uninformed and calm like sheep. Everything seems to indicate that. But the idea seems ridiculous (I have not said that is false, but something much worse: ridiculous.)

If there is something I've discovered is that the best way is to look shocked with joy the news. I think journalists are better paid professional entertainers: clowns crier of fact, if I allow them expression. I love the artificial seriousness and serenity to say or write things. I feel that any time their faces are going to face the crisis of an unpredictable and violent laugh will laugh themselves all showing as important. I'm sure you should take painkillers and muscle relaxants to work with the professionalism with which they do, like a clown should silence his own misery in order to entertain the little ones behind (ie, all the little children who love clowns) .

The same happens with people and situations that show or TV news in general. Everything has some ludicrous and artificial, presidents always raise babies and kiss the ladies and are very human and very civilized (abject rubbish, my teacher would say). The characters are sad, very sad and without dignity, the murderers are very happy or tormented to a fault. The stars of the music seem all idiots as uniform a manner causing a sad jovial. The scenes of violence seem to correspond to a precise and well articulated script so we can appreciate all the details ... But the real surprise is that everything is happening, everything is real, because (and this is important) all pass before our eyes.

Reality Show This is delicious by the humor of his characters, the absurdity of the situations. Because if you look good all the reality (the universe) is ultimately a Reality Sho w . A great series comes to us in 24-hour episodes and seasons of 365 episodes. The dramas will follow each other at different scales. Our family, our neighbors, neighborhood, city, country, world, the Cosmos it. I think now that the interesting thing about every person I meet is measured by the extent of Reality Show the universe is conscious.

... .. "Free Ingrid or die full of shit in the jungle?, Will you be really abducted or simply one more of the FARC in cahoots to take over Colombia?. What will happen after the mandate of Chavez in Venezuela?. Will there be war with Colombia before that?. Will my mom be cured of your foot?, "Left to discuss at length the frustrated witch starting my aunts sex, will it be for someone to pity especially the frustration of my aunt Angelita?. A third term for Uribe?, I want to see it go!, It would be very entertaining all in these two terms has made me laugh a lot. Will Obama President?, "Obama the Antichrist?. What will the new book of Habakkuk, the artist's dog?. What will happen when Fidel dies ...?. Can I see the effects of global warming? ... Will there be HIV or everything is a conspiracy by drug companies, the Vatican and the conservative right?, "Will the world end?, Oh, please do not change that part of the script, I want to be there to see it all, the large mammal of the theater end of last to die ... laughing enough. Will lives the rest of the universe or we are alone, will it be the whole of the universe M is summarized in this blue dot only solar system?. Will there be aliens gray men?, What time will show me one?. The universe is infinite or expanding, or both?. Will it be possible to travel in time? ...

All problems or concerns ridiculous, stupid, exaggerated, vain and quarrelsome. The reality, no doubt, but stupid is an exciting novel that serves only to be seen and laugh at it all. Can take their moral and political value and clean the side with him ...

retrospect it's all a mess of reality, and the really interesting I'm here to see this crap. Maybe for others I am a simple actor, my role must be stupid. But, O God, grant me the wisdom not to become an actor weighed more than my existence. Give me the wisdom to shut up and listen, but do not be concerned with geese sleaze in others do. Give me the wisdom to stay in my austere role of mere observer.

I have been gratified by the stupidity of the world and have been blessed with my vision. For truly all about the eye and the eye remains in the center of it all ... The only thing important is the possibility to do with irony. So the only goal in life should be appropriate for this pointless Cheshire smile that allows one to view everything on your fair and funny place.

Having the full view of God does not help, because everything would cease to be funny. The events would be canceled each other, would still be events in the strictest sense. The vision of God would be the most boring view of this world view would not at all (thank goodness that God is blind, worse than Oedipus, and this makes an interesting subject (especially if one asks questions about who took him eyes)).

here does not matter whether we are facing a real or imaginary vision. Those things are meaningless when it comes to existential recreation. No matter if all that comes to me is a Reality Show of absurd set artificially. Before I prefer to plan everything in great detail. But if reality is my vision, then everything is in one plane, the plane of my vision, and when it can be configured by a script makes no sense to ask about the script (there is then by definition no script , manipulation of script). So it only makes sense to ask what that comes or may come to our eyes ears, and nose touch, and just maybe with our death.

So the reality is one. It's a while I see and the whole world revolves around my eye. I, the ultimate voyeur at the heart rejoices in the endless absurdities panopticon. The only thing is a non-place for me as eye as internal limit of all madness imaginable ... Yeah, yeah, yeah, there can be no greater happiness, the world has no external limits, thanks, thanks world, thanks for your infinite idiocy ...

The distinction between appearance and reality is important only for those who want to enter into play the world, who are concerned to act, to influence. All vital movement, however, should make sense only as a "better accommodate chair" because the fact is that there are many useless things and ordinary people who hinder the vision.

Is there any difference then between grab Blue Pill or Red Pill swallowed ? ... No. There is none at all. But I must say that the poor Mr Anderson, to decide (metaphysically) from one or other of the Pill could not stop meddling in world affairs, and thus could not avoid becoming a bad actor his own movie ... I For my part, I have a firm intention to quickly kick in the ribs to any "Morpheus" come to wrap for better or worse with their stupid sermon. To go with their dramas elsewhere and I did not tape my Giant Widescreen.