Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lorna Morgan 2005 Before

Kryon Message: "True Love"

Note to readers: Is the intent to be in the "NOW" in the pipeline, so that your energy can be combined with the group that was present at the time of it.

Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown

January 26, 2010 - Cape Town, South Africa


Translation: Jairo Rodríguez R. (Edit: Anita Manasse)

Greetings Dear Ones I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

is wonderful to be with you again, because much has changed since the last time we made a referral for you and there are many more big changes in the air for Love and Earth are now in a serious proposition. Are reaching many

changes and many new energy coming, and you'll be releasing a lot of energy that no longer serve you. You might be getting closer and closer with each passing day, in South Africa, not the World Cup 2010 and football, but a new era begins 2012. A new era that is based on the energies of Love

powerful hierarchies will begin, and have already begun to collapse. You can see that the global banking system, is demanding ethics and ethics comes into existence. The bankers are here to serve the people allow money to flow where it should flow, and its pockets are partially included in this equation, but not to the degree that they think they should be. Slowly but surely, the world's governments will begin to hold these men who are living this path of adventure and are not allowing money and love flow from those who generate them. When energy is introduced into the life of someone, then that energy must be received. If for some reason this energy is flowing where it should be, things will change and this will cause suffering, pain and difficulties.

these difficulties arise from the Phoenix will come a new energy, energy that will bring more and more ethical in the world of money and banking world. The money is needed on Planet Earth, as are the days of barter. It takes a freer flow and easier to love and money to let the Divine work is made, and the Divine work begins with those who created money first. Engineers, craftsmen, men who work with their hands, men who build society and men who create a loving and stable family life, creating a special place on this earth for their wives and children. Of course you need social justice and social world, but the power and wealth should be distributed more evenly and be allowed to flow into the hearts of those who worked for them.

Dear, is getting a new world, a more equitable and egalitarian world where love will flow into the right places where love is the response, the alpha and omega, because slowly but surely, we have said repeatedly in previous pipeline, people are getting closer and closer to enlightenment, in numbers never seen before. By 2012, 144,000 people will be of Christ Consciousness, illuminated and perhaps even higher consciousness not yet known on this planet. Is reaching a new world, a new dawn is emerging, a new ethical and loving world is coming. A new hierarchy and new leadership are coming, call it a new world order. There is constituted by those in power at this time. Some of them survive this shock, because some of them are on the side of the Divine and accept that love and consciousness to flow through their families and their businesses, and through their world. But those hierarchies that are not in the Divine order will feel the stresses of the flow of these new energies through their businesses, lives and families, and they have the option of entering this new energy or fight it, only allowing Love to flow or not. Many businesses will begin to disintegrate, because the love and true understanding of our psyche and our human nature to be understood by the masses, and the seed is sown in them. Things will change dramatically on this Earth.

that the event is set to become easier and easier. As billions of dollars were handed over to the bankers, billions of dollars will flow back to where they need to flow. The money is being handled and cornered, and this will happen no more as time passes. The money will become like a river flowing. Rain falls steadily over the mountains and streams and rivers flow ever. Increasingly, the money will no longer be an object, once the ethical flow into the banking system, once that working people are not paying so much tax and interest on their loans, and when there is just the right amount for manufacturing. You can no longer be a matter of ego or power. Divinity must flow through the manufacturing and banking worlds, and throughout the industrialized world, so that those who need to obtain, and those who wish to obtain and that those who need some kind of work, get that kind of work. The world will not be hijacked by those who do all the manufactures and get all the money. The world can no longer be so. The money will flow to where the responsibility is assumed. Human genetics is changing, new energies are flowing towards the man, and man is changing, becoming more and more conscious, more and more open, loving and caring. When the 144,000 men and women reach their conscience enlightened and bring your consciousness to the Earth, this new awareness will flow through everyone. People are like sponges will be like a stage with 100 monkeys. Once the 144,000 to bring new awareness, you can expect to flow wave after wave after wave of light through each and every culture tribe living on this planet. Each culture will have something special to bring to this earth, will bring a special world, new ideas and innovations, new ways of power free power, free energy. This earthly plane is full of energy where ye seek is energy is energy flow.

Dear, we bring a new world of love and charisma. Not going to tell you how to look the world, that is your job and your dream, but people who have power are those who have healed his inner child and inner parents, their past and their ancestors, and they will be those with the power to dream and create their dreams. What exactly is happening is that any demonstration by negative forces and begin to diminish in the years to come to an end. It will not be acceptable to the earth plane to live in the dark. The plane earth enter into the light, there will be opportunities for new religions and a new power base for these religions. The power will be distributed more evenly throughout the world and the new religions will carry the new consciousness and new energies.

ask you close your eyes and go within, and we ask that you view Mother Earth beneath your feet and see a beautiful pink heart in the heart of Mother Earth. Just watch the heart beat of Mother Earth and feel your own heart beating, allow yourself to descend to the beautiful pink heart of Mother Earth and feel supported by a strong pair of beautiful pink hands on the heart of Mother Earth.

Allow yourself to be sustained and be loved, and let your heart be synchronized with the pulse of Mother Earth and allow yourself to connect more and more deeply to the heart of Mother Earth.

Drop deeper and deeper into your body and allows this deep, deep connection, meaningful connection to Mother Earth and feel this deep pink light surrounding you, and imagine yourself as a sponge absorbing and soaking up the beautiful Energy Pink Mother, and allows this energy to energize your own energy mother, your mother Internal, and let it turn more and stronger your connection with Mother Earth. Imagine the moon orbiting the Earth Mother and feel their energy as it moves around Mother Earth, just feel it. Let your femininity is connected and synchronized with the movement of the Moon around the Earth.

Both men and women are feminine cycles, obviously men are not the same extent that women, who feel that much stronger. Feel the love of Mother Earth and synchronicity, and what the timing means to you, because this is how Mother Nature shows you who you are, allowing you to see the planets and the Sun and the Moon. You are also a reflection of the universe.

Accepts a connection to the heart of the Great Central Sun. In the center of the Great Central Sun Fluorescent imagine a beautiful heart, because as much as you love your mother, your father loves you too. Allow this energy to the Sky Father and the heart of the Great Central Sun to flow through your crown chakra, through your third eye, through your throat, through your heart through your solar plexus chakra to your sacrum, through the root chakra and is connected with the heart of Mother Earth. Feel the relationship between Mother Earth and the Moon and the heart of the Great Central Sun and allow your body feels. Become relationship. Saturate this relationship and allows your body copy this link between the heart of the Great Central Sun and Mother Earth. As the Great Central Sun Father, Earth Mother, Moon's daughter. Feel the connection and energy. Feel oneness. Feel the love flowing between the father and mother, and feel the acceptance and support of Father Sky and Mother Earth. Feel how the mother is held by Father Sun

Allow your body to adjust to these energies. Allow your body to flow the way it is intended to do so. Dedicate time to allow this to happen, let your guides come in and be close to your side, and let them help, assist, to accept that this energy is transformed and transposed, and change. Let the truth passes through your body and accepts a reconnection to the heart of the Great Central Sun and from the heart of Mother Earth. Let your inner father and your mother get this internal energy internal healing and let love flow, because at this moment love begins to flow.

True Love is the energy that we bring you today, the powers of true love between mother and father. Let this energy flow, allowing the love flow, and accept a deep and meaningful inner connection with all aspects of you that have not been connected. Allow them to reconnect as you become more and more secure, and allows your inner mother and father heal internal. Recognizes all the negative patterns in your past behavior and let them come, then let go. The more you heal your mother, you are more connected to the earth, and the more healthy your father, the greater your connection with the heart of the Great Central Sun, and this creates greater security for the inner child heal and respond.

's getting a new love, an energy of pure love, pure joy pure connectivity. A Love that you feel absolutely safe and secure, a love that belongs to you, love through your crown chakra and through your whole body, through all your chakras connecting with Mother Earth and love flowing for you from Mother Earth through all your chakras and connects to the heart of the Great Central Sun. Allow yourself to observe the flow of these energies and allow them to merge as they enter your body through the base and crown chakras ... and we ask you to locate your consciousness deep within your pelvis, and just see how it looks ... and watch your Kundalini, because when these new energies to flow through you, your Kundalini begin to rise as two snakes, two friendly snakes that are full of knowledge and wisdom that will prevent them from collapsing into the absurd, because this earthly plane has no real use for difficult situations, was never created to make this happen. The earth plane was created for the course, and evolve (evolve) is love (love) spelled backwards, and love (love) written forward. It was created as a place to love and now has become a place where one has to face many adverse situations.

While we help you rebuild your energy, we begin to plug the holes in your masculine energies, because your masculine energies collapse if the adversity is too powerful and overwhelming. Men, for example, have fought in wars, do not have the same kind masculine energy of someone who comes from an enlightened family, because men who fight in wars become hard and brittle. This is not the true nature of masculinity. Masculinity is smooth and powerful and supportive, as the banks of the river that are there para guiar la femineidad.

Esta serie de meditaciones y canalizaciones es para sanar lo masculino, de tal manera que lo masculino pueda sostener el flujo de lo femenino, para permitir que la femenina se sienta segura y a salvo mientras fluye. Tenemos que ser muy cuidadosos con el uso de "masculino" y "femenina", porque en verdad hay un masculino y una femenina que pueden fluír juntos, que se pueden fundir y crear vida. Algo tiene que mantener juntas a estas dos energías para permitirles fluír y ser guiadas hacia dónde pueden mezclarse y fundirse y fusionarse. Donde se mezclan es en el segundo chakra sacro. Y de allí es de donde proviene toda la creación, ya sea de un carro nuevo o de a new baby, occurs in the same place, there are the creation and procreation. The stronger your male best can hold your female, you are a man or woman makes no difference. Both men and women create. When we reached the topic of children and impressions, there is a difference because the mother is meant to be there to care for children, and the father is meant to be there to see that the needs of children and mothers are satisfied. When the mother's needs are met, then she can give children the motherly love and energy they need.

Father's World is competitive and is not easy, it competes with other men in the world. They compete for business rates, and they compete for many things, and it confronts man against man. This is never supportive or is in integrity with the Divine. It is the world envisioned Divine. This will not be the world after 2012. Will require an integration period to change things, and also the interrelationships between men must become more honest and ethical.

People need more time to raise their families and need more time to make them feel safe and secure and loved on this earth. Because two horrible world wars in the last century, there is much off with the divine, and this disconnect must begin to change. In these channels you're helping to reconnect with the Divine, to reconnect with Mother Earth and bring that energy paternal loving and safe maternal and bring that energy security and love to your world, your inner child can develop and grow into your true self and into a whole new world.

We are asking you today, today, let those parts of you that are disconnected, reconnect and start loving again accept integration with your world. There are many gifts in these dark spaces that we are asking you to observe and reconnect. Let the darkness go, to become more loving, conscious and connected.

Love This is a very gentle and kind, gentle, loving, gentle love that will flow through your body and reconnect those dark places, those traumatized areas of your life. These energies will heal these areas, and are the energies of sacred embrace. Agrees to be loved and embraced by the Divine, and feel this love all around you and feel your connection with your spiritual guides. Feel your second chakra, felt male and female energies to be channeled through your second chakra, mixing, blending as it moves through this chakra and allowing your Kundalini vibrate and energize. Once your Kundalini begins to energize, you can expect big changes in your life, you can expect to feel much more secure, safe and loved. Let your Kundalini is reconnected and rises in a smooth and gentle. It's taken a long time to get to a place where you can let your Kundalini is activated and rises. Take it quietly, do it slowly, step by step, because every day will get stronger and stronger, he will also participate in your journey towards unity, in your journey toward love, toward connectivity, to become that child ca-magic mine for that magical path between Heaven and Earth. We use the word "magic" with the greatest reverence for the Divine. The Kundalini will dissolve feelings, and energize your inner magician.

to your inner magician loves to operate in the dark spaces, bring light into those dark spaces, to heal the fears and let go, to make it much easier for you to connect and enter a sacred space. A sacred space of love. Even when the energies of men and women are going through the second chakra, this is not a sexual love, is a divine love. Is allowing the Divine to create your world through you, creating a world of love and kind, a human at a time.

is very important to let all problems with your father and Father Sky to surface, your father is the sun that has phenomenal amounts of energy, and you want that energy to you. Want your solar connection, want to be connected with the Sun to have that energy flowing through you to your dream, creating and manifesting your dreams.

Leave your crown chakra opens like a lotus flower, and let it see the sun, and let it absorb the rays of the sun ... all rays you can see and all the rays you can not see. Allow yourself to be energized, loving, kind and free. Your inner mother will benefit greatly by allowing your crown chakra to open and expand and connect with the heart of the Great Central Sun. She will also feel safe, protected and sustained, and begin to respond in a nourishing, loving woman to the child you are. She'll let you be nurtured and grow into your authentic self, exactly who you are meant to be. It's like you're letting the outside solar system became the solar system inside.

Dear, you are love, and the seed is germinating within you is like any other seed, knows everything there is to know about everything. Slowly but surely take you to all that knowledge and become love, truth and a divine manifesting in your own right.

you well and God bless. Kryon'm retiring. Thanks.

Copyright © David Brown.


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