Sunday, March 28, 2010

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Message from Christ Michael: "Confirming"

Alexiis, March 27 , 2010

Beloved masters are four and five in the afternoon and I have the great feeling that there is another message that I have received, so take advantage and now I'm recording with the computer again. 'm Waiting. . . .

Please Teacher, I have lying head back very strong names, which of you is that I want to talk? . . . .

Christ Michael, Alexiis and come in a bit part to reconfirm what has been said previously part of Esu or Yeshua as you call it and also elsewhere.

The first contacts are real, are occurring, even if you do not read any of this either in the newspapers and on their news. Do not discard, do not make the mistake of saying all this is fantasy of someone, which you in some way to discredit, and there are those who are discredited.

No matter, we know and we know who each of you, so here I come to say that there is really first contact and were not massive because all humanity is not prepared for a mass contact, so now we have decided to these initial contacts alternately in one or the other side.

The clock is ticking, Mother Earth is very mobilized and we must be ready to act.

I can not say you have an evacuation or proceed. All I can ask the lightworkers and all mankind that is attentive not be overcome by fear or by fear of what lies ahead.

big changes are coming, this was known and knew it was coming when it occurs. Those moments for you can mean weeks or even one day could mean.

no time for us, we live from moment to moment evaluating the various potential and that's what I want you to take into account. The potential change, change from second to second, not that we change and do not think that is the darkness that change. Are the internal movements of Mother Earth that occur and must occur because she has to do their purification in order to ascend.

So today this short message is to confirm what they received elsewhere. Are producing the first contacts. Be happy those who are willing to go ahead with Mother Earth and others think a bit and discuss the situation.

Ojala still wake up in time to take appropriate action. Most do not come to communicate today, was simply the confirmation of what is happening.

He speaks Alexiis Christ Michael and thanks for being willing now again to receive, because not all morning, one might say, do not you dare to connect with us. No matter, it is time yet and I have used.

I send all my love again and still sleeping, wake up my dear children, wake up please.


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