Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sample Car Accident Settlement Agreement Letter


In Bicentennial last Monday May 17, held the Conference on International Arbitration and Arbitration of Consumer Affairs, conceived, designed and made by the team led by Dr. Lidia Garrido Cordobera.

This activity has been realized in the framework of the activities of the Seminar on the Problems of Corruption in the society, under the direction of Researchers, Professors Drs Ana Lidia Garrido and Kunz, and coordinated by Professors Drs. Sebastian Barocelli and Walter Krieger, who together with Secretary of the Seminar, Dr. Joseph Paul Di Iorio, have accompanied the initiative of Dr. Garrido from the beginning, as this conference was just an idea, just a possibility, a project that later became a successful reality last Monday May 17, 2010, from 19:00 pm.

The conference was attended by professors of the Faculty and other public and private universities as well as of teachers recognized nationally and internationally. In this regard, it should be mentioned that the Conference has had the participation as exhibitors at the Dr. Laura Gazquez, and Drs. Eugenio Domingo Bello Janeiro and Llamas Pombo, who were due to Dr. Lidia Garrido Cordobera previously received in his office by Mr. Dean of the Faculty, Professor Dr. Alberto Bueres.
In this sense, since the seminar, we emphasize the special collaboration of the Institute Gioja, the Department of Communications, the Publications Division and the Authority of this House of Studies for the completion of this activity as well as to all teachers not teachers and friends that accompanied this event, working toward a Better School and contributing positively to the success of the Conference!

hope we continue, Using Contracts!


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